Official Video Games Discussion Thread (Read First Post)

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RE: E3!

Claus said:
There's no true 'winning' at E3 anyway. Companies come and show their games, and of course fans of those games will like those games more than others revealed, because, well, they're fans of said game.

Gale, you're defending your games and favorite company because you were already a fan of them, which is fine and valid. I'm defending Nintendo's strength because I was already a fan of their games before. Of course we're going to like what we already like, so let's just not argue about who won and all anymore, it makes this unfun :<

I'm not criticizing you or anyone else here individually. People can like what they want to like. It's fine that Nintendo did well, really, it is. But I don't really think Nintendo deserved to be the star of the show. That's just what I think. We're not really "arguing", we're having a debate. If we were arguing this would be silly. :p

However having said that, I must say that you forgot a bunch of things; again, Zelda and Kirby are not the only new, big things. Donkey Kong is not a remake, and is in fact something fans have been dying for. Golden Sun is big, not a remake. Kid Icarus is not a remake (resurrection, rather, and a big one; same characters doesn't mean remake). And not First Party, Mickey was a big whether it seems good to you or not. Kingdom Hearts (3DS one) was bigish. Okamiden was bigish.

Donkey Kong isn't a remake, but I don't think it was given the screentime it deserved as a trailer. There was a demo later in the day that I played and it was pretty good. Golden Sun is a great franchise and I'm happy to see it. Kid Icarus I'm still kind of meh about. Mickey is big but I think it's going to appeal to more casual audiences than anything. Okamiden didn't have a trailer during the press conference, but it's still a great game.

And I see where you're coming from with the not-much-known = not-really-revealed thing. Though, technically they were revealed, and as such you have a bunch of goodies for the 3DS - Animal Crossing, Professor Layton (two of them actually, one for normal DS), Paper Mario (not a remake), etc.

They were revealed, but just as a title, not really anything else. I personally don't consider it anything more than a "btw we're coming out with these games stay tuned" kind of thing.

And then you have the remakes, which are OoT, StarFox, Metal Gear. I think that's all that was announced, correct me if I'm wrong (aside from the silly NES/SNES collection things, I'm talking full-fledged game).

I already stated my opinion on the SNES/64 remakes. Not a fan.

Also, the 3DS is not just an upgraded version of the DSi. Well, it's just as much 'upgraded' to DS as DS is to GBA, or 360 is to normal XBox. Just because it looks similar means nothing; it's capabilities far exceed that of the DS in every way.

DS and GBA are two different systems running on different engines. The DS and 3DS are the same name, running on the same kind of system, with a slightly different engine. Its capabilities do exceed the DS, which makes it an upgraded version of it.

...Oh look at me, getting all arguementative again :<

Nah it's fine. I like debating.

EDIT - oh I was beat to the punch with the 3DS thing. Ah well, new, exclusive games (that are not DS/Wii Ware style mini-game things) means new console to me. But not everyone has to love the 3DS I suppose ;o

SotS said:
Definitely not the best E3 ever. The Wii was on of the best. But the 3DS comes second.

I have to agree there. The 2006 E3 was very good. I hear the '99 E3 was also great, and the 200... whatever year the Gamecube was revealed E3.

I see what you mean, it basically is the same thing. But what it brings to Gaming makes it completely different. No other system (yet) has been able to do what they did. Of course some other companies might have something like it that they're keeping "secret" but that's a different story. =P

See my reply to Claus.

Kirby and Zelda didn't steal the show because everyone was expecting them, (well, Kirby not so much) while the 3DS was completely different from what everyone expected. Most people were expecting something much worse. (Like I was. xD)

I think people were expecting something different, and the 3DS delivered it. It's different, it's revolutionary, but it's still an upgrade from the DS.

Eh, I will stop rambling now.

P.S. The GIF in your signature has made me laugh everytime. xD

Why thank you.

Added: I like Claus' explanation about the jump from GBA to DS. Xbox to 360. I will now use that statement. lol
RE: E3!

You can't have full 3D images produced by an engine 'slightly different' from the DS. It's an entirely new one, boasting not only 3D but graphics far superior to the DS, regardless of the name (which personally I agree with you on; keeping the same name won't be all too great for marketing, though I guess the pun thing they had going with 3D and DS was just too good to let go of).

Your views on remakes are perfectly understandable; the people who played the game originally may or may not be all too excited. Still, like c-m said earlier, it's good for newer audiences to be introduced to older games like OoT (not that there's not the VC, but still, at least OoT gets significant graphical touch-ups, new control, etc).

And I think the argument of whether the 3DS is 'just upgrade' or not is a silly semantics thing. What matters is that it plays completely different games, every thing else (like it's waaaaay improved visuals) is bonus.

