ORAS New Teams for Gym Leaders / Elite Four

When it comes to Gym Leader teams, I'm fine with the leaders keeping their Emerald teams, for the most part. Mainly, I'd just like to see Tate and Liza have a female Gardevoir and a Gallade in their gym team instead of Claydol and Xatu, but that's my only change.

When it comes to the E4, I do have some minor additions. Phoebe's team needs a MAJOR overhaul; I always felt it was restricted by the generation's technological limitations, which are no longer an issue. If nothing else, I hope the star of her show will be a Dusknoir. Glacia had the same problem, but an obvious fix would be to simply include Froslass in her team to replace the second Glalie. One or both Sealeo could be replaced by pretty much anything else, but I would go for either a Mamoswine, Aurorus, or Glaceon.

That all said, I just hope they keep Wallace as the last Gym leader and Steven as Champion.... Two water-specialists so close together in Emerald was rather repetitive. If Wallace is a leader, I hope they put Huntail and Gorebyss on his team instead of Sealeo and Seaking.
First 2 gym leaders rematch team with moveslists included!
Roxannes rematch team
Golem level 76(Earthquake,Stealth Rock,Rock Slide,Protect)
Tyrantrum level 76(Crunch,Dragon Pulse,Stomp,Stone Edge)
Aerodactyl level 77 with Aerodactylite(Fire Fang,Smack Down,Agility,Ice Fang)
Kabutops level 77(Ancient Power,Hone Claws,Night Slash,Surf)
Gigalith level 78(Sandstorm,Stone Edge,Toxic,Explosion)
Probopass level 80(Flash Cannon,Stone Edge,Thunder,Rest)

Brawlys rematch team
Primeape level 76(Final Gambit,Cross Chop,Bulk Up,Dig)
Throh level 76(Circle Throw,Storm Throw,Bulk Up,Protect)
Lucario level 77 with Lucarionite(Bulk Up,Aura Sphere,Close Combat,Bone Rush)
Pangoro level 77(Sky Uppercut,Low Sweep,Entrainment,Vital Throw)
Emboar level 78(Flamethrower,Arm Thrust,Head Smash,Facade)
Hariyama level 80(Heavy Slam,Close Combat,Poison Jab,Focus Blast)

P.S:if theres challebge mode again and its on challenge mode,Tyrantrum and Primeape will hopefully be replaced by Regirock and Virizion,respectively.
Regirock Moveset:Stone Edge,Zap Cannon,Protect,Rock Slide
Virizion Moveset:Sacred Sword,Leaf Blade,Grass Knot,Rest)
Regirock and Virizion are at level 76
wattson and flannery rematch lists+moves
Wattsons rematch team
Rotom-Mow level 76(Leaf Storm,Thunderbolt,Hex,Thunder Wave)
Electrode level 76(Explosion,Thunderbolt,Eerie Impulse,Light Screen)
Ampharos level 77 with Ampharosite(Thunder,Thunderbolt,Protect,Charge Beam)
Heliolisk level 77(Thunderbolt,Parabolic Charge,Hidden Power Grass,Toxic)
Zebstrika level 78(Volt Switch,Flame Charge,Thunderbolt,Agility)
Manectric level 80(Thunder,Electric Terrain,Fire Fang,Snarl)

Flannerys rematch team
Darmanitan level 76(Fire Punch,Psychic,Incinerate,Hammer Arm)
Delphox level 76(Mystical Fire,Switcheroo,Solar Beam,Will-o-Wisp)
Charizard level 77 with Charizardite Y(Fly,Flamethrower,Wing Attack,Dragon Claw)
Pyroar level 77(Noble Roar,Crunch,Fire Fang,Dig)
Magmortar level 78(Sunny Day,Fire Blast,Solar Beam,Psychic)
Torkoal level 80(Fire Blast,Protect,Toxic,Stone Edge)

P.S:if there is challenge mode rotom-mow and delphox will be replaced by zapdos and reshiram,respectively.
Zapdos Moveset:Thunder,Fly,Thunderbolt,Protect
Reshiram Moveset:Blue Flare,Fusion Flare,DragonBreath,Fly
Zapdos and Reshiram are at level 76
norman and winonas rematch teams
Normans rematch team
Zangoose level 76(X-Scissor,Hone Claws,Crush Claw,Return)
Swellow level 76(Aerial Ace,Air Slash,Toxic,Facade)
Kangashkhan level 77 with kangashkhanite(Dizzy Punch,Roar,Sucker Punch,Rock Tomb)
Diggersby level 77(Dig,Grass Knot,Earthquake,Bulk Up)
Braviary level 78(Air Slash,Brave Bird,Steel Wing,Whirlwind)
Slaking level 80(Rest,Chip Away,Smack Down,Quash)

Winonas Rematch Team
Mandibuzz level 76(Roost,Whirlwind,Dark Pulse,Brave Bird)
Noivern level 76(Boomburst,Dragon Pulse,Fly,Protect)
Aerodactyl level 77 with Aerodactylite(Sky Drop,Dragon Claw,Ice Fang,Aerial Ace)
Xatu level 77(Psychic,Reflect,Fly,Aerial Ace)
Yanmega level 78(Ancient Power,Bug Buzz,Psychic,Detect)
Altaria level 80(Dragon Pulse,Fly,Cotton Guard,Rest)

