Next Seasons Metagame


Leader of Team Undaunted
I want everyone to help me make the top ten decks for next season by posting what they think will be the top 3 decks and why they think they will.

1) Sableock

Suggested Decks.

Sableock +20
Machamp +6
Gengar SF +2
Gengar Prime +6
Charizard +5
Jumpluff +4
Donphan +2
LuxChomp +18
DialgaChomp +3
Kingdra +2
Steelix Prime +2
BlazeRay +1
BlazeChomp +2
Bellosom/Vileplume +1

When one of these hits 20 it is added to the top ten list.
I'm sure we'll see LuxChomp (with or without ERL), Jumpluff, Sablelock, and some Charizard after worlds in fall BRs but when Gengar Prime comes out it will dominate.
Because of the rotation, and the new deck archetypes coming from the HGSS expansions, I think that decks such as Jumpluff and Donkphan will see a lot of attention next season. While SP decks are certainly going to be used, most of them will have to be modified for the new season.

My votes are for:
1. Luxchomp
2. Sablelock
3. DialgaChomp

Why? They're all SP, not losing a whole ton, and will still continue to gain great things (in Dialga's case: Energy Exchange Unit)

dmaster out.
I have a question on some of the decks posted. What engine do you think Sableock will use?

The reason I think this will be are metagame is speed. With claydol gone I think that speed decks like these will dominate the format (and of course sp variants.)
Also forgot to mention, but I think Steelix Prime is going to get big. It is a total wall and if it gets set up on you, you lose. Blissey heals it Expert Belt adds to HP Skuntank gets free poisin on the defending pokemon, Special Steel, Life Herb. Great idea has lots of potential.
1 Luxchomp It will continue to destroy everything, people will probably add like a 1-1 line of blaziken for added power as well.
2 Sableock It loses absolutely nothing
3 other SP's, they just have the most consistent engine
Vulpix Yolk said:
Also forgot to mention, but I think Steelix Prime is going to get big. It is a total wall and if it gets set up on you, you lose. Blissey heals it Expert Belt adds to HP Skuntank gets free poisin on the defending pokemon, Special Steel, Life Herb. Great idea has lots of potential.

And with EEU/Ruins of Alph coming out soon, it lets the deck search for DCE/SME much more easily and lets Steelix one-shot Luxray GL Lv.X with Belt attached. Without Claydol, Steelix could still hold its own with Uxie/Engineer's.

1. Luxchomp
2. Sablelock
3. Machamp

Luxchomp for obvious reasons, since the only thing the deck remains almost untouched. Sablelock is much the same. More the reason why Machamp comes in.
Luxchomp - loses nothing but will have to face every deck with machamp teched in...but uses kings of the game right now "bright look" and "Healing breath"
Sablelock - deck disruption will rule without claydol, as will power spray...this deck has both
Charzard - Has next best engine besides sp engine, and has tanking ability verses sp's.
Gengar Prime - with spiritomb and gastly lock and prime, curse, x and fainting spell...too many options not to be a kind of toolbox.
Don't forget your top 3 and thats it. I have been adding if you did more than 3 but, please try to pick just 3.