RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!
I have, Luxchomp vs. Champ is literally an auto win, w or w/out Drifblim, Machamp is just as fast if not faster than LuxChomp. Uxie X can usually KO one MAYBE two Champs, then Drifblim can steal a prize, but if the Champ player has Champ prime ready to KO it's game over. Power Spray keeps LuxChomp alive but Seeker is what seals the game IMO,
L-Chomp KO's random Machamp(w/ Uxie X/Drifblim)
Machamp against Uxie X goes take out
L-Chomp KO's it with Drifblim(or shuffles back)
If shuffle back, Machamp players spams T/S/S to get Take out champ and gets KO
If just KO Machamp goes meet Tag Team
LuxChomp goes Power spray
Machamp goes Seeker
Then BTS(SPs unless they play PCH don't have stadiums typically) Machamp Prime
Tagteam, very unlikely power spray TBH(that would require two in hand and four sps on field)
So yeah usually champ wins pretty easily, power spray is the ONLY thing that gives chomp a chance.