Oboy170's first sprite contest. Round Two Started!


Lord Blade
Hello all of Pokebeach's spriters! Think that you have what it takes to be one of the greatest pokebeach spriters?​

I've seen many sprite contests and decided to make my own. We will have 3 judges who will rate your sprites on a scale from 1-100. The person with the lowest score average will be eliminated. Each round will have a different theme and different rules. If you get the sprite posted on the day a round is anounced you get 5 extra points.

All images must be in .png formant or else you will get MANY points deducted.
As always make sure your sprite is clean and outlines go together well. Don't be afraid to be creative. Creativity gives more points.
All sprites must be made from AT LEAST 3 different Pokemon.
All sprites must be conbinations of different Pokemon and not just a Pokemon in a different pose.
All sprites must be in on time. If you can't make the date please inform me and you will not loose points.
All sprites must be in within 3 days of the round being posted.

1. Kaiserchu
2. MylesPrower
3. darksun
4. CrackTheSkye
5. toille12345
6. superfoof
7. altariaking

1. Oboy170 (duh)
2. SinRaven
3. charidude

Winners will get a signature trophy (1st (gold), 2nd(silver), 3rd(bronze)) or ribbon (honorable mention) that has the image of that persons highest rated sprite on it.

Once every person has signed up the first round will begin. There will be 12 rounds total.

Round two's theme is....

Uber sprite! The rules are to make a sprite from 6 ledgendarys. Entries must be in by Saturday.
So what are you waiting for? Begin!

Kaiserchu's entry

CrackTheSkye's entry

altariaking's entry

toille12345's entry
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest.

God there are alot of these. But I like spriting so sure.
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest.

Can I join? Judging by the rules, it seems that we are doing fusions. Correct me if i'm wrong.
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest.

Here's my fusion(Though it's not very good). It's called bomb.

I used Electrode as the base, Weavile for the colors, and Monferno for the flame on the fuse. (Bomb is about to explode, so there is no fuse left.)
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest.

Round one has not started yet. It starts when we get all of the contestants.
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest.

is there going to be certain guidelines for the pokemon we create? Like using certain pokemon
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest.

Just a question can I join if I am this good?
(Yes it is a fusion. Hypno+Magmar+Elecatbuzz) Haha jk, but ya I would like to join unless everyone else feels intimidated.
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest.

@konter_j8902 Yes. Each round will have a different theme. Some rounds you will have to create something out of certain Pokemon that I choose.

@SinRaven & Charizard88 You guys are in!
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest.

I C88 is in, I'm in.

@C88: I'm not intimidated at all =P
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest.

We now have 1/3 of the total contestants! Hopefully we will get another judge.
RE: Oboy170's first sprite contest.

Fusion is mixing, right? X3

I suck at spriting, but I'll join nonetheless. ;D