Odd / Silly Things You Used to Think

I always thought the pokemon TCG was played by getting a deck of 60 random cards, and then slapping them down and using attacks. For example: I set down Zekrom, and I can just use bolt strike for free.
I used to think a lot of weird things. I used to think that I had all kinds of powers. (Flight/levitation, Kamehameha, double-jumping, X-ray vision and Psychic powers) I used to think that I had a Pikachu and I brought him everywhere with me. I used to think that a lot of video game characters and other fictional characters were real. (When were coming home from somewhere when I was little, I told my parents and my brother that a giant Furby was chasing us)
Salamencetrainer34 said:
I always thought the pokemon TCG was played by getting a deck of 60 random cards, and then slapping them down and using attacks. For example: I set down Zekrom, and I can just use bolt strike for free.

Me too except I didn't even bother to make a deck. I just picked 6 pokemon and played trainers when ever I felt like it. When I learned how to play the real way, I learned to appreciate the game much more.
Drohn said:
Once upon a time when I was a little Drohn I thought that all movies, TV series, etc. really happened and that someone videotaped it. I didn't know they were actors/actresses.

Similarly, when I was little, I always thought that every single episode on TV was a live performance. When those back-to-back reruns would come on (not cartoons, obviously), I used to be surprised the actors weren't so tired after three or so hours of acting :p
I thought girls got pregnant by being really happy with someone and then pooped the baby out.
I used to think Fifi from Tiny Toon Adventures just had on really strong perfume and not smelly skunk smell
Really common one: I used to think that if I swallowed a watermelon seed, a watermelon would grow in my stomach. Then I learned that I didn't even like watermelon.
Turtwig said:
Drohn said:
Once upon a time when I was a little Drohn I thought that all movies, TV series, etc. really happened and that someone videotaped it. I didn't know they were actors/actresses.

Similarly, when I was little, I always thought that every single episode on TV was a live performance. When those back-to-back reruns would come on (not cartoons, obviously), I used to be surprised the actors weren't so tired after three or so hours of acting :p

In a similar vein to this, I used to think that whenever there was a song on (whether on the radio, tv, cd player or whatever) that the artist was doing a live performance of that song (since dumb little me didn't know about the glory of recording).
It always made me think that the singer was in a cd, but only sang when said cd was played xD

I also hated cows as a child and convinced myself that all cows were vicious carnivores that were to be avoided at all costs.
I thought Albert Einstein lived in the same time period as the famous artists, inventors, scientists, etc. of the Renaissance. I thought this until my junior year of high school.
I think I'm the only one that really KNOWS how to play the TCG.
1. Attacks don't cost energy
2. You can attach as many tools as you want
3. If your hand is empty then you draw another 7 cards
4. You can discard cards whenever you want
5. You can have as many of 1 card in your deck as you want
6. The only way to win was when your opponent had no Pokemon in play
7. You can play Stage 2s to the bench, why waste your time evolving?
8. What is a Prize Card?

And on the subject of card rarity...
1.Energies were the most common and the most useless (This is due to me always buying Theme Decks instead of packs)
2.Trainers followed close behind, seeing as drawing cards was pointless since you could discard until your hand was empty. The only good trainers were Pokemon Tools because you could attach 10 to 1 pokemon.
3. Starter Pokemon Lines were really rare because there is only 1 starter in the game
4. Legendary Pokemon were EXTREMELY rare

I eventually started following these so called "rules" that you people made up, because people think my way is "wrong" and "unfair"
Clearly, that is wrong.

Little me used to:

Attack from the Bench
Attack Benched Pokémon
Not use enough Energy to attack
Make up rules like "You can't play that because I have the opposite type!"
Always play with more than 60 cards
Used toploaders as sleeves
Attack twice in the same turn
Played multiple Stadiums
Used Pyramid Lines (3-2-1)
Retreated more than once in a turn

I used to think we were the only lucky people whose car was followed by the moon on long road trips.
I used to think that when we went to sleep another side of us woke up and lived nocturnally. They had no memory of their day-walking selves, and vice versa. When they went back to sleep, the day side woke up feeling rested.
When Captain Falcon says "Falcon Punch!" in SSB when he performs the move, I used to think he was saying "Snowcone power ups!"
When I got my first thing of cards (which weren't even real) I only had 30, 60 including my brother's. So I made up so many different rules so it would work... including the you can discard as many cards in you hand as you like - I think so you didn't have to hold 20 cards (I couldn't hold a 'hand' at that time, your hand was layed flat, faced down on the table/ground).
On the subject of card rules, this is the way it is supposed to be done:

1. Of course you can attack Benched Pokémon!

2. You can have as many Benched Pokémon as will fit on the playmat.

3. If you run out of room on your Bench, but want to put down another, then you can discard cards from your Bench.

4. Of course you can only play Basics to the Bench. But you can Evolve them fully instantly if you have the Evolutions in your hand!

Didn't get heads? You can re-flip coins however many times you want!

You guys are dumb. Of course you have to have the Energy required to attack. You discard them every time you use them.

7. If you run out of Energies, search your Deck for some more.

8. If you run out of Energies there too, feel free to grab some from your Discard Pile.

9. Before the game, you have to search your Deck and pick out the rarest cards there as your Prize Cards. All Legendaries have to be there.

10. When you win a Prize Card, you can look at all of them and pick the one you want.

11. You can have as many cards in a Deck as you want, so bring your whole collection!

And now for card Rarity:
1. Energies are worthless.

2. If you have a card that has a banner in the background, that card is extremely rare and should not be traded.

3. The Ancient Mew cards are fake.

4. Shiny (color) cards are fake.

5. All Spiritomb cards are fake.

The so-called "rules" of the tournaments are stupid. Join the rebellion today, and PLAY THE RIGHT WAY.