Nintendo's E3 Digital Event Live Stream! [6/10]

I'm disappointed in that all of Europe gets it a whole week later. Only a few countries started selling them before they were allowed to. The Netherlands didn't sell them and will now still get them a whole week later. :( It's not about patience; it just would be nice to start at the same time as all my friends. That way you'll be around the same level and can start battling each other, test things, and explore together. Most of my Pokémon friends are from PokeBeach and from the USA.
BioticKhajiit said:
We still didnt get it early, besides thats just stupid blaming an entire region because of leaks which anyone anywhere can do, people leaked stuff way before from various other reasons. Why should the majority of Europe suffer because of a handful of people? Its stupid.


Nintendo is spiteful.

There's also localization issues. So don't feel all that bad.
NaturallyDark said:
Am I the only one around here who is thinking about Primal Dialga? It can't just be a coincidence that he's also a powered-up entity with glowing yellow lines on his body. Why would they give such a similar form the same name if they weren't directly related?

As I had said before, Primal Dialga is Dark (Yami no) Dialga in Japanese, meaning he was driven mad, not the same as Primal Groudon and Kyogre, which are called Ancient (Genshi). In other word, in Japanese, Primal Dialga and Primal Kyogre/Groudon are different things.

Materious17 said:
Hey WPM, can you post a source for that description/text blurb where it states Primal Groudon's new type.

I've seen this blurb pop up on news sites everywhere with all of them just stating "Nintendo's official description" but like no actual source to a video or press release where they got it from.

Would really appreciate it.

I checked the Japanese official website for ORAS. It's true. See link below.
Tensho said:
I checked the Japanese official website for ORAS. It's true. See link below.

Yeah I found the information there so that makes me feel better at least, but I can't imagine people just using google translate to get the copy/paste text blurb about the information. But at least I got something official and a source for all of the screenshots and the world map.
NaturallyDark said:
Am I the only one around here who is thinking about Primal Dialga? It can't just be a coincidence that he's also a powered-up entity with glowing yellow lines on his body. Why would they give such a similar form the same name if they weren't directly related?

I can see how this could be a viable theory, but I feel that 'Primal' carries a different meaning in MD than it does in the main games.

Primal Dialga was caused by Darkrai stealing the time gears, corrupting Diagla's mind and body as a result. In ORAS, 'Primal' seems to be used in the sense of unleashing power that was lost over the eons. Additionally, in MD, Dialga's Primal state was caused by a change in artifacts that controlled time related to the overall world. In ORAS, Primal will likely be related to alterations in artifacts that relate to the Pokemon directly. As such, it can probably be concluded that 'Primal' does not carry the exact same definition over both dimensions, nor should it be assumed that it does.

Furthermore, the purpose of the Red/Blue orbs are to actually calm and control Groudon/Kyogre. The Adamant orb is used to call Dialga forth, but does not actually control it; hence the need for Team Galactic to construct the Red Chain in order to control Dialga once it is summoned.

All that said, I can certainly see them using the Adamant and Lustrous orbs in a similar "Mega Stone" manner, should Sinnoh remakes crop up in Gen VII, especially if the Red/Blue orbs are used in a similar fashion in ORAS. But I don't believe that this would necessarily cause Dialga to revert to the Primal State that was seen in MD. After all, if the Adamant orb was deliberately altered by human intervention to create or unleash a mega-like state, I wouldn't be surprised if the results were drastically different.

In conclusion, it may be best to shelve this idea until the potential for Sinnoh remakes is actually a possibility. After all, this particular argument is at least one generation too early, and aimed at a generation that likely won't come out for a few more years. Let's just try to focus on the remakes at hand right now, okay? ^^
Rusty Sticks said:
BioticKhajiit said:
We still didnt get it early, besides thats just stupid blaming an entire region because of leaks which anyone anywhere can do, people leaked stuff way before from various other reasons. Why should the majority of Europe suffer because of a handful of people? Its stupid.


Nintendo is spiteful.

There's also localization issues. So don't feel all that bad.

Still stupid though, its damped my nostalgic hype. Others leak and dont get any punishment. A better idea would to punish the retailer, plus as well the people in the store who released it early probably got punished for it anyway. Localisation wouldnt be that big of a problem, certainly not a full week. It could get shipped out to retailers on time.
I was on twitter an someone made a meme of Maxie's face and if you look at the corner of his glasses you could see what looks like a mega stone. More new Megas maybe??
Tensho said:
NaturallyDark said:
Am I the only one around here who is thinking about Primal Dialga? It can't just be a coincidence that he's also a powered-up entity with glowing yellow lines on his body. Why would they give such a similar form the same name if they weren't directly related?

As I had said before, Primal Dialga is Dark (Yami no) Dialga in Japanese, meaning he was driven mad, not the same as Primal Groudon and Kyogre, which are called Ancient (Genshi). In other word, in Japanese, Primal Dialga and Primal Kyogre/Groudon are different things.