P.S:If challenge mode is on and is reintroduced Zangoose and Mandibuzz will be replaced by Regigigas level 76 and Ho-Oh level 76,respectively.
Regigigas level 76(Crush Grip,Heavy Slam,Confuse Ray,Giga Impact)
Ho-oh level 76(Sacred Fire,Sunny Day,Fly,Flamethrower)
Truthfully i hope their team dont drastically change since that is what represent them and hoenn is kinda far away from others
Im going to do storyline teams for the elite four
Sidneys team
Shiftry level 48(Sunny Day,Solarbeam,Leaf Tornado,Faint Attack)Ability:Chlorophyll
Pangoro level 48(Crunch,Parting Shot,Dragon Claw,Body Slam)Ability:Mold Breaker
Sableye level 49(Confuse Ray,Knock Off,Shadow Claw,Incinerate)Ability:Keen Eye
Krookodile level 49(Sandstorm,Crunch,Swagger,Earthquake)Ability:Moxie
Absol level 51(Sucker Punch,Psycho Cut,Swords Dance,Toxic)Ability:Super Luck

Phoebes team
Banette level 50(Shadow Ball,Sucker Punch,Snatch,Thief)Ability:Frisk
Trevenant level 50(Wood Hammer,Phantom Force,Reflect,Psychic)Ability:Natural Cure
Shedinja level 51(Grudge,Shadow Sneak,Phantom Force,Aerial Ace)Ability:Wonder Guard
Mismagius level 51(Psywave,Phantom Force,Psychic,Thunderbolt)Ability:Levitate
Dusknoir level 53(Fire Punch,Thunder Punch,Ice Punch,Confuse Ray)Ability:pressure

Glacias team
Glalie level 52(Blizzard,Hail,Crunch,Taunt)Ability:Ice Body
Avalugg level 52(Recover,Blizzard,Ice Beam,Giga Impact)Ability:Own Tempo
Dewgong level 53(Aqua Tail,Rain Dance,Blizzard,Aqua Ring)Ability:Hydration
Vanilluxe level 53(Mist,Hail,Ice Beam,Acid Armor)Ability:Ice Body
Walrein level 55(Surf,Frost Breath,Blizzard,Swagger)Ability:Thick Fat

Drakes team
Altaria level 53(Sky Attack,Dragon Pulse,Cotton Guard,Confide)Ability:Natural Cure
Tyrantrum level 53(Crunch,Dragon Claw,Charm,Thrash)Ability:Strong Jaw
Kingdra level 54(Hydro Pump,Dragon Dance,Scald,Brine)Ability:Sniper
Druddigon level 54(Dragon Tail,Night Slash,Dragon Claw,Chip Away)Ability:Rough Skin
Salamence level 56(Fly,Dragon Breath,Dragon Claw,Earthquake)Ability:Intimidate
Storyline Gym Leader Teams
Roxannes team
Geodude level 13(Rollout,Rock Polish,Smack Down,Defense Curl)Ability:Rock Head
Lileep level 13(Smack Down,Acid,Constrict,Astonish)Ability:Suction Cups
Nosepass level 15(Smack Down,Rock Throw,Block,Harden)Ability:Sturdy

You get TM23:Smack Down after you win

Brawlys team
Mankey level 18(Bulk Up,Seismic Toss,Karate Chop,Fury Swipes)Ability:Vital Spirit
Riolu level 18(Force Palm,Bulk Up,Feint,Endure)Ability:Steadfast
Makuhita level 20(Bulk Up,Knock Off,Vital Throw,Whirlwind)Ability:Guts

You Get TM08:Bulk Up after you win

Wattsons team
Pikachu level 23(Nuzzle,Charge Beam,Double Team,Electro Ball)Ability:Static
Helioptile level 23(Charge Beam,Razor Wind,Charge,Mud-Slap)Ability:Sand Veil
Manectric level 25(Charge Beam,Spark,Howl,Thunder Wave)Ability:Lightningrod

You get TM57:Charge Beam after you win

Flannerys team
Vulpix level 31(Incinerate,Payback,Hex,Will-O-Wisp)Ability:Flash Fire
Larvesta level 31(Incinerate,Flame Charge,Take Down,Leech Life)Ability:Flame Body
Slugma level 31(Incinerate,Ancient Power,Flame Burst,Ember)Ability:Magma Armor
Camerupt level 33(Incinerate,Rock Slide,Lava Plume,Curse)Ability:Solid Rock

You get TM59:Incinerate after you win

Normans team
Persian level 35(Power Gem,Swift,Echoed Voice,Taunt)Ability:Limber
Linoone level 35(Echoed Voice,Covet,Fury Swipes,Headbutt)Ability:Gluttony
Unfezant level 35(Echoed Voice,Air Slash,Detect,Air Cutter)Ability:Big Pecks
Slaking level 37(Chip Away,Covet,Amnesia,Slack Off)Ability:Truant

You get TM49:Echoed Voice after you win

Winonas team
Ninjask level 39(Aerial Ace,Agility,Swords Dance,Slash)Ability:Speed Boost
Hawlucha level 39(Aerial Ace,Flying Press,Endeavor,Karate Chop)Ability:Limber
Gligar level 39(Screech,Aerial Ace,U-Turn,Slash)Ability:Hyper Cutter
Altaria level 41(Dragon Breath,Aerial Ace,Dragon Dance,Refresh)Ability:Natural Cure

You get TM40:Aerial Ace after you win

Liza and Tates team
Lizas team
Swoobat level 44(Psyshock,Heart Stamp,Air Slash,Fly)Ability:Klutz
Girafarig level 44(Psyshock,Zen Headbutt,Double Hit,Assurance)Ability:Early Bird
Solrock level 46(Psyshock,Solar Beam,Psychic,Cosmic Power)Ability:Levitate
Tates team
Xatu level 44(Psyshock,Future Sight,Psycho Shift,Tailwind)Ability:Early Bird
Beeheeyem level 44(Psyshock,Psychic,Zen Headbutt,Simple Beam)Ability:Telepathy
Lunatone level 46(Psyshock,Future Sight,Cosmic Power,Stone Edge)Ability:Levitate

You get TM03:psyshock after you win

Wallaces team
Octillery level 49(Scald,Octazooka,Ice Beam,Bubble Beam)Ability:Sniper
Barbaracle level 49(Scald,Razor Shell,Hone Claws,Fury Cutter)Ability:Tough Claws
Alomomola level 49(Scald,Soak,Safeguard,Brine)Ability:Healer
Lumineon level 49(Scald,U-Turn,Aqua Ring,Whirlpool)Ability:Swift Swim
Milotic level 51(Scald,Hydro Pump,Aqua Ring,Twister)Ability:Competitive

You get TM55:Scald after you win
To me, I want them all to have megas. And this is how you get special mega stones without finding them.

