Official Video Games Discussion Thread (Read First Post)

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RE: E3!

Mark Hamill (the voice of Joker from Batman) is supposed to voice the new Kingdom Hearts game. I've heard a lot of people talking about it. I'll post when I hear more.
RE: E3!

This is going to be the most epic era of gaming.
RE: E3!

Just played the Crysis 2 demo!!!!11 Omg omgomgomgomgawjetwqqqqqqqqqqqq.

Nothing but sports games until 5:20. Then Assassin's Creed! Then Halo Reach which I am not playing.

Edit: Holy crap I think I just saw Elijah Wood.
RE: E3!



That was probably the most awesome thing ever!

/me dies from happiness.

Oh, and the OoT remake has now been officially confirmed.
RE: E3!

Mario Kart 3DS.
PilotWings Resort.

Not revealed at the keynote, but for 3DS.
RE: E3!

Just snooped around the Assassin's Creed booth. Now winding down for the day. A bunch of unannounced demos tomorrow. Word is they have a one for Kirby's Yarn Ride, so I'm totally checking that out.

Am I the only one not excited for Epic Mickey?
RE: E3!


-Star Fox
-Paper mario
-GOLDENEYE 007!!!!!!!

I collect all Nintendo video games, holy crud I need to save my money badly. I am so glad I ain't going to Nationals.
RE: E3!

Animal Crossing looks amazing, and it looks like they're finally innovating the series <3

Overall, as I've said in my various posts, I am ultra-pleased. Ultra ultra ultra pleased. This kinda thing makes a man proud to be a die-hard Nintendo fan ;o

And Pikmin 3 got a mention! Here's a quote -
- Pikmin 3 not brought to E3 since Miyamoto didn’t want it to be a distraction for other games
- “Rest assured, though, we are very hard at work on Pikmin.”
Good to know, my good sir (and hero <3) Miyamoto.

Also, Kingdom Hearts for the 3DS will be a completely original title, for those of you who were wondering.

So! Looks like the only widely-known Ninty franchise that didn't get something (at least not as of yet) is Mother. Of course :< I haven't lost a bit of hope for Mother, though. When the time is right...
RE: E3!

Man. No one cares about any of the other press conferences. Everyone here is a Nintendo fanboy, but I can't call you all casual anymore according to Nintendo. :(

Anyway, I -am- looking forward to Zelda Wii. OoT not so much because that, to me, just means Nintendo isn't confident in the 3DS, so they're putting a huge title on the new system so that people will buy it just for that. They're putting a bunch of other 64 and SNES games on the 3DS with enhanced graphics too, but I don't want to pay money for an enhanced version of a thirty year old game. I dunno. I feel very anti-Nintendo because they stole the hype away from Microsoft and Sony, who screwed up their presentations with motion-censor games. They revealed good games, just not good... whatever you call Kinect and Sony Move.
RE: E3!

Just accept that this year Nintendo is much better than Sony and Microsoft. And of course I'm a Nintendo fanboy, this is a pokemon website, pokemon is a huge Nintendo franchise.
RE: E3!

RE: E3!

Yeah, it sucks though. That's just because of two huge titles, Zelda and Kirby that Nintendo is getting all the hype (and the 3DS, of course). Sony has inFamous 2, Killzone 3, Twisted Metal (not a big fan myself), Portal 2, and more. Microsoft had Call of Duty, Halo, Ghost Recon, Medal of Honor, and more to be revealed. This is going to be Nintendo's year, and it will probably also be its year next year. Microsoft is falling way behind in the console war, even with the new Xbox. And I really hate that.

No offense to anyone, but Nintendo fanboys annoy me more than Xbox/Playstation fanboys because they're usually more toned down and not as involved. ...I don't know why that annoys me, I guess it's hard to argue with them, lol.
RE: E3!

So Gale, I'm guessing that's why OoT was never mentioned in the conference or afterwards at all, and only some screen shots surfaced in obscurity on their site that were later confirmed by a Twitter tweet of all things?

No, Kid Icarus was the main deal with the 3DS, then after that was the 3rd party games, Metal Gear, Resident Evil, Kingdom Hearts, etc.  No, I don't think Nintendo is relying on OoT at all, and I think they seemed very confident in the 3DS, as if the plethora of women model-displays didn't say enough ;o

But to address your complaint, I have something delicious :>
Miyamoto said:
If all we were going to do is port the Nintendo 64 games all we would have are old games in 3D. We're having fun adding new features.
But of course complaints will arise now about how the new things will kill it.  They won't.  The directors (Miyamoto, Aonuma) know exactly what they're doing; they always do.

