BW/BW2 New types of pokeballs

Hey, no dissing the Premiere ball, it looks cool when you send out your pokemon... lol but anyways, I always thought there should be a dragonball a ball for catching dragons. They're hard to catch, so a ball for them would be difficult to obtain/expensive. But it would be cool :)
I like the pokeball type for each pokemon idea (fire, ice, grass, dragon etc)

I would also like it if they added a feature allowing you to change the pokeball itself that your pokemon is in.
we already discussed type exclusives lol read tread, and idk bout changing the type of ball your pokemon is in, i guess but i wouldnt want a pokemon in a masterballl thats not worth it, maybe some thing but to personalize the ball without capsules so i can move it in and out of the pokemon boxes without removing the capsule and putting it back everytime i switch pokemon
Status Ball
If the Pokemon that you are trying to capture is not succesfully captured they will have a random status effect (ex:poison,frozen,Asleep, etc)
Eeveelutionman said:
I would also like it if they added a feature allowing you to change the pokeball itself that your pokemon is in.

I guess that'll never happen though ... infinite catching with a Master Ball! Just take out the legendary and re-use it over and over!
ramsey1993 said:
we already discussed type exclusives lol read tread

I did read thread...I said I liked that idea...

I guess that'll never happen though ... infinite catching with a Master Ball! Just take out the legendary and re-use it over and over!

Of course the original pokeball would be destroyed in the transfer process.
Yeah, they should allow you to change the type of ball the pokemon is in. Like, you don't get the ball back, you just change the already existing ball, a simple graphics switch. They could even disallow things like heal ball or other balls that effect gameplay.
true, but i would love new pokebal types, i hope theres gonna be news one and not just one maybe like 5 or more or something
Mucrush said:
I have some fanmade Balls


Swamp Ball (works better in muddy and rainy places)


Noon Ball (works better on non-gendered Pokemon)


Tec. Ball (when Pokemon is catched, it raise up its lv with 1)

O_O I want those. Especially the Tec. Ball.
I think we have enough Pokeballs.
GF came out with about 10 in Gen.4 and I still haven't memorized which Pokemon is which.
so I don't think we need anymore,but That Tech.Ball looks pretty sweet.
Tarazuma said:
Yeah, the net ball is the only type specific one so far. But the lure ball and dive ball are only good for catching water types as well. so that's like 3 for water types alone :/
To correct you on this, the Net Ball wasn't made for Bug and Water type Pokemon, wel it does increase the chance of catching one but, it was specifically designed for Surskit. Surskit as you know is a pretty rare Pokemon in the RSE games, so with a Net Ball chances of catching one are increased.

Also, PokeBalls like Net Ball and Dive Ball were region specific, they appeared only in the Hoenn region, like the apricorn balls appeared in Johto and the 4th gen balls appeared in Sinnoh. The chances are small that you'll see them again.
Pokequaza said:
To correct you on this, the Net Ball wasn't made for Bug and Water type Pokemon, wel it does increase the chance of catching one but, it was specifically designed for Surskit. Surskit as you know is a pretty rare Pokemon in the RSE games, so with a Net Ball chances of catching one are increased.

Also, PokeBalls like Net Ball and Dive Ball were region specific, they appeared only in the Hoenn region, like the apricorn balls appeared in Johto and the 4th gen balls appeared in Sinnoh. The chances are small that you'll see them again.
THE sweat balls !
Pokequaza said:
To correct you on this, the Net Ball wasn't made for Bug and Water type Pokemon, wel it does increase the chance of catching one but, it was specifically designed for Surskit. Surskit as you know is a pretty rare Pokemon in the RSE games, so with a Net Ball chances of catching one are increased.

Also, PokeBalls like Net Ball and Dive Ball were region specific, they appeared only in the Hoenn region, like the apricorn balls appeared in Johto and the 4th gen balls appeared in Sinnoh. The chances are small that you'll see them again.

Really? Surskit is rare? I don't remember if I bothered to catch one or not, but they seemed kinda common offhand. But the net ball does allow you to catch any water or bug type better though.

And actually you can buy the net ball and some others in D/P and HG/SS, not all of them though.

Here's a list of all the existing balls and there effects and game availability for anyone that's interested:é_Ball
I think there should be a ball with a catch rate of 4.0, (Ultra Ball is 3.5), but is 1000 Pokedollars and lowers its level by one. Can't think what it would be called, though.
i can think of only 3 new pokeballs that we need: the light ball(opposite of the heavy ball, works better on mons that weigh less), the slow ball(opposite of the fast ball, works better on slow mon's) and the rare ball: works better on rarer mons
There should be a pokeball that raises the level pokemon inside very slowly. However its catch rate is like .5.
PokeBeach Bum said:
There should be a pokeball that raises the level pokemon inside very slowly. However its catch rate is like .5.

From reading your post, I came up with another ball! :D
So, like, a Day Care ball, that works just like the daycare, but you are alerted when you're pokemon grows a level so you can learn new moves/evolve! Thanks for the idea, lol
Once upon atime there was a young boy, he drempt of a Pokeball one that had a 100% catch rate. Then as he grew old and after endless numbers of great balls, ultra balls, and every other type of pokeball he caught wind of a new ball, that caught all pokemon, it was called.... The MASTER BALL! We dont need anymore pokeballs, the only important one is the masterball, and ultraballs. nuff said
imsocool4321 said:
Once upon atime there was a young boy, he drempt of a Pokeball one that had a 100% catch rate. Then as he grew old and after endless numbers of great balls, ultra balls, and every other type of pokeball he caught wind of a new ball, that caught all pokemon, it was called.... The MASTER BALL! We don't need anymore pokeballs, the only important one is the masterball, and ultraballs. nuff said

However, the boy was banished because his dream caused the purchase of every other pokeball type to tank.