Roxanne has no mega in the first rematch, Mega Armaldo for the 2nd rematch, Mega Cradily for the 3rd rematch, and Mega Golem for all rematches after that. She gives Armaldite, Cradilite, or Golemite depending on which rematch it is. You only get one no matter what.

Brawly has no mega in the first rematch, Mega Heracross for the 2nd rematch, Mega Medicham for the 3rd rematch, and Mega Machamp for all rematches after that. He gives Heracronite, Medichamite, or Machampite depending on which rematch it is. You only get one no matter what.

Wattson has no mega in the first rematch, Mega Ampharos for the 2nd rematch, Mega Manectric for the 3rd rematch, and Mega Raichu for all rematches after that. He gives Ampharosite, Manectite, or Raichinite depending on which rematch it is. You only get one no matter what.

Flannery has no mega in the first rematch, Mega Houndoom for the 2nd rematch, Mega Chandelure for the 3rd rematch, and Mega Magmortar for all rematches after that. She gives Houndoominite, Chandelurite, or Magmortite depending on which rematch it is. You only get one no matter what.

Norman has no mega in the first rematch, Mega Slaking for the 2nd rematch, Mega Staraptor for the 3rd rematch, and Mega Exploud for all rematches after that. He gives Slakinginite, Staraptite, or Exploudinite depending on which rematch it is. You only get one no matter what.

Winona has no mega in the first rematch, Mega Gyarados for the 2nd rematch, Mega Honchkrow for the 3rd rematch, and Mega Altaria for all rematches after that. She gives Gyaradosite, Honchkronite, or Alratianite depending on which rematch it is. You only get one no matter what.

Tate has no mega in the first rematch, Mega Solrock for the 2nd rematch, Mega Reuniclus for the 3rd rematch, and Mega Gallade for all rematches after that. He gives Solrockite, Reuniclite, or Galladinite depending on which rematch it is. You only get one no matter what. You rematch him separately from Liza.

Liza has no mega in the first rematch, Mega Lunatone for the 2nd rematch, Mega Gothitelle for the 3rd rematch, and Mega Gardevoir for all rematches after that. She gives Lunatite, Gothitellite, or Gardevoirite depending on which rematch it is. You only get one no matter what. You rematch her separately from Tate.

I'd do the Elite Four and Champion and the 8th gym leader but we dunno what they'll use and we don't know what Champion we will face and which 8th gym leader we fight. These are based on their teams from the Type Expert/World Leaders Tournaments from B2/W2.
woohoo962 said:
Im going to do storyline teams for the elite four
Sidneys team
Shiftry level 48(Sunny Day,Solarbeam,Leaf Tornado,Faint Attack)Ability:Chlorophyll
Pangoro level 48(Crunch,Parting Shot,Dragon Claw,Body Slam)Ability:Mold Breaker
Sableye level 49(Confuse Ray,Knock Off,Shadow Claw,Incinerate)Ability:Keen Eye
Krookodile level 49(Sandstorm,Crunch,Swagger,Earthquake)Ability:Moxie
Absol level 51(Sucker Punch,Psycho Cut,Swords Dance,Toxic)Ability:Super Luck

Phoebes team
Banette level 50(Shadow Ball,Sucker Punch,Snatch,Thief)Ability:Frisk
Trevenant level 50(Wood Hammer,Phantom Force,Reflect,Psychic)Ability:Natural Cure
Shedinja level 51(Grudge,Shadow Sneak,Phantom Force,Aerial Ace)Ability:Wonder Guard
Mismagius level 51(Psywave,Phantom Force,Psychic,Thunderbolt)Ability:Levitate
Dusknoir level 53(Fire Punch,Thunder Punch,Ice Punch,Confuse Ray)Ability:pressure

Glacias team
Glalie level 52(Blizzard,Hail,Crunch,Taunt)Ability:Ice Body
Avalugg level 52(Recover,Blizzard,Ice Beam,Giga Impact)Ability:Own Tempo
Dewgong level 53(Aqua Tail,Rain Dance,Blizzard,Aqua Ring)Ability:Hydration
Vanilluxe level 53(Mist,Hail,Ice Beam,Acid Armor)Ability:Ice Body
Walrein level 55(Surf,Frost Breath,Blizzard,Swagger)Ability:Thick Fat

Drakes team
Altaria level 53(Sky Attack,Dragon Pulse,Cotton Guard,Confide)Ability:Natural Cure
Tyrantrum level 53(Crunch,Dragon Claw,Charm,Thrash)Ability:Strong Jaw
Kingdra level 54(Hydro Pump,Dragon Dance,Scald,Brine)Ability:Sniper
Druddigon level 54(Dragon Tail,Night Slash,Dragon Claw,Chip Away)Ability:Rough Skin
Salamence level 56(Fly,Dragon Breath,Dragon Claw,Earthquake)Ability:Intimidate
I Decided to do a rematch version of my first e4 list.

