Northeast Ohio / Western Pennsylvania Prereleases

RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

I am now also now taking preregistrations for the Chardon tournament.
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

Chardon isn't a big venue correct? But Toledo can accommodate a very large turn out!
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

Same thing here :p(regarding PA, can't go :(

Also 330 AJ, good chance i'll be going, i'll tell you by Monday whether or not i'll be going for sure(hopefully it won't be filled up by then)
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

Yeah, Luxchomp is pretty much dominating from my play-testing with Spencer, Austin(The Master), Adler and some others. I'm staying overnight 2 nights for PA then comin back for the Columbus 1
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

What's everybody else playing? LuxChomp...?
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

Pwetty much, Gyra is comin back a little, but is in no way a threat to Luxchomp. Sablock might make an a ppearance(hint hint) but idk how it will do
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

*cough* Austin. *cough*

Are you going to the GA Marathon? I might...
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

Have you tested it against Machamp?
And are you running a 1-1 tech line of something?
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

I have, Luxchomp vs. Champ is literally an auto win, w or w/out Drifblim, Machamp is just as fast if not faster than LuxChomp. Uxie X can usually KO one MAYBE two Champs, then Drifblim can steal a prize, but if the Champ player has Champ prime ready to KO it's game over. Power Spray keeps LuxChomp alive but Seeker is what seals the game IMO,
L-Chomp KO's random Machamp(w/ Uxie X/Drifblim)
Machamp against Uxie X goes take out
L-Chomp KO's it with Drifblim(or shuffles back)
If shuffle back, Machamp players spams T/S/S to get Take out champ and gets KO
If just KO Machamp goes meet Tag Team
LuxChomp goes Power spray
Machamp goes Seeker
Then BTS(SPs unless they play PCH don't have stadiums typically) Machamp Prime
Tagteam, very unlikely power spray TBH(that would require two in hand and four sps on field)
So yeah usually champ wins pretty easily, power spray is the ONLY thing that gives chomp a chance.
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

I am unsure still. I may just wait and see what is being played before I decide.
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

Also to note on the matchup-
If LuxChomp doesn't get a T1 spray it is really hard to win, you need that T1 Spray so you can stop their initial setup, or at least have a chance to.
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

I may be switching to Dialgachomp because it gives much better Machamp match-ups.
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

That it does.
D-Chomp is very annoying early game but if Machamp goes Second it has a chance to be able force D-Chomp to play catchup.
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

What should my Energy line look like? Do I need Calls if I am playing Toxitank?
The deck is super hard to get right...
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

I'd try to squeeze two in, but lately in my lists i've cut calls, you just have to hope for two things-
1). More than two basics, avoid the donk, usually 15+ basics gives you a good chance of this
2). Hope you don't get bad starts(aka Bronzong G etc.), they'll happen, but if they get excessive you'll want call
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

I am thinking that Dialgachomp is too slow, even with Toxitank running smoothly.
I may try out Luxchomp with Toxitank. What do you think?
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

All i can do is wish you look, i usually use Drifblim over ToxiTank(just a preference) but hey if you can fit it in, go for it. I usually try to tech in 2-3 non-standard techs in my luxchomp(aka not Ambipom or Draggy) so i tend to not play ToxiTank. Also if you play toxitank, your stadiums should be
1 GHQ(not needed but just helps consistency)
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

Yeah, gotta find a HQ...
I prefer it over Drifblim because you can Poketurn or heal it.
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

Guys, don't spam the thread with deck advice. Take that to PM. Only discuss the Cities metagame, the dates, etc.. here. (You do this every time a new thread is made. >.> )
RE: Eastern Ohio, Western PA, and Northeastern WV City Championships!

Ok, do you guys think that Gengar Prime will be used in Vilegar?
And, if anyone is going to Massilion, if Gengar Prime is a bad idea, I may to borrow a Gengar SF.