Next Seasons Metagame

Sablelock: Stops Stage 2's for the most part
Luxchomp: So many Uxie that paring it with ERL will bring several KOs.
Gengar Prime w/ Lost World: If we get these cards, it will easily become the BDIF or Best Deck Ever!
PkmntrainerPaul said:
1. Luxchomp
SP will dominate, and this is the best SP deck since it's fast and very versatile.

2. Sablelock
Disrupting is really easy with the loss of Claydol, and this deck gets an A for disruptive power.

3. Steelix Prime
It's a tank, has a high attack power and can use the mini-SP engine.
Almost every deck can run a mini sp engine.
My top 3:
1. Luxchomp.
2. Sablelock.
3. Genchamp (Gengar/machamp)
my top 3
sablelock- almost every card used in it survives the rotation
charizard-has a solid engine
kingdra- speed will be vital and kingdra can adapt
level100 said:
my top 3
sablelock- almost every card used in it survives the rotation
charizard-has a solid engine
kingdra- speed will be vital and kingdra can adapt

Ok added.​
1: Luxchomp
2: Sablelock
3: Machamp
4: Gengar
5: Donphan Prime
6: Charizard
7: Kingdra/Prime
8: Jumpluff
9: Gyrados
10: Eeveeloutions
Gengar SF
Lost World Decks Gengar Prime, Palkia G, Mew Prime Basicly Gengar Prime
I can't think of ten, but I definitely know that:

Gengar Prime
Gengar Prime Variants (Mew Prime)
Palkia G LV.X

will all be part of the metagame, guaranteed.
@Shoyru1444 and EspeonRox I only added your top 3. Read the fron page I am only interested in your top 3.
Fact: We won't know for sure until next season. Halfway through next season we will have cards of Pokemon that don't even EXIST yet. That being said, the BEGINNING of next season we will see a lot of Luxchomp and Sablelock, those will be competitive. I think DialgaChomp will be up there too.
jirachizard98o said:
only the top 2

No the top 3.

@Alex(charmander) I realize that but, this is just about what people think will be big next year and their reason why.
Gengar SF with Vilplume
Gengar Prime

Dialgachomp beats Vileplume, which will be popular(and Gengar prime). Gengar Prime is just beast, BDE(best deck ever). Gengar SF with Vileplume will be very strong, trainer lock.
1. Sablelock (Totally rotation-proof.)
2. Absol G/Chatot G/Lost Link Mime Jr. (This may seem far-fetched, but, in my testing, it has actually been working very well. You use Chatot to stack their Pokemon, and Absol and Mime Jr. to mill them into the Lost Zone. This allows you to win speedily with Lost World. The deck runs Giratina and Judge, to shuffle their Pokemon back into the deck post-search.
3. Gengar Prime variants (The BDIF in Japan right now!)

Sablelock because it's a popular and good deck, Luxchomp for the same reasons, and Machamp to counter the expected outburst of SP decks.
