Well, in my opinion, the reason the Wii is winning over the PS3 is the same reason the DS has repeatedly won over the PSP: it's quirky, it's a different way to play gaming, and people seem to want that. It has a lack of internet browsing, a lousy internet system (Friend Codes FTL) and the graphics are par compared to the PSP. Oh, and there's no movie player either. Guess what Sony? No one cares.
I'd love to find that quote that the Sony guys said when the DS first released. It's so funny to see stuff like that blow up in their faces.
Anywho, I know Sony is pushing for the PS3 to be an all-in-one entertainment system, but here's the thing; you may include all the gadgets and whizzers to make it one, but people are ALWAYS GOING TO SEE IT AS A VIDEOGAME SYSTEM. I seem to recall a certain other videogame system a long time ago selling for roughly $700 and it flopped big time. Perhaps Sony didn't get that history lesson taught to them?
When I buy a movie, I really don't care about the "quality" of the movie I buy. Either way it's going to be the same freaking movie, whether it's on DVD, HD, Blu-Ray, or ZOMG1337h4><gr4fix Drive. Plus, if the movie ends up not being so good, I'll have only wasted about $20 on it, as opposed to the $30 that those Hi-Def movies cost.
It's a good deal if you are into that stuff, because actual Blu-Ray players cost about $1000. But if that's Sony's excuse for the system's price being so high, they really are forgeting that the PS name means "videogame system" to a LOT of people. Most of the PS3 games that aren't console-exclusive, like Final Fantasy XIII or Metal Gear (which is rumored to be seeing a 360 release too. Uh-oh, Sony...) aren't even going to be available until the latter half of 2007 and more than likely 2008 anyways. Sports games with PS3 graphics look way too scary. Everyone's really shiny!
The PS2 was a good system. I love mine. It was my console of choice last gen. But the PS3 just doesn't entice me, plus I wanted a Wii ever since they revealed the controller WAY back when.
Anyways, I'm glad to see the Wii doing so well. I'm not surprised at all by this report, but I'm still quite certain that the 360 will take this console war. The Wii is good and all, but out of the three systems, the 360 has the best online service, and if they keep slamming on the Halo and Gears of War games that they've implied they would, I think eventually they'll end up on top with the Wii close in second.