Pokemon Nostalgia in Gen. VI: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?


Aspiring Trainer
So with todays kanto starters and mega evolutions, along with teasers being showed for the mewtwo mega evolution & the pokemon origins anime, Gamefreak are going for nostalgia, and perhaps trying to spark interest in some of the older fans.

I think this is deffo going to work! How about you guys? Thoughts?
RE: Strong Nostalgia in Pokemon X & Y (Spoilers)

I feel like all of the main Pokemon games strive to capture at least a little bit of nostalgia. I mean, of course there will always be new fans coming into the series every time a pair of games come out, but there is an inherent Pokemon fanbase that has stuck around with the series ever since the glory days. I will say it seems like X/Y is trying to push this a lot more especially with the Mega Evolutions and giving out the Kanto starters and stuff like that, but this really isn't something brand new for the franchise, at least from what I've seen.

dmaster out.
RE: Strong Nostalgia in Pokemon X & Y (Spoilers)

I think grabbing at nostalgia is a great marketing technique, especially when you're a company as old as Pokemon and have the ability to tug at the heartstrings of fans that grew up with the games. This may even be just the thing to get back the "cool kids" from the late 90's that only played pokemon just to be cool. Not that I'd like those kind of people in the fandom, but hey, more money towards Pokemon means more awesome things like X and Y coming our way. I cant exactly say that Nintendo/GameFreak are money hungry, they use pretty good marketing techniques and are usually very fair with their prices (the 2DS as a cheaper alternative, the $5 a year payment for the Bank.)
RE: Nostalgia in generation 6: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?

As a fan of Pokémon since the first generation I love the new updates. I'm a big fan of Mega Charizard (who has always been my favourite Pokémon and will remain that forever :p ).

Since the anime is so closely related to the original games and focused on the first generation I definitely think old fans will find new interest in the franchise.

The changes to the Kanto starters could go either way. Fans might like the updates to their first partners, but they could also not accept the changes to the Pokémon they love. I'm open to good changes, however, and think this is one of them!
RE: Nostalgia in generation 6: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?

I really think that playing on nostalgia is a smart move for Pokémon, and it'll likely work wonders. It's been 15 years since the games were released outside of Japan and the kids who played Pokémon at the start are now done with education, with jobs (and disposable income!) of their own. Nostalgia has been a popular seller anyway throughout the decade, such as the resurgence of 80s cartoons with the Transformers movies and the new cartoons for popular shows like MLP and Strawberry Shortcake.

I do like the throwbacks to first gen, and things like the new Origins anime special are even more intriguing. This is probably one of the best times to try and rope old fans back into the series, and I hope it works well.
RE: Nostalgia in generation 6: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?

The thing is, even if they DO have a load of throw backs to gen 1, there's still the other generations that people who started later find nostalgic and I don't like how GF is discriminating against them.
RE: Nostalgia in generation 6: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?

There was no generation without nostalgic stuff o_O

I mean even BW which were supposed to be the first actual fresh start, the second gym you get to, has the villains steal a Dragonite skull from a museum.
And then especially in cases like this, whenever its only implied or used very subtly, the other games are then nostalgia overkill (like BW2 in gen V).
RE: Nostalgia in generation 6: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?

Mitja said:
There was no generation without nostalgic stuff o_O

I mean even BW which were supposed to be the first actual fresh start, the second gym you get to, has the villains steal a Dragonite skull from a museum.
And then especially in cases like this, whenever its only implied or used very subtly, the other games are then nostalgia overkill (like BW2 in gen V).

How was it overkill? Asking because I never bought it since I thought it was a waste.
RE: Nostalgia in generation 6: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?

Ohman177 said:
Mitja said:
There was no generation without nostalgic stuff o_O

I mean even BW which were supposed to be the first actual fresh start, the second gym you get to, has the villains steal a Dragonite skull from a museum.
And then especially in cases like this, whenever its only implied or used very subtly, the other games are then nostalgia overkill (like BW2 in gen V).

