Official States Discussion Thread

Stormfront metagame will mostly drop off. Slaking could be big, and certainly overpowered. Rogues...well you can't really predict that. And Rampardos is what's conidered to be the dominating deck, though I have to disagree. :D
I don't think it will fully drop off, but popular SF decks will die down. To boot, most of the Tier 1 decks from DP-SF drop to Tier 2.

Slaking is not overpowered. Sure, it's a HUGE threat when it gets set-up, but that's its can't get set-up quickly. Most of the time, the earliest a Slaking can get up is Turn 4. Good luck not taking some major damage by then.
I'm still thinking that toxicroak/skyntank is a good deck, it can even win against torterra and big hp decks. It's also faster than I thought it would be.
^ Ya it's fast and has good trainer support and decent disruption. I think Gengar for me though. I love sniping decks and locking decks plus Gengar is my second favorite Pokemon :D.
Blue Thunder said:

Slaking is not overpowered. Sure, it's a HUGE threat when it gets set-up, but that's its can't get set-up quickly. Most of the time, the earliest a Slaking can get up is Turn 4. Good luck not taking some major damage by then.

Slaking = Worse than Tyranitar. Tyranitar doesn't have a virtual 100 HP after it attacks, and in addition to being able to Grind for the heavy damage that Slaking does, can also spread, and ALSO charge itself up.
elekid957 said:
I'm still thinking that toxicroak/skyntank is a good deck, it can even win against torterra and big hp decks. It's also faster than I thought it would be.

Oh yeah, it's fast, but it DOES NOT do well against Torterrible, especially with Shaymin Land Lv.X. If you don't get the donk, the damage output will be way too low to even do anything. I'd say it's one of the worst matchups for Mightyena/Skuntank/Toxicroak myself.

dmaster out.
Rampardos is not BDIF. Kingdra is better, Blast-A-Cat V3, V4, V6, and V7 are all better!
Except Regigigas, Sorry Regigigas.

My top 3 opinions that will win States:

-G Pokemon
G Pokemon have weak HP. Dusknoir is slow, gets Amphy-locked, and suffers against a lot of good counter stadiums. Why would you put those?
120-140 is weak HP (Palkia or Dialga) for a Basic? Guhwah!?
Ugh how I do love my Palkia G. 50 and spread for easily 2? Yes please, the Lv.X is also amazing pending the situation.

Also Toxicroak looses to any mirror (Up to a coin flip pretty much) or other SP deck.

Going Galactic for sure.
I agree , G decks are G-reat I'm probably G-oing to be playing a palkia /toxitank combo , and BET is going to make G decks stronger!!!
And when BET comes out, I'll run Flygon Lv. X. ;)

But, back on the States topic, how will Armaldo do? He was pretty good for me during CC's, but I want to know if he's diminished in power.
Armaldo would be ok in the states but he takes 3 turns to charge up so it is kind of slow. I guess you could use a 2-1-2 or 1-0-1 Togekiss to bypass that problem but running two stage 2 pokemon in a deck makes you rely on Rare candy quite a bit and you would need a strong yet fast build so you can get armaldo out T1/T2 so that anything that hits for 60- would be pretty useless and if you can get Togekiss out T1/T2 then you can start hitting for 100 T2/T3. run 1 or 2 mesprit to lock you opponents powers and cripple those like Regigigas
d master342 said:
elekid957 said:
I'm still thinking that toxicroak/skyntank is a good deck, it can even win against torterra and big hp decks. It's also faster than I thought it would be.

Oh yeah, it's fast, but it DOES NOT do well against Torterrible, especially with Shaymin Land Lv.X. If you don't get the donk, the damage output will be way too low to even do anything. I'd say it's one of the worst matchups for Mightyena/Skuntank/Toxicroak myself.

dmaster out.

played it twice (sceptile, shaymin X, torterra X) won both games, even with a bunch of disruption and stuff. toxicroak's just to fast for torterra to beat it. dialga G LV.X also makes the matchup like 60-40.
Oh yeah, Kingdra might also use Dialga G Lv.X to counter many decks that are out that use Poke-Bodies.

Who thinks Dialga G Lv.X will be good in Blastoise?
In Kingdra yes, but in Blastoise I don't know. I think Blastoise uses enough bench space and Pokemon already. I think it would make it too slow.
A guy at my leage said that if your deck gets shut down by Dialga G, just run a 1-0-1 Dusknoir DP. Solves all of your problems.