BW/BW2 New Vehicle??

PokeBeach Bum said:
I'll say it again Skateboard or Skates = Acro bike.

I'll say it again as well (sorry if it is bugging you) I want something new, I'm getting tired of bikes, and cycling road, there must be something better than that
i want a electric moped or scooter with chargeing stations alll around isshu and when the battery runs out it can be used like a bike or something, but kinda slow and when you recharge it it becomes fast again lol just a thought
ramsey1993 said:
i want a electric moped or scooter with chargeing stations alll around isshu and when the battery runs out it can be used like a bike or something, but kinda slow and when you recharge it it becomes fast again lol just a thought

I find that a great idea, but I seriously think there will be roads (like motorways) built only for cars, and when you get in, a short cutscene appears (like when you got in a boat in the past games) or a minigame starts for you to play. And it helps you get to places quicker than a bike.
You mean this is a new thing (Like a skate bored for instance!?)!?

You can't resist a question:

It means STARE AT PITCHER (follow the link)
I want a jet pack to replace fly, haha.

Really, I would like something better than a bike.. Although, I hear lots of people cycle around central park, and stuff, and Isshu seems to be based around NY, so... :O
Like what ramsey and imsocool said, a moped or vespa-esque thingamabob. It's realistic and eco-freindly.
Isn't Sky Arrow bridge replacing cycling road?
The running option is more than enough. After playing HGSS, I completely forgot about using a bicycle. Especially since auto-run was nearly as fast.

Most of the action takes place as you walk along. Why would you want a car or a moped or a motorcycle?
i think if hiun city is as big as it says it will be then there will probably be a taxi. In souther new york there are A LOT of taxi's
rockinpikachu said:
i think if hiun city is as big as it says it will be then there will probably be a taxi. In souther new york there are A LOT of taxi's

Yeah, probably, in the videos, it seems really big. I hope this is true :p
on the corocoro scans i did see a airplane mabye it is a airplane that you can go on in the isshu map I saw an airforce base?

oakbark said:
The running option is more than enough. After playing HGSS, I completely forgot about using a bicycle. Especially since auto-run was nearly as fast.

Most of the action takes place as you walk along. Why would you want a car or a moped or a motorcycle?

I dont think basuroa will evolve into a swordfish b/c he is a bass that would be completely off:D{W}
Yeah, I think it might be a plane, taking you to another region (because they are far away from the isshu) or another hidden place not accessible with Fly or walking or boat or another other kind of transport.
i agree with Shadow Arceus that the new vehicle is the subway. but if its not then what im hoping for is a plane to take u2 a new sevii islands like place thats also similar to a battle frontier and the orange league. so we have something 2 do after the e4
Airplane would be useless useless fly is not implemented.A Motorcycle would be lovely to replace a bicycle considering the children are older.A car I really can't see that happening.
ShAdOwSniPeR said:
it'd be pretty sick if they made customizable cars..putting hydraulics on your car just bouncin' around with your pokemon.3pic.

Yeah, and maybe, just maybe, there could be a point in the game where you could race your car against others. It could also be used in Wi-Fi as a cool little mingame!