Official Video Games Discussion Thread (Read First Post)

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Guess who's back (kinda)? Back again (kinda)
In this thread, you can discuss all upcoming video games, or just video games in general. You can still make individual threads if you want to talk about certain games, but please try to keep all discussion to this one thread.

That's all.
RE: E3!

I want to see new Zelda game FINALLY, maybe some more pokemon for Black&White, the 3DS, Sonic 4, and Call of Duty Black Ops...
RE: E3!

ooooommmmmggggg I didnt even know half of these games were expected.
now I have to save up a bunch of money...
RE: E3!

Way too many FPS's D:

But Zelda Wii is the big one for me this year. Being the huge Zelda fanboy I am, I cannot wait for this monumental game.

I must point out, however, that these lists are significantly lacking in Pikmin 3. A crime, I say ;o

Also, I'm hoping they don't pull another two year wait for the 3rd Layton game (The Last Time Travel) like they did with Diabolocal Box. Japan gets a new Layton about every year, and they're already on the 5th :<

So, my list of anticipation -

Zelda Wii
Pikmin 3
Professor Layton and the Last Time Travel
Black and White

Ahh... Like a mushy love letter from Nintendo. I love you too, Ninty :>

EDIT - Oh yes, I'm not personally anticipating it, but Golden Sun DS should be a fantastic game as well. Nintendo is so going to dominate this E3; they're absolutely going to rip through competition. And who knows what other surprises they have in store 8D
RE: E3!

Halo Wars 2? I know a friend that will be happy. And the new Assassin's Creed game? *happy face*

Probably won't be any more trailers for Halo Reach though. But that's okay, cause I've seen enough of those. And I want to see some Black and White too.

EDIT: When is E3, anyway?
RE: E3!

E3 is June 15th-June 17th. I'll be attending so I can update anyone who wants it on the newest trailers.

I doubt we'll see Black and White just because Nintendo doesn't have a habit of revealing Pokemon information at E3, but we'll see. Nintendo has its hands full this year anyway.

Yes, thank you. No more Halo Reach. I used to be a Halo fanboy but now I'm sick of it, even though I know it requires more skill than most FPS games. :S
RE: E3!

For E3...So many games... XD

Here's what I anticipate:
-The 2 "announced" Kingdom Hearts games(Probably Recoded and some other second thing)
-Probably a new Mario game??
-Zelda Wii, obviously
-Pokemon Black and White(Though I think Nintendo rarely reveals pokemon stuff in E3...)
-Metroid: Other M
-Final Fantasy Versus XIII
-The "3DS", It's about time!
-Also the "PSP2"
-Golden Sun DS
-Fire Emblem: Shin Monsho no Nazo(AKA New Mystery of the Emblem)
-The release of Ace Attorney 5...Come on, It's been more than 2 years.
EDIT: I almost forgot, Super Scribblenauts!
What do you know? One week to go! :D
RE: E3!

!!! Okamiden!!! Oh man I am so excited for that game you don't even know. I really hope we get a trailer. I loved, loved, loved Okami.
RE: E3!

The only thing I'm really interested in is LoZ Wii, although I understand the lack of trailers and whatever (apparently they're focussing on gameplay, etc. before even beginning on any of the cutscenes, which is great), it'd be really nice to actually see something (other than the drawing, of course, which I'm pretty neutral about. I actually wouldn't have minded a new cell-shaded toonish home console title, but oh well).

It's not like I won't be getting Okamiden, Portal 2 or the new Fire Emblem, but I'm not really anxiously awaiting new information on these games.

I guess I'm mostly looking forward to Reggie's keynote, God that guy is hilarious in his punctuations :D
RE: E3!

Well c-m, apparently they have finished most of the game (LoZ Wii), and are now just putting the finishing/polish on it. So I'm pretty sure we can expect to see something big. Oh, and WW is my favorite game, so I would've loved a cell-shaded game ;o

Anyhow, I'm hoping Zelda Wii will steal the show this year. I mean, it was one of the most interest-piquing games last year, and there was only a piece of art.
RE: E3!

Theres a lot of FPS's. I really enjoy playing many FPS's, I can't believe theres a Halo Wars 2. >.>
RE: E3!

I'm REALLY excited about Metroid: Other M, Zelda Wii, Left 4 Dead 3 and Halo: Reach.
RE: E3!

I didn't know you were all that into the metroid series, Nick... And by the way your usertitle is unacceptable. I shall notify dmaster to SMASH!!!!!! O_O it.
RE: E3!

I'm into most Nintendo things, just forgot about Other M. Got over-exited about Legend of Zelda, and my usertitle is just FINE
RE: E3!

jirachinick said:
I'm into most Nintendo things, just forgot about Other M. Got over-exited about Legend of Zelda, and my usertitle is just FINE

Your title is eh in my op

I never knew so many games for nintendo were coming out

Zelda(never knew)
Fire emblem(Never knew)
The other m
and a few more that you have mentioned and BTW I only like nintendo for some reason so I only have wii

RE: E3!

coD: black ops
Ace attorney, I just found 'em, and I'd like more of this.
Okamiden, shouldn't state the obvious.
And maybe Zelda, it depends on how good it is.
RE: E3!

I just found out that Kingdom Hearts Re:coded will be out for the Nintendo DS. Another game to wait for in E3. :D
RE: E3!

It starts tomorrow! I'm dying for some Other M and Zelda Wii content.
RE: E3!

My gosh. Im watching the Microsoft press conference while i type. Kinect is amazing. Pretty sweet. Not sure about playing games yet. But it seems like it really gonna expand the social networking aspect. It looks really simple. Navigating the Xbox looks easy enough.
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