BW/BW2 Nintendo requesting all B/W images be removed.

The pictures taken from the ROMs are very clear. While the pictures taken from the actual games are blurry and most of the time not very clear or even reognizable, since there is a photocamera needed in order to take the pictures.

Like I said before, Nintendo cannot accuse you for posting pictures of the actual game. So there's nothing wrong with that.
this is stupid. they should be concerned about illegal ROMs, not images. the images are free advertising, actually seeing the new pokemon makes fans want to buy the games, while its the ROMs that cause them to loose money.
I'd so sign up for a petition on this, I mean (most of us) are in america and can't understand the language when importing it. But, the reason I MIGHT boycott this is because, sites like serebii and pokebeach should allow pictures for the eager fans who can't get their hands on a japanese version (like me). I'd be a leader on this because I REALLY WANT TO SEE THE NEW LEGENDARYS!!!
Id sign it. However I agree with what someone else suggested, it NEEDS to be a MOD. Someone that can represent us with the best of there abilities, be mature and make good points. IF we do make the petition I think WPM is the best choice and if he declines or is unable then go down the line of MODS from there in seniority or something like that.
Exactly my point, we have to do this the most productive way. Also, if you go to poke he has a good letter that you can copy and paste and instruction on sending it to nintendo through there website. I suggest everyone do that as well...
If we don't have the mods help or even WPM supporting the petition or even helping us out, then Nintendo won't really care for this. Also by the way WPM has taken rid of the B/W images until Nintendo gives us permission to post the images later.
I'm glad everyone is, more or less, on board with what I suggested.

As for the all clear images being roms, as a youtube battle I see people will clear wifi battle videos not because they were played on a ROM, but that you can actually play your real game on the computer with some bit of technology. The people on youtube have real battles on games they paid for, but can still obtain clear images.
does the Japanese government take petitions seriously? i know american has a law/ammendment about petitions, what about the country that game freak/nintendo is from
if not then all we are doing is whining and complaining
I have just recently made a video expressing my sentiments on the recent legal actions taken by Nintendo.

I hope this is another way to spread the word outside of Pokebeach.
Frankly it's insane that they are doing this. In the 15 Plus years since pokemon was first released i've never heart of this ever happening up until now.
I completely agree. Nintendo has benefited from sites like this for 15 years and now they bite the hand which feeds them. They should feel so fortunate that all their fans do is voice their opinion and do not boycott their products!
Legally speaking it's still their intellectual property and they have every right to exercise whatever action they want. Heck the fanbase should be grateful that fans who playtested the game prior release could share info, and not just pics, but gamepay details. With most other game companies, they'd make beta testers sign an NDA prohibiting sharing of any info whatsoever.

Ive seen similar issues on places like youtube where people argue over whether uploaded things like music and videos is good or bad. On one hand it promotes publicity. On the other hand its borderline piracy. Ultimately the property owner still calls the shots.

Going back to this issue. Pointing fingers at nintendo isn't really going to help because you can't argue that pokemon as an intellectual property is part of the public domain (it isn't). It still belongs to its current holders: the pokemon company.
ha, the person who pulled this trick is laughing his butt off while serebii and water master suffer.
no, but it seems logical. plus if it's not a prank you have a traitor in the pokemon world. Nintendo would only know about this if someone told them. i doubt they are spending their time looking at fan sites with imagines.
what do you mean by "it seems logical"? Validity is based on hard facts or evidence, not the personal logic of 1 guy.
Quote from Serebii: "Right, I've spoken to the lawyer and, after I get just a little clarification, I will probably be able to return images to the site in the next couple of days, being used sparingly subject to fair use. I believe the images from Pokexperto plus all the leaks from 2ch caused him and Nintendo to react (still awaiting a callback from Nintendo of America)"