How was it overkill? Asking because I never bought it since I thought it was a waste.

I think you answered your own question.

Clarification: the whole game was a paper thin plot that amounted to: hey, remember all that stuff that happened three years ago? lemme tell you all about it again.
The only improved thing were the wild pokemon and some routes (WHERE'S ROUTE 10, M***********S? WHERE'S ROUTE 10?!!!)

Statement: be right back, gotta kill some gamefreak meatbags.
RE: Nostalgia in generation 6: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?

Blob55 said:
The thing is, even if they DO have a load of throw backs to gen 1, there's still the other generations that people who started later find nostalgic and I don't like how GF is discriminating against them.

I'm honestly unsure whether you're joking or not...I wouldn't call it discriminating at all.

I think the nostalgia/throwbacks to Gen I is simply because this is really a new start for the series and these throwbacks are a nice nod to the beginning. I know it was said Gen V was a "new start," but really...there's just so many firsts for the series this gen compared to last.

I wouldn't worry about other generations, though...their time will likely come, and I'd love to see it happen. But frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if there will always be more nods to the original games than the subsequent ones, simply because Gen I was first. The original. Where it all started.

For now, and especially with the new "evolution" of the series, I think it's a smart move to focus on its origins.
RE: Nostalgia in generation 6: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?

CMP said:
Blob55 said:
The thing is, even if they DO have a load of throw backs to gen 1, there's still the other generations that people who started later find nostalgic and I don't like how GF is discriminating against them.

I'm honestly unsure whether you're joking or not...I wouldn't call it discriminating at all.

I think the nostalgia/throwbacks to Gen I is simply because this is really a new start for the series and these throwbacks are a nice nod to the beginning. I know it was said Gen V was a "new start," but really...there's just so many firsts for the series this gen compared to last.

I wouldn't worry about other generations, though...their time will likely come, and I'd love to see it happen. But frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if there will always be more nods to the original games than the subsequent ones, simply because Gen I was first. The original. Where it all started.

For now, and especially with the new "evolution" of the series, I think it's a smart move to focus on its origins.

My problem with the "throwbacks" is that since Episode N there's been a load of nods to gen 1 and they're even continuing it to XY! What about poor RSE mon? In 3rd gen a 1st gen remake was made, in 4th gen a 2nd gen remake was made. In 5th gen no remakes were made and it looks like 6th gen will have ANOTHER 1st gen remake. :/
RE: Nostalgia in generation 6: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?

Blob55 said:
CMP said:
I'm honestly unsure whether you're joking or not...I wouldn't call it discriminating at all.

I think the nostalgia/throwbacks to Gen I is simply because this is really a new start for the series and these throwbacks are a nice nod to the beginning. I know it was said Gen V was a "new start," but really...there's just so many firsts for the series this gen compared to last.

I wouldn't worry about other generations, though...their time will likely come, and I'd love to see it happen. But frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if there will always be more nods to the original games than the subsequent ones, simply because Gen I was first. The original. Where it all started.

For now, and especially with the new "evolution" of the series, I think it's a smart move to focus on its origins.

My problem with the "throwbacks" is that since Episode N there's been a load of nods to gen 1 and they're even continuing it to XY! What about poor RSE mon? In 3rd gen a 1st gen remake was made, in 4th gen a 2nd gen remake was made. In 5th gen no remakes were made and it looks like 6th gen will have ANOTHER 1st gen remake. :/

I doubt there will be a first gen remake this generation...if there's going to be a remake, it would likely be third gen. Don't think of it as generation-skip-remake, but rather handheld-skip-remake. Because both the fourth and fifth gens were DS-based, there was a way to play third gen games during the fifth gen if you had a DS or DS Lite (and thus no need for remakes as Hoenn was playable). A lot of it also had to do with the fact that the transition from GBC to GBA meant a loss of connectivity, while you could transfer Pokémon from third gen to fourth, then fourth gen to fifth.

Like I said, I'm sure throwbacks to other generations will eventually come. For now, I'm perfectly satisfied with how the so-called franchise "evolution" looks back to its origins. Just try not to take it personally.
RE: Nostalgia in generation 6: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?

