New strats?

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Wait, that's

And Red-whatever

And we have 4 new strats. Does that mean there's one left to be chosen :O? Or does it just mean those 5 haven't been active and can't be strats anymore?
As much as I want to become a strategist, I probably won't become one unless people request me or some crazy miracle happens. Anyways, I know that this is the wrong place or not the right place to do it, but I would like to request somebody. I would like to request Sylar. He is a great friend both on Beach and in real life, but that is not all. He is a great deck builder, loves to help people out, he is very intelligent, a very active member on Beach, and although he may not have the best reputation, he still deserves that spot seeing as how hard he works. :D Mods if you are reading this, please give him a chance. :D
Heh... If I chose any more new strats, I'll keep that in mind. If anyone here would like to recommend someone, feel free, but I will ignore your recommendation if its one for yourself. Be selfless sometimes ;)
Wow, thanks, Brandon :). Lol, I want to suggest pika2 for the position. He's smart, good at writing, and very nice =]
If I am not going to become one why try, considering nobody is going to request me anyways. So why not help out a friend instead. :/
UchihaBlood said:
If I am not going to become one why try, considering nobody is going to request me anyways. So why not help out a friend instead. :/

Someone may request you, Brandon. I just chose Matt because he has been to a few more tournaments than you, and has a slightly better record :). Besides, it's not like being a stratagist is everything in the world. This game was invented for one reason only: To spend money on cards and make other people richer To have fun :D
Very funny Chris. And I understand it is not the world but it sure would be cool to be one. :/
Aboslutely, of course it would be. Heck, getting $5 right now so I would be that much closer to a 59 white Les Paul guitar would be cool, but there of course are more important things (kinda of...grrr, do I want that les paul >:[)

Erm, let's get back on track. Congrats, again, Lou, for being a strat, AGAIN :D!
If I were to request someone it would be pika2 we are running a team together and he even came up with the same idea as me on the same day for a deck that we made together that ended up winning a cities and getting top eight at states.

He is very smart and is an awsome writer so that's my pick.
I think it's because z-man requested that we request people :p.
The members who picked the strats are so smart.

And yes, the most smartest choice was LC. (I'm not being sarcastic with this, he's the only smart choice the pickers have made.) No offense to the rest tho.
Ka'Mewie:- said:
The members who picked the strats are so smart.

And yes, the most smartest choice was LC. (I'm not being sarcastic with this, he's the only smart choice the pickers have made.) No offense to the rest tho.

That's just mean. :( The strats are all well qualified.
Ka'Mewie:- said:
The members who picked the strats are so smart.

And yes, the most smartest choice was LC. (I'm not being sarcastic with this, he's the only smart choice the pickers have made.) No offense to the rest tho.

Yah, that's not nice. Er..don't flame?
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