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Now updated with (Luxray GL Lv.X & Uxie Lv.X) bring me new primes and (JPN) mer

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RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

naw I thought about it, I dont wanna do the deal sorry.
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

L- How about

1x Luxray GL($8)
1x Uxie (LP)($3)

1x Spiritomb (AR)($10)


Could you do:


1x Spiritomb AR ($10)


1x Azelf LA ($10~(I'm not quite sure how much this is, but I saw a reverse holo mint on ebay for $10. I'm assuming the non-holo version is somewhere below that, so I'd be willing to do this.))

LMK, I just need the Azelf right now. I'm getting a Luxray GL soon, so LMK.
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

cml for 2 moomoo milk
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

1x Rayquaza Deoxys Legend (Top)
1x Rayquaza Deoxys Legend (BOTTOM

please please please cml for these i need them badly PLZ!!!!!!
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

Lui- Deal PM to confirm

K1lled- I like your

Magmortar Lv.X

Garchomp- Didn't see anything for the luxray X sorry, but I do like some of your cards.

Flea- I like the following

2x TOP Lugia legend
3x Bottom Lugia Legend
2x TOP ho-oh legend
2x bottome ho-oh legend
1x feraligatr prime
1x Kingdra Prime
Charizard G lvl X (set
Areus lv X Psychic Bolt (set)
Arceus lv X Meteor Blast (set)
Salamence lv. X (set)
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

Garchomp- I like the following but please make the first offer since IDK how u value your cards thanks.

1x Garchomp C Lv.X (PACK ONLY)
2x Spiritomb (AR)(Main Want)
4x Garchomp C (1x RH)
9x Poke Turn (Main Want)
9x E-Gain (Main Want)
10x Cyrus Conspiracy (Main Want)
8x Power Spray (Main Want)
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

Garchomp- No not at the moment, but what about the above purposel.
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)


How about

1x PGX

4x Poke Turn (Main Want)
4x E-Gain (Main Want)
4x Cyrus Conspiracy (Main Want)
4x Power Spray (Main Want)
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

i have Yu gi oh cards what do u need ?

im intrested in your

1x Azelf
3x Call energy
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

Please CML for your...

1x Pokeball Sleeves (Blueish/Green)(SEALED)
1x Black Pokeball Sleeves (SEALED)
1x JPN Charizard Sleeves (SEALED)
1x Tyranitar (PRIME)
1x Kyogre Groudon Legend (TOP)
1x Kyogre Groudon Legend (BOTTOM)
RE: Updated New List/ Bring me your spiritombs (AR)

1x ERL (FULL)(Main Want)
1x Poke Turn(Main Want)
1x Power Spray(Main Want)
1x Promocroak (DP41)(Main Want)
Luxray X
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