Sidneys Rematch Team
Pangoro level 70(Dragon Claw,Low Sweep,Taunt,Brick Break)Ability:Mold Breaker
Shiftry level 70(Leaf Storm,Sunny Day,SolarBeam,Grass Knot)Ability:Chlorophyll
Sableye level 71(Shadow Ball,Zen Headbutt,Taunt,Protect)Ability:Keen Eye
Krookodile level 71(Earthquake,Sandstorm,Outrage,Retaliate)Ability:Moxie
Absol level 73 with Absolite(Psycho Cut,Protect,Aerial Ace,Snarl)Ability:pressure
Skuntank level 75(Night Slash,Memento,Sludge Bomb,Dig)Ability:Stench

Phoebes Rematch Team
Gourgeist level 70(Shadow Ball,Bullet Seed,Confuse Ray,Facade)Ability:Frisk
Trevenant level 70(Shadow Claw,Leech Seed,Confuse Ray,Safeguard)Ability:Frisk
Mismagius level 71(Phantom Force,Spite,Shadow Ball,Thunder)Ability:Levitate
Shedinja level 71(Shadow Ball,Harden,Grudge,Phantom Force)Ability:Wonder Guard
Banette level 73 with Banettite(Shadow Ball,Thief,Trick,Hex)Ability:Insomnia
Dusknoir level 75(Payback,Future Sight,Ice Punch,Leer)Ability:pressure

Glacias rematch team
Glalie level 71(Sheer Cold,Blizzard,Hail,Icy Wind)Ability:Ice Body
Vanilluxe level 71(Freeze-Dry,Hail,Acid Armor,Blizzard)Ability:Ice Body
Avalugg level 72(Crunch,Ice Beam,Bulldoze,Rock Slide)Ability:Own Tempo
Dewgong level 72(Signal Beam,Aqua Tail,Safeguard,Rain Dance)Ability:Hydration
Abomasnow level 74 with Abomasite(Ingrain,Ice Shard,Blizzard,Rest)Ability:Snow Warning
Walrein level 76(Hail,Blizzard,Powder Snow,Surf)Ability:Thick Fat

Drakes Rematch Team
Altaria level 73(Moonblast,Flamethrower,Roost,Fly)Ability:Natural Cure
Kingdra level 73(Dragon Dance,Scald,Quash,Dragon Pulse)Ability:Sniper
Tyrantrum level 74(Crunch,Head Smash,Charm,Dragon Claw)Ability:Strong Jaw
Druddigon level 74(Outrage,Sludge Bomb,Torment,Dig)Ability:Rough Skin
Garchomp level 76 with Garchompite(Dig,Outrage,Poison Jab,Sandstorm)Ability:Sand Veil

woohoo962 said:
woohoo962 said:
Im going to do storyline teams for the elite four
Sidneys team
Shiftry level 48(Sunny Day,Solarbeam,Leaf Tornado,Faint Attack)Ability:Chlorophyll
Pangoro level 48(Crunch,Parting Shot,Dragon Claw,Body Slam)Ability:Mold Breaker
Sableye level 49(Confuse Ray,Knock Off,Shadow Claw,Incinerate)Ability:Keen Eye
Krookodile level 49(Sandstorm,Crunch,Swagger,Earthquake)Ability:Moxie
Absol level 51(Sucker Punch,Psycho Cut,Swords Dance,Toxic)Ability:Super Luck

Phoebes team
Banette level 50(Shadow Ball,Sucker Punch,Snatch,Thief)Ability:Frisk
Trevenant level 50(Wood Hammer,Phantom Force,Reflect,Psychic)Ability:Natural Cure
Shedinja level 51(Grudge,Shadow Sneak,Phantom Force,Aerial Ace)Ability:Wonder Guard
Mismagius level 51(Psywave,Phantom Force,Psychic,Thunderbolt)Ability:Levitate
Dusknoir level 53(Fire Punch,Thunder Punch,Ice Punch,Confuse Ray)Ability:pressure

Glacias team
Glalie level 52(Blizzard,Hail,Crunch,Taunt)Ability:Ice Body
Avalugg level 52(Recover,Blizzard,Ice Beam,Giga Impact)Ability:Own Tempo
Dewgong level 53(Aqua Tail,Rain Dance,Blizzard,Aqua Ring)Ability:Hydration
Vanilluxe level 53(Mist,Hail,Ice Beam,Acid Armor)Ability:Ice Body
Walrein level 55(Surf,Frost Breath,Blizzard,Swagger)Ability:Thick Fat

Drakes team
Altaria level 53(Sky Attack,Dragon Pulse,Cotton Guard,Confide)Ability:Natural Cure
Tyrantrum level 53(Crunch,Dragon Claw,Charm,Thrash)Ability:Strong Jaw
Kingdra level 54(Hydro Pump,Dragon Dance,Scald,Brine)Ability:Sniper
Druddigon level 54(Dragon Tail,Night Slash,Dragon Claw,Chip Away)Ability:Rough Skin
Salamence level 56(Fly,Dragon Breath,Dragon Claw,Earthquake)Ability:Intimidate
I Decided to do a rematch version of my first e4 list.