RSE remake makes as much sense as remaking RGBY a second time.
-They remade these the first time because they are the originals, because the compatibility was gone and because tons of the pokemon weren't available
-They remade GS simply for nostalgia cash milking purposes. In other words, they knew it would sell like cookies
For RSE I wouldn't be so confident, and itd have to be a bigger project. But since the whole region has to be made from scratch again, this time in 3d, they might as well make it new games involving Hoenn right away.

Frankly, I don't even see remakes (nor third versions) as something gamefreak would actually do at this point (especially after BW2). If they go for Hoenn soon (which is very likely), it will be:
1. by having gen 7 take place close to Hoenn and have us revisit it in the post-game like Kanto in GSC
2. by making sequels
either way, it would be taking place like a decade after the events of RSE.

I'm curious how they'll milk the Hoenn-fanboy-nostalgia (its not as big as the GS-remake-whining was, but not so small that gamefreak could ignore it either), but "remembering" DPt afterwards is a much more straightforward task. As DPt left the story open, with Cyrus still out there and with plenty of potential for plot via exploration of further inetrdimensional portals. And since Giratina already has its interdimensional forme, they only have to make 2 sequels that give new formes to mascots: Diamond 2 & Pearl 2.
RE: Nostalgia in generation 6: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?

This certainly sounds like a money grab trying to get the older fans back into the game. But hey who's complaining? In fact I love the concept of mega evolutions, especially for the Kanto starters.
RE: Nostalgia in generation 6: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?

Darkrai said:
This certainly sounds like a money grab trying to get the older fans back into the game. But hey who's complaining? In fact I love the concept of mega evolutions, especially for the Kanto starters.

Damn right! What's not to love!?
RE: Nostalgia in generation 6: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?

I've been hearing a lot of people that didn't like gens 4 and 5, like gen 6. I don't think it's just the nostalgia either. There's something else.

The news about the gen 1 Pokemon is definitely causing old fans to check things out and return.
But there's also those of us that have stuck by Pokemon despite not being too enthralled with the last two gens but are really excited about the Pokemon of gen 6. I think for the most part, it's doing a great job of bringing fans from different gens together.
RE: Nostalgia in generation 6: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?

Lex said:
I've been hearing a lot of people that didn't like gens 4 and 5, like gen 6. I don't think it's just the nostalgia either. There's something else.

The news about the gen 1 Pokemon is definitely causing old fans to check things out and return.
But there's also those of us that have stuck by Pokemon despite not being too enthralled with the last two gens but are really excited about the Pokemon of gen 6. I think for the most part, it's doing a great job of bringing fans from different gens together.

It's probably all the new mechanics and the designs of the pokemon.
RE: Nostalgia in generation 6: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?

Lex said:
I've been hearing a lot of people that didn't like gens 4 and 5, like gen 6. I don't think it's just the nostalgia either. There's something else.

The news about the gen 1 Pokemon is definitely causing old fans to check things out and return.
But there's also those of us that have stuck by Pokemon despite not being too enthralled with the last two gens but are really excited about the Pokemon of gen 6. I think for the most part, it's doing a great job of bringing fans from different gens together.

I actually really liked gens 4 and 5, so does that mean I have to dislike 6?
RE: Nostalgia in generation 6: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?

Lex said:
I've been hearing a lot of people that didn't like gens 4 and 5, like gen 6. I don't think it's just the nostalgia either. There's something else.

Gen 4 was what got me back into Pokemon after Pokemon Yellow in Gen 1 due to Wi-Fi Connection of being able to have Lv. 100 Flat Battles and Gen 5 took that away so I'm hoping it comes back in Gen 6 which doesn't seem likely. The Pokemon designs of Gen 5 were the WORST in the history of the franchise, even the Starters felt weak aside from Emboar and Serperior whose cool although I have a soft spot for Samurott since Oshawott was my Starter in Black.