And I hate arguing. Or debating, whatever you wanna call it (more semantics, blah). I just can't seem to stay away from it though D:

EDIT - Oh and master d, I don't remember where I originally heard MGS 3DS was a port, but this is the quickest thing I found indicating it. It may not be completely port, as in new things might be added (hence intriguing subtitle), but what I have gathered from various places is that it's a port of PS2's Snake Eater.
RE: E3!

Claus said:
You can't have full 3D images produced by an engine 'slightly different' from the DS. It's an entirely new one, boasting not only 3D but graphics far superior to the DS, regardless of the name (which personally I agree with you on; keeping the same name won't be all too great for marketing, though I guess the pun thing they had going with 3D and DS was just too good to let go of).

The DS and the 3DS share the same concept, except one is graphically better than the other. Sounds like an upgrade to me. *shrug*

Your views on remakes are perfectly understandable; the people who played the game originally may or may not be all too excited. Still, like c-m said earlier, it's good for newer audiences to be introduced to older games like OoT (not that there's not the VC, but still, at least OoT gets significant graphical touch-ups, new control, etc).

I'm cool with newer players playing the games, I just think if they wanted to do that, they'd pay 10 bucks for it on VC rather than a couple hundred for the new system, and then another 30+ for the game (which is what I'm assuming each remake will be).

And I think the argument of whether the 3DS is 'just upgrade' or not is a silly semantics thing. What matters is that it plays completely different games, every thing else (like it's waaaaay improved visuals) is bonus.

Right. I agree. I just don't think the 3DS is the only reason Nintendo did so well this year, but a lot of people do think that. When I say the 3DS, I mean the 3DS and all the titles announced.

And I hate arguing. Or debating, whatever you wanna call it (more semantics, blah). I just can't seem to stay away from it though D:

It is fun though. :p

EDIT - Oh and master d, I don't remember where I originally heard MGS 3DS was a port, but this is the quickest thing I found indicating it. It may not be completely port, as in new things might be added (hence intriguing subtitle), but what I have gathered from various places is that it's a port of PS2's Snake Eater.

As a quick nod to your name, I really do hope they release Mother 3 on the 3DS. Even with all the copyright issues, that would just be so awesome.
RE: E3!

Yay, we can officially be in love now <3

I have a big argument for why I'm pretty sure Mother 3 (and the others maybe) could be/will be released in English. If you want, I'll gladly type it all out :> Oh, and EarthBound (Mother 2) is the one with copyright problems (as it was a parody of the U.S.); Mother 3 has none that I'm aware of.

But yup, the 3DS and DS share the same concept in design, and partly in gameplay, but that's to be expected. The only really big system jump this gen in terms of playstyle is probably the Wii. PS3 and 360 are more upgrades, if we're using your terminology. Not that there's anything wrong with that at all; I'm just saying (and they have Move and Kinect now, soooo).

Apparently the 3D adds a new level of depth to gameplay though. As in, it's possible to accurately judge distance and all, which is very interesting. I wouldn't say it's only improved graphics. But I guess we'll see how that turns out.

Oh, just remembered. I watched the developer interview with the head of Level-5 (makes Professor Layton) about the 3DS. He was saying that for The Mask of Miracle (5th in Layton, 1st on 3DS) they were coming up with all new puzzle ideas involving the 3D. And when you think of a Layton-esque puzzle, possibilities with 3D begin to multiply.

So no, it's not just a fun addition. Some creative new ways to play, however small they may turn out to be, should now be possible with the 3D visuals.

And haha, I've never found arguing fun (though I bet you can tell you definitely toned me down with the Mother 3 comment ;D).
RE: E3!

I thought for sure Mother 3 had one with the music in one of the battles. I think it was against the Big Bro... or something. I don't know. I haven't played that game in so long. xD But yeah, all the Earthbound games deserve to be on the 3DS. Also, I'd love to hear your theory. :eek:

Anyway, I'd call the Gamecube and Wii totally different consoles. I would call the Playstation 2 and Playstation 3... upgrades of the Playstation 1. I dunno, I still think that if it's the same name and generally the same concept, it's the same console. And yeah, the depth perception is very awesome.

I have never played a Professor Layton game, but I have a friend who is obsessed. I'd like to see puzzles focused on 3D for sure.

But anyway, I think it's a big step up in the graphics world for handheld gaming, absolutely. Is it a huge upgrade from the DS? Eh. Graphically, absolutely. In terms of everything else, they added an analog stick and another camera lens. Woo hoo. I really love the 3DS, but I don't see it being so incredibly different from the DS aside from the 3D. But that's just me.

Mother 3 makes everything better. PK Looooove... okay maybe not.
RE: E3!

Mr. Batty Twist starts with the Batman theme's main riff.

I don't know if that's enough for copyright infringement.
RE: E3!

Well it might, I dunno. Actually I've never played Mother 3, or any other Mother game for that matter. And yet somehow it's tied with Pokemon as my second favorite franchise!