Sidneys Rematch Team
Pangoro level 70(Dragon Claw,Low Sweep,Taunt,Brick Break)Ability:Mold Breaker
Shiftry level 70(Leaf Storm,Sunny Day,SolarBeam,Grass Knot)Ability:Chlorophyll
Sableye level 71(Shadow Ball,Zen Headbutt,Taunt,Protect)Ability:Keen Eye
Krookodile level 71(Earthquake,Sandstorm,Outrage,Retaliate)Ability:Moxie
Absol level 73 with Absolite(Psycho Cut,Protect,Aerial Ace,Snarl)Ability:pressure
Skuntank level 75(Night Slash,Memento,Sludge Bomb,Dig)Ability:Stench

Phoebes Rematch Team
Gourgeist level 70(Shadow Ball,Bullet Seed,Confuse Ray,Facade)Ability:Frisk
Trevenant level 70(Shadow Claw,Leech Seed,Confuse Ray,Safeguard)Ability:Frisk
Mismagius level 71(Phantom Force,Spite,Shadow Ball,Thunder)Ability:Levitate
Shedinja level 71(Shadow Ball,Harden,Grudge,Phantom Force)Ability:Wonder Guard
Banette level 73 with Banettite(Shadow Ball,Thief,Trick,Hex)Ability:Insomnia
Dusknoir level 75(Payback,Future Sight,Ice Punch,Leer)Ability:pressure

Glacias rematch team
Glalie level 71(Sheer Cold,Blizzard,Hail,Icy Wind)Ability:Ice Body
Vanilluxe level 71(Freeze-Dry,Hail,Acid Armor,Blizzard)Ability:Ice Body
Avalugg level 72(Crunch,Ice Beam,Bulldoze,Rock Slide)Ability:Own Tempo
Dewgong level 72(Signal Beam,Aqua Tail,Safeguard,Rain Dance)Ability:Hydration
Abomasnow level 74 with Abomasite(Ingrain,Ice Shard,Blizzard,Rest)Ability:Snow Warning
Walrein level 76(Hail,Blizzard,Powder Snow,Surf)Ability:Thick Fat

Drakes Rematch Team
Altaria level 73(Moonblast,Flamethrower,Roost,Fly)Ability:Natural Cure
Kingdra level 73(Dragon Dance,Scald,Quash,Dragon Pulse)Ability:Sniper
Tyrantrum level 74(Crunch,Head Smash,Charm,Dragon Claw)Ability:Strong Jaw
Druddigon level 74(Outrage,Sludge Bomb,Torment,Dig)Ability:Rough Skin
Garchomp level 76 with Garchompite(Dig,Outrage,Poison Jab,Sandstorm)Ability:Sand Veil
Oh,yeah,i forgot to put in Drake's Salamence.Sorry,i'll put that in...
Salamence level 78(Thunder Fang,Dragon Claw,Fly,Steel Wing)Ability:Intimidate
GM DracLord said:
Truthfully i hope their team dont drastically change since that is what represent them and hoenn is kinda far away from others

I agree with this. The only thing I would change is giving Tate and Lisa gallade and gardevoir respectively. I feel like they would have had them if gallade had been introduced. Other than that, I isn't think they should have any new pokemon except maybe in a rematch.
I'd rather their teams mostly stay the same, with the exception of giving Phoebe a Dusknoir and Glacia a Froslass.

It would be cool if they all used megas in their rematch teams. Most of them have at least one Pokemon that can mega evolve.
They will stay way more identical than they should, but let's see what I'd do (and my prediction for their rematch teams)

(nothing to add here unless there is other Rock types added to the Hoenndex)

Roxanne rematch:

(same, those are all 3 appropriate options)

Brawly rematch:

(a pikachu to keep it even more diverse, but doubt that will actually happen)

Wattson rematch:

(wynaut a vulpix for diversity)

Flannery rematch:


Norman rematch:

(left out Skarmory for Steven, have both regional birds instead of just one)

Winona rematch:

-Chimecho (more fitting on this team than a Xatu)

Liza&Tate rematch:

(this guy has the most potential to changes, as there is a huge amount of water pokes available and he had a Sealeo for some reason...)

Wallace rematch:

(I'd have him keep the sharpedo like RS as Wallace uses a Crawdaunt)


(seriously, no reason not to have Shedinja here)

Pheobe rematch:

(was hoping to avoid Froslass since non-hoenn stone evos will probably be left out of the Hoenndex, but its so boring otherwise. Why on earth did they not pick a different type?? Grass had so many options its absurd there is no gym/e4 for example)

Glacia rematch:


Drake rematch:

-Mawile (Tate/Liza have Claydol already so why not)

Steven rematch:

-emerald rosters
-a Pikachu for Wattson so he doesnt use both Electrike and Manectric
-a Vulpix for Flannery so she doesnt use both Numel and Camerupt
-Winona uses both regional birds (was Swellow in RS, Pelipper in E) but no Skarmory (Steven)
-Wallace as 8th gym, but replaced Sealeo (Glacia has 3 -.-) and Seaking (boringgg) with Crawdaunt and Lanturn
-Sidney keeps Sharpedo instead of Crawdaunt
-Phoebe gets a Shedinja instead of second Banette
-Glacia gets a Froslass instead of "third" Sealeo
-Steven gets a Mawile instead of Claydol

how rematches change these rosters:
-Roxanne evolves Geodude and Nosepass, gains Hoenn-fossils, Relicanth and Rhyperior
-Brawly evolves Makuhita/Machop/Meditite, gains Breloom, Heracross and Toxicroak
-Wattson evolves Voltorb/Pikachu/Magneton, gains Ampharos and Electivire
-Flannery evolves Slugma/Vulpix, gains Darmanitan and Magmortar
-Norman loses the Vigoroth, gains Delcatty, Wigglytuff and Exploud
-Winona gains Xatu and Noivern
-Tate&Liza lose Chimecho for Bronzong (Claydols bro), and gain Gardevoir and Gallade
-Wallace loses Luvdisc, gains Wailord and Ludicolo
-Sidney gains Houndoom
-Phoebe loses one Dusclops, evolves the other one, gains Drifblim and Mismagius
-Glacia loses Sealeo and Glalie, gains Cloyster, Weavile and Lapras
-Drake loses Shelgon, gains Gyarados and Dragonite
-Stevens Hoenn fossils are switched to Sinnoh fossils (as Roxanne gets those, and they fit better to him than other fossils imo)
woohoo962 said:
Storyline Gym Leader Teams
Roxannes team
Geodude level 13(Rollout,Rock Polish,Smack Down,Defense Curl)Ability:Rock Head
Lileep level 13(Smack Down,Acid,Constrict,Astonish)Ability:Suction Cups
Nosepass level 15(Smack Down,Rock Throw,Block,Harden)Ability:Sturdy

