BW/BW2 New Pokemon Emonga

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ManhattanTheStarr said:
HEY. It's not just a koala... it's a BROCCOLI koala.
Seriously, I wasn't thrilled either. u_u

ROFL BROCCOLI KOALA! So true! Yeah, they could have done better with a Koala based pokemon.
mijumarulover said:
Shikijika is Normal/Grass its ability is Chlorophyll
Shikijika’s appearance changes with the season. Spring: Pink / Summer: Green / Fall: Orange / Winter: Unknown
Shell Blade base power: 75, 95% acc, 10PP [Physical] Chance of lowering defense
Possible new pokemon: Basurao
Part Grass type? Cool! I had a feeling Shikijika would be part Grass.
Thanks for posting. :)
TheDarkLucario said:
He could be eating, being mugged, shopping, digging for info, HAVING A LIFE!!!, sightseeing, you know... the stuff nobody else does :p

Yeah when I was banned I promised myself too have more of a outside life so i limit myself on the beach.
rockinpikachu said:
Yeah when I was banned I promised myself too have more of a outside life so i limit myself on the beach.

i believe the flying rat(lol) is real
im kinda if on the ball but who knows anythings poss.
I make fun of the ability static. it just says "hey, touch me and i'll paralyze u, fool!"
Ontopic: Wait what's the topic again?
Tarazuma said:
Also, there is no official confirmation that the pink fish is a luvdisc evo just FYI for everyone

You can't honestly be serious.... WE HAVE THE BACKSPRITE.


It does LOOK like Pachirisu:

Color: Nope
Type: Nope
Shape: Nope [wings]
Face: Yes [kinda]
Tail: Nope
Ears: Nope
Design: Nope
Mouth: Nope [NO TEETH]
Spikes: Nope

8 Nopes and 1 Yes :/
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