Next Seasons Metagame

Luxchomp: It rules, as always.
Blazeray: Without Claydol to snipe any more the use of Garchomp C is reduced, so this is a good alternative.
Sablelock: With Claydol gone, disruption has just gotten so much easier.
Luxchomp W/ ERL and other sps
Luxpluff or normal jumpluff
Maybe some Kingdra
1 blazechomp
2 sablelock
3 luxchomp

with the release of houndoom prime blazechomp will be a tier one deck, and sablelock and luxchomp are just good.
Luxchomp just cause it has no bad matchups and loses nothing with the format shift.
Sablelock mainly becuse of the same reasons as luxchomp.
And maybe machamp? to counter all the SPs who dont have unown G anymore
PokeKid Brandon said:
Ask any GOOD player and they probably didnt play unown G.

I ran G in my Nats deck, I'm not saying I'm a GOOD player and I never actually used it. I felt that it was needed just incase of the possibilty I ran into a Machamp so it could change, a really, really difficult matchup into a slightly easier game.
PokeKid Brandon said:
Ask any GOOD player and they probably didnt play unown G.

Almost all GOOD players play Unown G. There is one in almost every SP deck when Machamp was popular.
Sablock: Disrupion rules next years format, with the loss of claydol it'll be hard to recover from that kind of disruption
Luxchomp: Really doesn't loose much except clafabe, unown g and claydol(for the people who do use it) it will be threatened by machamp, but uxie x is the best tech ever next format =]
Bellosom/Vileplume: The new speedrill with added all time trainer lock. sets up fast and will see tons of play

PokeKid Brandon said:
Ask any GOOD player and they probably didnt play unown G.
I never ran unown G in SP's, uxie X works just fine and you can still use your energy gains, without them SP's are horrible. The only thing I ran unown G in was Mother Gengar for the mirror and I eventually made that from a 3 to a 1 by cities because it's uses started to get less and less
PokeKid Brandon said:
gengar the baller said:
Key word is WHEN, its not popular so it wasnt used as much.

Was it a straight Champ or a tech.

Well that's good then, when you say it, I just realized something that happened that totally proved SPs can beat Machamp without G, but I won't say it right now.
ace310j said:
Almost all GOOD players play Unown G. There was one in almost every SP deck when Machamp was popular.

Edited for past tense. Honestly, it was popular and one Unown G was needed, but even now when it's still DP-on and one is super rare. Idk if Machamp will necessary come back super strong in the next set, considering it's barely being used now if at all.

dmaster out.
ace310j said:
Almost all GOOD players play Unown G. There is one in almost every SP deck when Machamp was popular.
After States, I rarely saw Unown G in ANY Sp decks. It took the space of the energy gain, and was kinda pointless even in the Machamp matchup. As for next format, Mewgar dominates japan, so why not US?

As for SPs, why? Luxchomp isn't good because it doesn't have Claydol to kill. Why focus on killing bench, when this is gonna be, primarily, a more setup based metagame. I foresee locking SP decks working better... such as sablock or palkialock.

Jumpluff and Machamp will be played while people are still in denial about the format, but they will die down.
1. Luxchomp
SP will dominate, and this is the best SP deck since it's fast and very versatile.

2. Sablelock
Disrupting is really easy with the loss of Claydol, and this deck gets an A for disruptive power.

3. Steelix Prime
It's a tank, has a high attack power and can use the mini-SP engine.
Ok so far everyone thinks that Sableock is going to rule meta-game. And Luxchomp is second.