You get TM23:Smack Down after you win

Brawlys team
Mankey level 18(Bulk Up,Seismic Toss,Karate Chop,Fury Swipes)Ability:Vital Spirit
Riolu level 18(Force Palm,Bulk Up,Feint,Endure)Ability:Steadfast
Makuhita level 20(Bulk Up,Knock Off,Vital Throw,Whirlwind)Ability:Guts

You Get TM08:Bulk Up after you win

Wattsons team
Pikachu level 23(Nuzzle,Charge Beam,Double Team,Electro Ball)Ability:Static
Helioptile level 23(Charge Beam,Razor Wind,Charge,Mud-Slap)Ability:Sand Veil
Manectric level 25(Charge Beam,Spark,Howl,Thunder Wave)Ability:Lightningrod

You get TM57:Charge Beam after you win

Flannerys team
Vulpix level 31(Incinerate,Payback,Hex,Will-O-Wisp)Ability:Flash Fire
Larvesta level 31(Incinerate,Flame Charge,Take Down,Leech Life)Ability:Flame Body
Slugma level 31(Incinerate,Ancient Power,Flame Burst,Ember)Ability:Magma Armor
Camerupt level 33(Incinerate,Rock Slide,Lava Plume,Curse)Ability:Solid Rock

You get TM59:Incinerate after you win

Normans team
Persian level 35(Power Gem,Swift,Echoed Voice,Taunt)Ability:Limber
Linoone level 35(Echoed Voice,Covet,Fury Swipes,Headbutt)Ability:Gluttony
Unfezant level 35(Echoed Voice,Air Slash,Detect,Air Cutter)Ability:Big Pecks
Slaking level 37(Chip Away,Covet,Amnesia,Slack Off)Ability:Truant

You get TM49:Echoed Voice after you win

Winonas team
Ninjask level 39(Aerial Ace,Agility,Swords Dance,Slash)Ability:Speed Boost
Hawlucha level 39(Aerial Ace,Flying Press,Endeavor,Karate Chop)Ability:Limber
Gligar level 39(Screech,Aerial Ace,U-Turn,Slash)Ability:Hyper Cutter
Altaria level 41(Dragon Breath,Aerial Ace,Dragon Dance,Refresh)Ability:Natural Cure

You get TM40:Aerial Ace after you win

Liza and Tates team
Lizas team
Swoobat level 44(Psyshock,Heart Stamp,Air Slash,Fly)Ability:Klutz
Girafarig level 44(Psyshock,Zen Headbutt,Double Hit,Assurance)Ability:Early Bird
Solrock level 46(Psyshock,Solar Beam,Psychic,Cosmic Power)Ability:Levitate
Tates team
Xatu level 44(Psyshock,Future Sight,Psycho Shift,Tailwind)Ability:Early Bird
Beeheeyem level 44(Psyshock,Psychic,Zen Headbutt,Simple Beam)Ability:Telepathy
Lunatone level 46(Psyshock,Future Sight,Cosmic Power,Stone Edge)Ability:Levitate

You get TM03:psyshock after you win

Wallaces team
Octillery level 49(Scald,Octazooka,Ice Beam,Bubble Beam)Ability:Sniper
Barbaracle level 49(Scald,Razor Shell,Hone Claws,Fury Cutter)Ability:Tough Claws
Alomomola level 49(Scald,Soak,Safeguard,Brine)Ability:Healer
Lumineon level 49(Scald,U-Turn,Aqua Ring,Whirlpool)Ability:Swift Swim
Milotic level 51(Scald,Hydro Pump,Aqua Ring,Twister)Ability:Competitive

You get TM55:Scald after you win
Gym Leader Rematch Teams
Roxannes rematch team
Golem level 66(Earthquake,Stone Edge,Explosion,Roar)Ability:Sturdy
Cradily level 66(Gastro Acid,Energy Ball,Amnesia,Sludge Wave)Ability:Suction Cups
Sudowoodo level 67(Counter,Rock Slide,Thief,Confide)Ability:Sturdy
Aerodactyl level 67 with aerodactylite(Roar,Stone Edge,Fly,Rock Slide)Ability:pressure
Carbink level 69(Moonblast,Light Screen,Safeguard,Smack Down)Ability:Clear Body
Probopass level 70(Lock-on,Zap Cannon,Smack Down,Spark)Ability:Sturdy

Brawlys Rematch Team
Primeape level 66(Cross Chop,Rage,Thunder,Thrash)Ability:Anger Point
Toxicroak level 66(Poison Jab,Toxic,Bulk Up,Revenge)Ability:Dry Skin
Lucario level 67 with Lucarionite(Aura Sphere,Detect,Bone Rush,Rest)Ability:Steadfast
Scrafty level 67(Crunch,Dragon Claw,Chip Away,Toxic)Ability:Shed Skin
Hitmontop level 69(Feint,Close Combat,Rock Smash,Dig)Ability:Technician
Hariyama level 71(SmellingSalts,Endure,Force Palm,Hidden Power)Ability:Guts

