Pokemon Official Coolest & Favorite Pokemon Thread

Coolest? I dunno. I like Lopunny. And Buneary. They're cool dudes. I like 'em. And Buneary's just plain fun to say. B'neeeeerie. ^.^

My all-time favorite Pokemon has been Mr. Mime since the very beginning. I'm not sure why... I suppose I felt silly about how ridiculous he looked and how I thought he'd get no love. He's super cool though, he's got good moves, cool abilities, but his stats, eh not so much. He could really use an evolution... but Farfetch'd gets one first, before ANYONE.

I also have my various generation favorites - Ledian for second gen, Delcatty for the third gen, Buneary for the fourth gen. But Mr. Mime still reigns supreme as all-time favorite.
godzilla: you like godzilla?
mine would probably be charizard/gengar for first gen
2nd gen feraligtr/raikou/umbreon
4th piplup line/infenape/dialga
Garydos clearly wins after the pain and suffring of rasing it from a lv 5 magicarpe ur given one of the strongest coolest looking dragons.
Darth Vader is the greatest Pokemon EVAR!1!1!! Light Saber Strike's ability to do 90 Damage while ignoring super effective and not very effective effects is amazing. But Choke is by far its strongest asset. It drops the user's defense by half but OHKO's your opponent. Not even Arceus could beat that.
I differ, chewbacca can own him with his supreme strangled goat-like voice.
I've grown a more recent liking to Infernape and Magmortar, as well as Regigigas for some unknown reason.
1st gen:electabuzz/magmar/scyther
2nd gen:tyranitar/ursaring/scisor
3rd gen:absol/crawdaunt/plusle/minun
4th gen:electivire/magmortar/gliscor
I really like Weavile. it's fast, strong, cool, and 'dark'. I wish i had a real one...
others include Venusaur, gengar, minun and plusle, blaziken, swellow, and others more.
But weavile stays the best.
my favorite would have to be infernape
but without a doubt the one who should be the coolest and is, is swellow
Lapras is cute yet dangerous, beautiful yet strong. Everything a Pokémon needs to be. But not vicious. Vicious is for noobs with their hacked lv900 Weaviles.
Hiro said:
Celebi rocks my friends
How dare thee endorse the bashers!

Well mine are Weedle, Trapinch, Magikarp, Feebass, Caterpie, Wurmple, and Rattata. =F
Yeah right. Empoleon, Magmortar, Tyranitar, Charizard, Garchomp, Salamence, Togekiss, Kingdra, Alakazam, and Dragonite. Plain kewlness.=F