The problem is that Game Freak focused too much on making most of the Pokemon of Gen 5 rehashed versions of Gen 1 Pokemon since Unova was supposed to be a reboot of Kanto which failed horribly. Even the Anime series followed suit with Cilan, Iris, and Trip (rival) being rehashed clones of Brock, Misty, and Gary Oak (rival) from the Original series. The only one that never changed is Ash Ketchum since apparently he needed an excuse to go to Unova when he should've won the Sinnoh League without getting curbstomped by Tobias with his Darkrai and Latios.

Lex said:
The news about the gen 1 Pokemon is definitely causing old fans to check things out and return.
But there's also those of us that have stuck by Pokemon despite not being too enthralled with the last two gens but are really excited about the Pokemon of gen 6. I think for the most part, it's doing a great job of bringing fans from different gens together.

Considering that Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour were in Gen 5's main adventure to help with your Unova Starter's type coverage, the Kanto Starters in Gen 6 does it so much better in covering for your Kalos Starter's weakness instead. Aside from helping you get through the main adventure Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour had no replay value whatsoever as it felt like Game Freak just threw those Pokemon in for one purpose and that's to get through the main adventure of the games, let alone the fact that the designs based on those Pokemon were terrible and lazy especially Pansear and Simisear being rip-offs of Chimchar, Monferno, and Infernape.

Plus with the Kanto Starters you get to choose out of in Gen 6 alongside the Kalos Starters they also come with their hidden abilities with Bulbasaur having Thick Fat, Charmander having Drought, and Squirtle with Mega Launcher since the Torchic Wi-Fi Event for Gen 6 already has Speed Boost. The reason why I said that the Kanto Starters in Gen 6 have better replay value than Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour in Gen 5 is due to giving old fans of Pokemon a very good reason to breed the Kanto Starter they choose in the game and the best part is that you don't even need to mega evolve them for their hidden abilities either when they will already have them compared to the one's you import from the old games that don't where they need to mega evolve to get those hidden abilities.

As for Mega Evolutions in Pokemon X and Y, was it really necessary? Game Freak instead should've done standard/permanent evolutions for old Pokemon like they did in Gen 4. The Kanto Starters are just fine with their new hidden abilities in Gen 6 although they have completely different one's in Gen 5 that never got released outside Japan with Bulbasaur having Chlorophyll, Charmander having Solar Power, and Squirtle with Rain Dish that aren't breedable cause they're all Male however in Gen 6 they are breedable which is great cause you can soft-reset the game until you get the gender you want for your Kanto Starter so you can breed it later after you've beaten the Elite Four and the Kalos region Champion.

Here's an interesting twist, what If the Kanto Starters are version exclusive where in the other version you end up getting the Johto Starters with new hidden abilities instead? How cool would that be plus there's likely going to be a Pokemon Z with Mewtwo having a 3rd Mega Evolution that might even blow it's X and Y forms out of the water. We pretty much already have several Mewtwo forms that look like DBZ villians at this point with regular Mewtwo as Frieza, Mewtwo X as Cell, and Mewtwo Y as Majin Buu. So that just leaves Mewtwo Z being Broly possibly If my speculation on this is correct.
RE: Nostalgia in generation 6: Sparking new interest for the old fan base?

Card Slinger J said:
Here's an interesting twist, what If the Kanto Starters are version exclusive where in the other version you end up getting the Johto Starters with new hidden abilities instead? How cool would that be plus there's likely going to be a Pokemon Z with Mewtwo having a 3rd Mega Evolution that might even blow it's X and Y forms out of the water. We pretty much already have several Mewtwo forms that look like DBZ villians at this point with regular Mewtwo as Frieza, Mewtwo X as Cell, and Mewtwo Y as Majin Buu. So that just leaves Mewtwo Z being Broly possibly If my speculation on this is correct.
That's an interesting theory. It is curious that they're giving us Kanto starters and one Hoenn starter (with the possibility of the others following through similar future events?), but they've skipped gen 2. Perhaps you're right and there's more to reveal on that front. ^^