Wattsons Rematch Team
Raichu level 67(Thunderbolt,Facade,Volt Switch,Dig)Ability:Static
Heliolisk level 67(Eerie Impulse,Thunder,Charge,Thunderbolt)Ability:Dry Skin
Ampharos level 68 with Ampharosite(Dragon Pulse,Return,Ion Deluge,Facade)Ability:Static
Luxray level 68(Wild Charge,Thunder,Bite,Discharge)Ability:Rivalry
Galvantula level 70(Sticky Web,Electroweb,Slash,Agility)Ability:Unnerve
Manectric level 71(Leer,Thunder,Charge,Wild Charge)Ability:Static

Flannerys Rematch team
Ninetales level 67(Flamethrower,Dig,Double Team,Sunny Day)Ability:Flash Fire
Magcargo level 67(Flame Burst,Sandstorm,Bulldoze,Toxic)Ability:Magma Armor
Volcarona level 68(Heat Wave,Quiver Dance,Aerial Ace,U-Turn)Ability:Flame Body
Houndoom level 68 with Houndoomite(Incinerate,Sludge Bomb,Nasty Plot,Flamethrower)Ability:Early Bird
Magmortar level 70(Confuse Ray,Psychic,Fire Blast,Flamethrower)Ability:Flame Body
Camerupt level 71(Fissure,Earthquake,Rock Slide,Lava Plume)Ability:Solid Rock

Normans Rematch Team
Persian level 67(Power Gem,Play Rough,Slash,Swift)Ability:Limber
Linoone level 67(Belly Drum,Slash,Covet,Thunderbolt)Ability:Gluttony
Unfezant level 68(Feather Dance,Sky Attack,Air Slash,Detect)Ability:Big Pecks
Kangashkhan level 68 with kangashkhanite(Crunch,Endure,Reversal,Shadow Claw)Ability:Scrappy
Ambipom level 70(Screech,Acrobatics,Retaliate,Fury Swipes)Ability:Technician
Slaking level 71(Hammer Arm,Amnesia,Swagger,Chip Away)Ability:Truant

Winonas rematch team
Hawlucha level 68(Swords Dance,Flying Press,Steel Wing,Dig)Ability:Limber
Gliscor level 68(X-Scissor,Acrobatics,Sky Uppercut,Swords Dance)Ability:Sand Veil
Ninjask level 69(X-Scissor,Screech,Aerial Ace,Shadow Ball)Ability:Speed Boost
Charizard level 69 with Charizardite Y(Flamethrower,Fly,Dragon Claw,Giga Impact)Ability:Blaze
Mandibuzz level 71(Mirror Move,Brave Bird,Dark Pulse,Nasty Plot)Ability:Overcoat
Altaria level 72(Moonblast,Cotton Guard,Dragon Pulse,Aerial Ace)Ability:Natural Cure

Liza and Tates rematch teams
Lizas rematch team
Swoobat level 66(Psychic,Round,Shadow Ball,Thunder Wave)Ability:Klutz
Gardevoir level 68 with Gardevoirite(Future Sight,Magical Leaf,Double Team,Thunderbolt)Ability:Trace
Solrock level 70(Solar Beam,Stone Edge,Sunny Day,Psychic)Ability:Levitate

Tates rematch team
Beheeyem level 66(Guard Split,Power Split,Psychic,Shadow Ball)Ability:Synchronize
Alakazam level 68 with Alakazite(Psychic,Future Sight,Focus Blast,Psych Up)Ability:Inner Focus
Lunatone level 70(Stone Edge,Moonblast,Cosmic Power,Psychic)Ability:Levitate

Wallaces rematch team
Alomomola level 68(Hydro Pump,Wake-Up Slap,Aqua Jet,Facade)Ability:Healer
Barbaracle level 68(Razor Shell,Cross Chop,Clamp,Dragon Claw)Ability:Tough Claws
Blastoise level 69 with blastoiseinite(Iron Defense,Hydro Pump,Focus Blast,Double Team)Ability:Torrent
Lumineon level 69(Silver Wind,Bounce,Aqua Ring,Surf)Ability:Storm Drain
Octillery level 71(Hydro Pump,Octazooka,Sludge Bomb,Flamethrower)Ability:Sniper
Milotic level 72(Hydro Pump,Dragon Tail,Rain Dance,Scald)Ability:Competitive

Reggie McGigas said:
Reggie McGigas said:
My predictions:
Roxane's Team:

Geodude: Level 12
Cabrink: Level 13
Nosepass: Level 14

Roxane Rematch:

Golem: Level 63
Gigalith: Level 63
Cabrink: Level 63
Aggron: Level 64 @Aggronite (Alpha Sapphire only)
Tyranitar: Level 64 @Tyranitarinite (Omega Ruby only)
Probobpass: Level 66 @Sitrus Berry

After the rematch, Roxxane gives you either her spare Tyranitarnite or Aggronite depending on the version.

Brawly's Team:

Machop: Level 19
Makuhita: Level 19
Either Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, or Hitmonchan Level 21 depending on your friend code's first digit. (0-3 = hitmonlee, 4-6 = hitmontop, 7-9 = hitmonchan)

Brawly Rematch:

Machamp the champion: Level 64
Haryama: Level 64
Medicham: Level 64 @Medichaminite
Hitmonchan: Level 65 @Fighting Gem
Hitmonlee: Level 65 @Fighting Gem
Hitmontop: Level 65 @Black Belt

After the match, Brawly gives you a spare Medichaminite

Wattson's Team:

Magnemite: Level 24
Electrabuzz: Level 24
Magneton: Level 25
Elektrike: Level 26

Wattson Rematch

Luxray: Level 65
Magnezone: Level 65
Electivire: Level 65
Rotom: Level 66 @Choice Scarf
Magnezone: Level 67
Manetric: Level 67 @Manetricnite

After the first match, Wattson offers you the opportunity to trade for his Magnezone. It is the only way to obtain Magnezone in game, so accept! The Magnezone will be holding Wattson's spare Manetricnite

If the trade is accepted, Wattson uses a new team for future rematches:

Luxray: Level 66
Electrode: Level 66
Electivire: Level 66
Rotom: Level 67 @Choice Scarf
Magnezone: Level 67
Manetric: Level 68 @Manetricnite

More to come soon???