I watched an interview with Aonuma a while back, and he said that the reason he hadn't remade OoT as of that time was because he hadn't found a way to remake it and still make it have the same value to players who played it on the N64.  Now that a remake is in the works for 3DS, we can be confident that Aonuma has faith that he can communicate OoT 64's feel through this, and will.

Actually, OoT was one of the reasons why the 3DS was made.  See this -
Miyamoto said:
One of the reasons we wanted to make the 3DS, I wanted the "Hyrule Feel" in Ocarina of Time 3D.  It might feel like you were there in Hyrule.
So they know what they're doing.

And no, I'm not contradicting myself; the lack of OoT actually at E3 and it's nonchalant announcement prove this.  That last part was to kill any OoT remake hate because of new features (not necessarily from you of course), not to suggest anything else.

And now that I see your new post, the reason Nintendo gets so much for those (and you make it seem like they only had like 2 games when they had one from nearly every well known franchise of theirs, not to mention totally new and groud-breaking tech, sheesh) is because no one knew. Everyone knew what to expect with the others, thus there were relatively few LEIK ZOMG moments in terms of what showed. But Nintendo threw so many great new surprises, which gave them that huge advantage.

Sorry if I'm coming off as rude, by the way. We all have our preferences, and that's fine ;D
RE: E3!

Claus said:
And now that I see your new post, the reason Nintendo gets so much for those (and you make it seem like they only had like 2 games when they had one from nearly every well known franchise of theirs, not to mention totally new and groud-breaking tech, sheesh) is because no one knew. Everyone knew what to expect with the others, thus there were relatively few LEIK ZOMG moments in terms of what showed. But Nintendo threw so many great new surprises, which gave them that huge advantage.
Yeah, Nintendo without a doubt had the most surprising conference. My bro's a pretty involved kirby fan (wastes as much time on kirby forums as I do on Pokémon forums :F), and we were literally freaking out as soon as Sakurai's name was mentioned. Honestly, nobody in the Kirby community was taking the rumours of any kirby announcement seriously (there have been rumours about this every year since the first Kirby for NGC trailer), you can probably imagine the surprise.

I wouldn't mind an OoT remake if it's done right, and I don't think Aonuma has ever truly disappointed, not to forget that this is OoT we're talking about, you'd have to do some serious damage to screw that game up.

Gale said:
No offense to anyone, but Nintendo fanboys annoy me more than Xbox/Playstation fanboys because they're usually more toned down and not as involved. ...I don't know why that annoys me, I guess it's hard to argue with them, lol.
I do like 'em PS and Xbox fanboys because the discussions between the 2 are often pretty hilarious... and actually pretty childish as well.

I never really cared for either system (although if I had money to waste I would've bought a PS3 and played me some GoW). This week's E3 did nothing to change that, it's actually pretty hilarious how both focussed on their casual gimmicks whilst Nintendo actually focussed solely on (mostly harder-core) games and an entirely new console this time. Did they really not notice the criticism towards Nintendo after their last 2 conferences?

Nintendo fanboys only tend to annoy me when they're Pokémon fan, gosh those are annoying ._.
RE: E3!

People anticipated Zelda Wii more than anything, and people were more surprised to see a new Kirby more than anything (although it was a long time coming). As for the whole thing with OoT, they really -couldn't- reveal it at E3 because it's not a new game. Miyamoto just said they were going to have older games on the 3DS, he didn't specifically say which ones probably because there were so many.

I get the feeling by "fun new features" he doesn't mean much. I don't think there's much you could add to Super Mario Bros. 1 to make it any more "fun" than it is, and you certainly can't make it "new" without changing a lot.

Kid Icarus is the main deal on the 3DS and I'm cool with that. I love the franchise and I've played the games before. Nintendo probably doesn't have a LOT of confidence in Kid Icarus though, because a lot of gamers today don't know the franchise. There's something odd about putting so many huge titles on the 3DS when they're already on the Wii with slightly improved graphics. I don't know how a bunch of thirty or twenty year old games retouched is going to go over if I can buy them on the Wii and play them on a console like they were originally meant to be played.

I'm not hating on OoT, I'm hating on Nintendo fanboys. I'm kinda hating on the 3DS just because I think it's kind of funny how Nintendo wants to "raise the bar" for gaming, but they're bringing back titles from decades ago. I dunno. :/
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