Northeast Ohio / Western Pennsylvania Prereleases

RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

It's been confirmed that Celebi will be in this set :p
Also I think the set offers many good cards, the problem is DGX stops the whole lost world deck ideas :p
RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

Mudkip it was shown on the beach from promotion released for the english version
RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

I see it now. :p

Usually they take some of the cards out of the set and move them to the next set because of the movie. (Like with Secret Wonders and Great Encounters)
RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

Everyone is wonder about Gengar Prime, I'm not at all.The deck I am currently running runs over it.Anyways like i said Machamp prime looks like a healthy card.Don't know what hunter does so i'll check that out right
RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

What are you running then?
And I think that Gengar won't do anything the SP domination.
RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

That I can't tell you, I don't wanna leak anything of it until City Championships.
RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

I only like Gengar because of the artwork. :x

I'm going to try out a variety of things before cities to see which one I like the best and which one does the best.
RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

You should try ChenAzizCurryWittz Lock.
It's easier to play then how it's pronounce xD
RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

I'll probably just play something else that I have in mind. There will be some cards coming out that will help it tremendously. >:)
RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

Who else have heard the rumors that Lost World may not be in this set?
RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

I really hope that it isn't.
I want a fun Cities and not one ruined by Lostgar...
RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

I hope it's a secret rare so it'll be hard to get a lot of them. >:D

Are any of you going to North Ridgeville?
RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

Nope sorry, I guess that makes me a lame.I will be at the one in Dayton though.
RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

What time is North Ridgeville?

Also if Lost World is a secret rare, i guess i'll have to trade my lux's :)
RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

Way to not read the very first post.
RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

Calm down Zele.
I am really hoping that Lost World isn't printed, but we will have to see. Good luck to everyone on getting what they want.
Do you guys think that Seeker will see any play?
RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

I'm just telling him he should pay more attention. >.>

I really like the idea posted in the TC. All I need are the promos, but I feel I could get those at the PR Sunday.
RE: Northeast Ohio HS: Triumphant Prereleases

Ryan said he didn't see any Lost World!