Official Video Games Discussion Thread (Read First Post)

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RE: E3!

Electimortar said:
The link I linked to is already broadcasting.
It just says "loading" for me :S
My other link just shows the Nintendo logo, and that's the official one, so it shouldn't have started yet...
RE: E3!

The stream did, the snowboarding woman was talking about something.
Nintendo stream started officially now.
RE: E3!

Golden Sun Dark Dawn *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* (also Reggie I hate your puns)

Also new Zelda. Neat!
RE: E3!

I'm excited for Skyward Sword, Mario Sports Mix, Wii Party, and Goldeneye 007. I should start saving my money. :D
RE: E3!

I couldn't believe the Kirby news. It's been ages ._.
Sure, it seems strange, but still. Seriously, Kirby 64 was one of my most-played games for the 64, it's been so long...
Same goes for DK country, I guess, but I never played the old ones, so yeah...

Also, cell-shaded LoZ <3. Curse you Gale for being able to play it :'(
Steal me a disk ;)

I want to see a 3DS before I form an opinion, but Kid Icarus does seem pretty awesome.

Final verdict: better than last year, definitely, no Wii Music :p

Currently watching the Iwata asks, hoping for a LoZ one next...
RE: E3!

Wow, what an amazing E3 presentation by Nintendo, putting games, experiences, and fun first OVER motion control and 3D. Kid Icarus, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Goldeneye, Golden Sun (yes omg), Mario Sports, Legend of Zelda, Professor Layton, MGS 3DS, Resident Evil 3DS, Epic Mickey, Wii Party, etc. All amazing games and I can't wait to try out the 3DS and the Zelda game for myself (considering it was a tad unresponsive on stage).

dmaster out.
RE: E3!

You know, Kid Icarus: Uprising could become one of my favorite video games ever. Awesome graphics (3D, duh) and an interesting feel to it make me really excited.
RE: E3!

dmaster said:
Wow, what an amazing E3 presentation by Nintendo, putting games, experiences, and fun first OVER motion control and 3D. Kid Icarus, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Goldeneye, Mario Sports, Legend of Zelda, Professor Layton, MGS 3DS, Resident Evil 3DS, Epic Mickey, Wii Party, etc. All amazing games and I can't wait to try out the 3DS and the Zelda game for myself (considering it was a tad unresponsive on stage).

dmaster out.

When did they talk about that?(Professor Layton)
Also, if they had Kid icarus they might have Ice Climbers... ;) Can't wait for LBP 2.
RE: E3!

Nobody else cares about Nintendogs + Cats for 3DS? :D No joke, that game looks really fun... As well as Zelda: Skyward Sword, Kid Icarus: Uprising, and stuff that I missed but sounds good like Kirby. Also, I'm still hoping they have a lot of Other M details. Seriously, it's almost out in Japan...
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