That's true, but I feel that there's still some connection. Dialga was driven mad, but perhaps his form was described like that instead of as an ancient form. After all, Groudon and Kyogre don't seem to be crazy. And the fact that the English would be the same but that it wouldn't be similar/the same thing feels wrong. That's like a careless error – of course somebody would make the connection.
Materious17 said:
Tensho said:
I checked the Japanese official website for ORAS. It's true. See link below.

Yeah I found the information there so that makes me feel better at least, but I can't imagine people just using google translate to get the copy/paste text blurb about the information. But at least I got something official and a source for all of the screenshots and the world map.

Yeah, I frantically search for a source too because WPM didn't put a link to any. The English official website is lame, they only have screenshots.

NaturallyDark said:
That's true, but I feel that there's still some connection. Dialga was driven mad, but perhaps his form was described like that instead of as an ancient form. After all, Groudon and Kyogre don't seem to be crazy. And the fact that the English would be the same but that it wouldn't be similar/the same thing feels wrong. That's like a careless error – of course somebody would make the connection.

Yeah, ever since CoroCoro came out, tons of people made that claim. I was gonna jump into the hype train too but I checked the Japanese name for Primal Dialga and neh. It's just translation problem.
NaturallyDark said:
Tensho said:
As I had said before, Primal Dialga is Dark (Yami no) Dialga in Japanese, meaning he was driven mad, not the same as Primal Groudon and Kyogre, which are called Ancient (Genshi). In other word, in Japanese, Primal Dialga and Primal Kyogre/Groudon are different things.

That's true, but I feel that there's still some connection. Dialga was driven mad, but perhaps his form was described like that instead of as an ancient form. After all, Groudon and Kyogre don't seem to be crazy. And the fact that the English would be the same but that it wouldn't be similar/the same thing feels wrong. That's like a careless error – of course somebody would make the connection.

PMD isn't made by gamefreak. So its kinda like Shadow was a "cool" twist on some legend that wasn't intended by the people that deisgned the legends.

That said, there could be a gamefreak-approved primal Dialga whenever Sinnoh gets confurmed, but even then I'd think we'd see either Dialga/Palkias "Origin" formes, or some other new twist that wasn't the same primal concept they went for with Kyogre/Groudon, and even if they really did slap more primal formes on remake mascots, Primal Dialga would not look like the one from PMD anyway.
Tensho said:
Materious17 said:
Yeah I found the information there so that makes me feel better at least, but I can't imagine people just using google translate to get the copy/paste text blurb about the information. But at least I got something official and a source for all of the screenshots and the world map.

Yeah, I frantically search for a source too because WPM didn't put a link to any. The English official website is lame, they only have screenshots.

NaturallyDark said:
That's true, but I feel that there's still some connection. Dialga was driven mad, but perhaps his form was described like that instead of as an ancient form. After all, Groudon and Kyogre don't seem to be crazy. And the fact that the English would be the same but that it wouldn't be similar/the same thing feels wrong. That's like a careless error – of course somebody would make the connection.

Yeah, ever since CoroCoro came out, tons of people made that claim. I was gonna jump into the hype train too but I checked the Japanese name for Primal Dialga and neh. It's just translation problem.

I assume 'primal' was said during E3, but it does baffle me that they would use it again, instead of 'ancient' or something similar.
NaturallyDark said:
Tensho said:
Yeah, I frantically search for a source too because WPM didn't put a link to any. The English official website is lame, they only have screenshots.

Yeah, ever since CoroCoro came out, tons of people made that claim. I was gonna jump into the hype train too but I checked the Japanese name for Primal Dialga and neh. It's just translation problem.

I assume 'primal' was said during E3, but it does baffle me that they would use it again, instead of 'ancient' or something similar.

You don't have to assume, "Primal" is the official. I still think Primal Reversion would work very similar to Mega, so that hopefully GF still have something up their sleeves for Gen 7.
I'm really happy or this footage *_* I'm hyped!!!
But why a week later here in Europe? ;_; I want it the same day! (Like it was with X-Y)
Also, if you go into the Mega Evolution section of the Japanese official website, you'll see the same screen shoot of Mega Charizard X. Kind of 80% proven that Steven doesn't have a Zard X.
Maybe this doesn't have any relevance, but why is celebi on the hoenn map??? And also what could the spoky island on the top of the map be??? Maybe rayquaza new lair? Or another legendary lair kind of the ruins in johto were you could get dialga, palkia and giratina?
And finally love the game art so far I'm 100 percent exited for these games!!!
What are you talking about? o_o

Next to the spooky island on the left you see a green thing that looks like celebi that has like a line of clouds after him
Tensho said:
Also, if you go into the Mega Evolution section of the Japanese official website, you'll see the same screen shoot of Mega Charizard X. Kind of 80% proven that Steven doesn't have a Zard X.

And I think I saw a screenshot of it fighting Mega Garchomp at the exact same level.

I'm assuming this is a tutorial battle on how to use Mega Evolutions, similar to Korrina's tutorial battle in X & Y.
And I seriously hope that they will revise the designs for Mega Lati@s because those are freaking fugly.