New strats?

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z-man said:
Guys... this is to help the forum change. the strats are going to start articles soon, and start a tcg school to help fix the n00b problem. The experts are doing a video game school to fix the n00b problem as well... as for c-m, KG, and amt: they are just little stars growing up.
Btw guys, I chose the strats with help from amt and WPM. :O

LOL so did you choose me or did they? I'm happy to be able to help in any way possible. Also I'm sorry as i tend to be very enthusiastic about these kind of things.
SOM, I chose you because you seem to have an amazing record. Riku... I chose you because you seem to know what you are doing. :p To tell you the truth, I just tossed a bunch of competent names in a hat to decide who would be the last strat, and you came up first :p
Spirit Of Mew said:
That really makes me feel special. LOL Thanks for picking me though.

Don't get too cocky, kid :F. Your record may be amazing now, but there's still Nats, where I will get 5th place (T4 is way too good for me :p)

Congrats, though, everyone. Geeze, after all the trade council memebrs are chosen, we'll have

10-12 Strats
6 S-Mods
3 Mods
4-7 Trade Council members
6-8 Experts

That's over 30 staff members on PB :O
Lol, ever see Castablanca?? It's a line from that movie -_-. It's a funny metaphor :p.
Ahh, it's a 50-60's movie :p.

Ryne, you better write a kick donkey article :D. Jk jk jk. But I still expect great things from you.... great things indeed... :O
Okay, so why are people like Smacktack and Dendro not strats anymore =/?
Smacktack was VERY active...

The experts?? But, why? The Beach acadamy's semester 2 is still supposed to happen... than possibly semester 3 than 4 and so on...
Maybe they didn't wanna be Staretgists anymore or something. But...ya, even Spoon and Pory say the current Expert's activity will be down 110% in 3 weeks to a Month.
And NOW Lou Cypher's a strat. I tell ya', this is getting confusing 0_0
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