Pipotchi said:
Ho-oh would be a great addition to Dragonite decks but from my knowledge, isnt Ho-oh rotating out?
Yes, Ho-oh EX, from Dragon's Exalted, is sadly being rotated out.
Pipotchi said:
A lot of decks are going to be running special energy now (especially with rising fist), so I think there could be some sort of strength in a Tyrantrum deck that also uses special energy Drifblim which deals more damage the more special energy is in their discard
Not a bad idea. I could see this being played, but probably not to great success simply because of the deck's reliance on either Jaw Fossil or Fossil Researcher - Jaw Fossil being bad because it is hard to pull off, and while Fossil Researcher is much better, it is also your supporter for the turn.
stormESP said:
opinions on politoed family / magmortar-electivire decks? wich one is going to be "better"? other decks besides fighting type from FIF? I want to make a new deck on ptcgo once FIF is released (hopefully next week)
Well, Politoed is going to be the better deck choice by far. Magmortar does offer a high damage output, but it requires a lot of energy, meaning you will need energy acceleration. Politoed has a natural, built-in energy acceleration with it's ability. Magmortar/Electrivire will be easier to set up, but I can see Poli decks doing better because of their access to energy acceleration and the power the deck can dish out. For me, the choice would be Politoed.
QUICK EDIT: Ok, so another deck I noticed people building from FF cards was the Blaziken deck. This deck is extremely underrated right now. For 2 Fire and 2 Colorless, Blaziken does 150 to one of your opponent's Pokemon, then you must discard any two energy from Blaziken. Some things to note from this: Blaziken can easily bench snipe, and after attakcking, he can discard a colorless energy, attach another the next turn, and go again. If you supplement in muscle band, he hits 170, which KOs several EXs, and almost all non-EXs.
Here is the decklist I saw being used (I didn't get to see the entire deck, only abour 35-40 cards of it, so I'm supplementing the unknown cards for common supporters/trainers) -
Pokemon - 16
x4 Torchic FIF
x4 Blaziken FIF
x3 Litleo FF
x3 Pyroar FF
x2 Seismitoad EX
Trainers - 30
x4 Professor Juniper
x4 N
x4 Skyla
x2 Colress
x2 Blacksmith
x3 Switch
x3 Ultra Ball
x3 Muscle Band
x4 Rare Candy
x1 Sacred Ash
Energy - 14
x4 DCE
x10 Fire Energy
Okay, so that covers it. Just thought I'd share this with you all too. Any opinions of this deck? Let's hear what you all have to say!
EDIT #2 - I suppose I should mention which cards I added. I added (these were the cards I did not see in the deck, as I only saw around 3/5 of the deck)
x2 Professor Juniper
x3 N
x1 Skyla
x2 Rare Candy
X2 Blaziken
x1 DCE
x3 Switch
Remember don't provide possible changes to the list. That's what the decklist is for
. ~Camoclone