BW/BW2 New types of pokeballs

A ball that doesn't break unless the pokemon escapes from it a specific amount of times, maybe 2 or 3. It could be like a more durable version of an ultra ball. It would be more expensive, but it could possibly help in catching legendaries since they break out of the balls a lot.

Actually, I would personally call it the **drum roll**.....DuraBall! Since it sounds like "durable"!
Nice name maybe Pokemontage and that steal ball isn't that like that thing in XD? Anyway maybe Below ball for Pokemon that live underground.
What about balls with catch rates that depend on the weather? Like, Sunny Ball and Rainy Ball.
jirachizard98o said:
there should be a pokeball specifically for catching legendary pokemon so that its easier to catch the roaming legendary pokemon like mesprit and cresselia

They have one, it's called a master ball.
I got it. A ball that has a high success rate based on it's status condition. Like a SleepBall on a sleeping Pokemon or a Paraball for a paralyzed Pokemon...etc.
PokeBeach Bum said:
Newball best works on Pokemon not in your pokedex.

But when you see new Pokemon in the route it ads it to your dex wouldn't that just cancel the whole meaning of it out? Actually i might change Belowball's name to something else.
Playerking95 said:
But when you see new Pokemon in the route it ads it to your dex wouldn't that just cancel the whole meaning of it out? Actually i might change Belowball's name to something else.

I think he means Pokemon you haven't caught yet.
I suppose this is an obvious idea, but how about... seasonal Balls!

Winter Ball: works better in winter
Spring Ball: works better in spring
Summer Ball: works better in summer
Autumn Ball: works better in autumn
PokeBeach Bum said:
Newball best works on Pokemon not in your pokedex.

maybe the dexball?

oakbark said:
I suppose this is an obvious idea, but how about... seasonal Balls!

Winter Ball: works better in winter
Spring Ball: works better in spring
Summer Ball: works better in summer
Autumn Ball: works better in autumn

Y didn't i think of that? Obviously will be in game's
It would be cool if there was a seasonal Pokeball in the game. As some people posted above about the season Pokeball; I think that, that would be a great idea and would fit in the game's seasonal change perfectly.
Ice Arceus said:
It would be cool if there was a seasonal Pokeball in the game. As some people posted above about the season Pokeball; I think that, that would be a great idea and would fit in the game's seasonal change perfectly.

Definitely, it would fit well with the new features.