I have obtained EarthBound and an SNES now though, so I shall be playing that one soon :>

Either way, one or two songs would be no problem to fix up for shipping abroad, so there's no problem there (apparently they do that all the time anyway). Only with EarthBound, it's more than that. It's a significant chunk of music and a whole whole bunch of world design things. When it was released in U.S., apparently Nintendo was bombarded with lawsuits. And if there's one thing Nintendo hates doing, it's changing a game to the point where the original feeling is lost. These two problems are thought to be the reason why they never put EB on the VC :<

And alrighty, next post I make here will have my Mother theory in it ;D

But about the 3DS, I must say that the analog stick was an extremely welcome addition to me. Other than that, I get where you're coming from on it, I think.
RE: E3!

@Gale, just because they have similar names doesn't mean they're the same consoles at all. Like you said, PS1, PS2 and PS3 are totally differnet consoles, and it's the exact same concept of saying Gameboy Color and Gameboy Advance are almost the same thing.
RE: E3!

I don't think PS1, 2 and 3 are completely different consoles, the controller is as good as identical, the playstyle is as well, and game-independant capabilities beyond graphics and power are as good as non-existant (no, tilt-sensor doesn't count, sorry).
Also, Sony and innovative, lololol. They have the superior hardware because they're a tech company, and IMO that's their only real strength.

The 3DS, it did add a joystickamajing and the 3D, which I guess could qualify it as more than an "upgrade". I honestly don't care, the DS could use some better graphics and new games, so this is very welcome.

And dudes, don't forget Wii Party, Nintendo owned with that one...
By not demoing it or giving it much attention! Seriously. Sigh of relief right there.
RE: E3!

Heavenly Spoon :F said:
I don't think PS1, 2 and 3 are completely different consoles, the controller is as good as identical, the playstyle is as well, and game-independant capabilities beyond graphics and power are as good as non-existant (no, tilt-sensor doesn't count, sorry).
Also, Sony and innovative, lololol. They have the superior hardware because they're a tech company, and IMO that's their only real strength.

@Meaty: What Spoon said. Exactly what he said. The difference between Xbox and Xbox 360, for example, mostly lies in graphics, software, and stuff like that. The general concept is still the same.
RE: E3!

I consider it new console if it plays games the previous console can't. That's pretty much it. Anyway I'm excited today because Nintendo said they'd be interviewing the producer of Metroid: Other M.
RE: E3!

I'm disappointed that there hasn't been an announcement at E3 this year from Capcom regarding Onimusha 5, the sequel to Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams from the PS2. The Onimusha series is one of my favorite series by Capcom next to Resident Evil, Mega Man, and Street Fighter.

I'm thinking Onimusha 5 could be a PS3 exclusive or maybe it just isn't the right time for it yet when there's not very many good games for the PS3 right now compared to the DS, Wii, and XBOX 360.

Other than that I'm really psyched about the new Sonic 4 game, Zelda: Skyward Sword, and of course Mortal Kombat though I got a bad feeling it's gonna be as bad as DC Vs. Mortal Kombat was, Midway or however is in charge of the game could of probably made it more "traditional" to the first 3 MK games.
RE: E3!

lol gran turismo 5 that game has been coming out for like what... 7 years now?
RE: E3!

Well sadly Nintendo's killing spree on Sony & Nintendo has ended this year.
RE: E3!

No notice of Conduit: 2 at E3? You all should be ashamed of yourselves, High Voltage created the best FPS for the Wii in The Conduit, and you guys refuse to acknowledge the sequel which will be even better.

RE: E3!

FPS FTW! uh.. LOL. yeah im excited for Fallout New Vegas.Black Ops too. RAGE looked pretty cool too.i can't wait to play kz3. even though i have playstation, halo reach was awesome! SOCOM 4 looks..meh..older SOCOM's were better. to bad they didn't show pokemon black and white. well the 3ds preview was nice.
RE: E3!

The Fallen One said:
No notice of Conduit: 2 at E3? You all should be ashamed of yourselves, High Voltage created the best FPS for the Wii in The Conduit, and you guys refuse to acknowledge the sequel which will be even better.


The only reason I didn't mention that game is because of how severely disappointed I was in the original. Sure it was a good FPS but it was for the Wii, and didn't live up to the hype IMO. I'm sure they're improving the sequel, but I'll believe it's actually worth my money (unlike the original) when it comes out.

dmaster out.
RE: E3!

dmaster said:
The only reason I didn't mention that game is because of how severely disappointed I was in the original. Sure it was a good FPS but it was for the Wii, and didn't live up to the hype IMO. I'm sure they're improving the sequel, but I'll believe it's actually worth my money (unlike the original) when it comes out.

dmaster out.
I agree. The Conduit is the best FPS for the Wii, but that's only because the Wii almost never even puts out an FPS. The game was only OK.
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