Flannery's Team:
Magmar level 29
Lampent level 29 (Omega Ruby only)
Larvesta level 29 (Alpha Sapphire only)
Campurt level 29
Torkal level 31

Flannery Rematch
Magmortar level 70
Pyroar-F level 70
Campurt level 70 (Omega Ruby only)
Volcarana level 70 (Alpha Sapphire only)
Chandelure level 70
Houndoom level 71 @Houndoomnite
Torkal level 72 @White Herb

After the first rematch, Flannery gives you her spare houndoominite

Norman's Team
Porygon-2 level 34
Kangaskhan level 34
Herdier level 34
Castform level 34
Slaking level 36

Norman Rematch
Porygon-Z Level 73
Stoutland level 73
Castform level 73
Swellow level 73
Kangaskhan level 74 @Kangaskhaninite
Slaking level 75 @Sitrus Berry

After the match, Norman gives you his spare Kangaskhaninite. He will also give you a max revive every 10 times you beat him (because he's a cool dad)

Wionna's Team
Skarmory level 40
Tropius level 40
Sigilyph level 40
Dragonair level 40 (Alpha Sapphire only)
Shelgon level 40 (Omega Ruby only)
Swellow level 42 (If your friend code ends with the #s 5-9) @flying gem
Altaria level 42 (If your friend code ends with the #s 1-4) @flying gem

Wionna Rematch
Tropius level 77
Skarmory level 78 @Skarmorinite (Holding the Skarmorinite if you picked Torchic as your starter)
Dragonite level 77 (Alpha Sapphire only)
Salamance level 77 (Omega Ruby only)
Sigilyph level 78 @Sigilyphinite (Holding the Sigilyphinite If you picked Mudkip as your starter)
Aerodactyl level 78 @Aerodactylnite (Holding the Aerodactylnite if you picked Treecko as your starter)
Swellow level 79

After the first rematch, Wionna gives you the mega stone depending on the starter you chose.
You do realize litwick doesnt evolve into lampent until level 41,right?
At the end of the day, I just want these things:

1. Gym leader rematches (true ones, not the Battle Maison) come back with gym leaders having more/high level pokemon. Even a mega in each team would be perfect. (Wattson with Mega Manectric, Brawly with a Mega Medicham, Roxanne with a Mega Aerodactyl, etc)

2. The elite four have at least five pokemon, please.

3. Would be awesome if the Elite 4 each had a Mega. (Sydney: Mega Absol, Phoebe: Mega Sableye, Glacia: Mega Walrein, Drake: Mega Salamence)

4. Would be cool if each gym had a constant effect during the battles. (Example: In Brawly's gym, no pokemon can become confused, in Roxanne's gym, all pokemon have 1.5X higher defense.) Just think that would be a fun twist to Gyms.
tigre said:
4. Would be cool if each gym had a constant effect during the battles. (Example: In Brawly's gym, no pokemon can become confused, in Roxanne's gym, all pokemon have 1.5X higher defense.) Just think that would be a fun twist to Gyms.

That is a really cool idea. I do not, however see this happening in a remake. Remakes are usually the old games remade with some minor tweaks in the features and in this case storyline. More dynamic changes to the format of the games such as added effects in gyms usually comes with a new generation. Sadly, I think we'll have to wait until Gen VII until this gets made. But I am glad about there being no "no-confuse" element in Brawly's gym as that was the only way I was able to beat it in a nuzlocke I did.
tigre said:
3. Would be awesome if the Elite 4 each had a Mega. (Sydney: Mega Absol, Phoebe: Mega Sableye, Glacia: Mega Walrein, Drake: Mega Salamence)

I know you probably chose Mega Sableye for Phoebe because it's new, but being the only poke on its team that's secondary Ghost, I'd think Mega Banette would make much more sense here.
Well as long as it is a challenge like rematching I am good, I like the high levels like if Fire Red and Leaf Green lvl 70+ pokemon in the Elite four, I also wish they would throw in more challenges like instead of Elite four only having like 4 pokemon why not 6 of them, and the mega stone idea is awesome also, so far each of the Gym leaders are qualified to have one:

Roxanne: Tyrannitarnite
Brawley: Medichamnite
Wattson: Manectricnite
Norman: Kangaskhan
Wionna: Aerodactylnite
Liz&Tate: Gardevoir
8th one depending: Aggronite or Gyradosnite

for rematches only

I hope they give a great challenge in the post game :D
Mitja said:
tigre said:
3. Would be awesome if the Elite 4 each had a Mega. (Sydney: Mega Absol, Phoebe: Mega Sableye, Glacia: Mega Walrein, Drake: Mega Salamence)

I know you probably chose Mega Sableye for Phoebe because it's new, but being the only poke on its team that's secondary Ghost, I'd think Mega Banette would make much more sense here.

Or perhaps Mega-Dusknoir if that ever happens!
Leaf_Ranger said:
Mitja said:
I know you probably chose Mega Sableye for Phoebe because it's new, but being the only poke on its team that's secondary Ghost, I'd think Mega Banette would make much more sense here.

Or perhaps Mega-Dusknoir if that ever happens!

plz let this happen, I would die for this lol, and it could be with Phoebe x)