Official Video Games Discussion Thread (Read First Post)

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RE: E3!

actually they're going to make singularity for the wii. but if you're talking about exclusives then yeah, The Conduit is the best Wii FPS
RE: E3!

I do agree that the only reason the first one was so good was the control system. You couldn't not love all the ability to customize it. Next game is supposed to have a lot of things the first one didn't, such as:

-a ton of new weapons, including a rifle that shoots through walls and a turret you can remotely operate
-lots more maps with conceptualized art for everything, and more open spaces
-a sprint button (!)
-being able to flip over things like tables to provide cover
-Wii Motion Plus
-using the Wii Remote and Nunchuck to do things like open doors and more puzzles
-ASE will be used for more complicated puzzles
-boss battles (!!)

The screenshots they've shown so far are simply amazing. High Voltage somehow manages to find a way to milk the Wii for all it's worth for graphics. :p
RE: E3!

the wii has potential for great graphics. when i first got PBR and metroid prime 3, i was stunned by the graphics.
RE: E3!

I did like the customization. That's really all that set it apart from the rest IMO, but it wasn't enough to warrant a purchase, IMO.

Flare said:
I agree. The Conduit is the best FPS for the Wii, but that's only because the Wii almost never even puts out an FPS. The game was only OK.

Yeah, this pretty much. I'll be honest though, I don't really care. Sure the Wii makes sense for FPS, but I get tired of seeing FPS on Microsoft/Sony as well. They're all so cookie-cutter and boring that I don't think the Wii needs anymore tbh. Unless it's absolutely bombtastic like Metroid Prime 3.

dmaster out.
RE: E3!

the thing i didn't like about metroid prime is the puzzles. the combat was cool. they should make MP4 with flat out combat.
RE: E3!

ShAdOwSniPeR said:
the thing i didn't like about metroid prime is the puzzles. the combat was cool. they should make MP4 with flat out combat.

That's practically what Metroid: Other M is, although they're still doing some platforming. It looks really good.

dmaster out.
RE: E3!

I'm actually getting Singularity for the 360 when it comes out this Tuesday. I can't wait for that game.

Anyway, Wii and FPS don't belong in the same sentence. Ever.
RE: E3!

Gale said:
Anyway, Wii and FPS don't belong in the same sentence. Ever.
I hate double-joystick-based FPS, at least the Wii provides a nice substitute for a mouse (which I think is actually better, Joystick > keys for movement).
But then again, I'm not really a fan of FPS at all, so what do I care.
RE: E3!

Gale said:
I'm actually getting Singularity for the 360 when it comes out this Tuesday. I can't wait for that game.

Anyway, Wii and FPS don't belong in the same sentence. Ever.

They do if Conduit is in that sentence.
RE: E3!

lol. in a way you're right.i'm reserving fallout, and medal of honor. have black ops reserved
RE: E3!

ShAdOwSniPeR said:
lol. in a way you're right.i'm reserving fallout, and medal of honor. have black ops reserved

Let's see, I have...

Fallout: New Vegas
The Force Unleashed II
Black Ops
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Batman Arkham Asylum 2
Dead Space 2
Killzone 3
Fable III
Medal of Honor
Deus Ex Human Revolution

...on pre-order. All collector's edition if available. I am ready.
RE: E3!

I'm planning on getting:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Driver: San Francisco
Fallout: New Vegas
Forza Motorsport 4
Mass Effect 3
Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned (possibly)
Transformers: War for Cybertron (possibly)
Epic Mickey
Goldeneye 007
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Mario Sports Mix
Wii Party
RE: E3!

Flare said:
I'm planning on getting:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Driver: San Francisco
Fallout: New Vegas
Forza Motorsport 4
Mass Effect 3
Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned (possibly)
Transformers: War for Cybertron (possibly)
Epic Mickey
Goldeneye 007
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Mario Sports Mix
Wii Party

I am the biggest Mass Effect fanboy to ever live. I will pre-order that game once the release date is mentioned, but yeah. I don't see myself getting a Wii game for a long time. Skyward Sword isn't worth my 50 dollars tbh.
The Fallen One said:
I am getting...

Conduit: 2 video game life sucks. :(

:( Too bad the Wii has all bad games coming out except for Goldeneye and possibly Epic Mickey.
RE: E3!

Oh why am I doing this... D:

Getting -

Skyward Sword
Paper Mario 3DS
Animal Crossing 3DS
Mario Kart 3DS
Pikmin 3

And Gale, shut your mouth and quit that vile blasphemy. The Wii has many great games coming out, regardless of how much you dislike it. And Skyward Sword is totally worth waaay more than $50, how could you say something so awful D:

Yup, Skyward Sword, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Donkey Kong Country, and Pikmin 3 are the first partys (that come to mind). Two are platformers; so what? Just because it's not the kind of game you like doesn't mean it's necessarily bad. Though I suppose we don't know too much about those two, so I can't necessarily say they're going to be great, either. But considering that this is Nintendo.... They're going to be ;o

Skyward Sword and Pikmin 3 we know will be good because of an impeccable track record with the previous games in their series. Or at the very least we can assume at this point in time that they will be good.

And then you have those others, like Goldeneye and Epic Mickey.

You don't see me hating on all the games I don't care about :<
RE: E3!

Oh man I totally forgot about Pikmin 3. Does that have a release date yet? I need to get it.

Zelda is one of the best gaming franchises in the world, but Skyward Sword does not look good. It's the ultimate casual Zelda game that really doesn't appeal to me. Donkey Kong Country looks okay, but I need to see more of it to really form an opinion. Kirby's Epic Yarn is not Kirby. Not to me. :<

Like, when I say Goldeneye and Epic Mickey are probably the only games worth buying on the Wii once all of this new stuff is released, I mean it because Goldeneye is one of the most anticipated remakes of all time, and Epic Mickey is something that's been hyped for a long time. The new Zelda looks so casual and just doesn't look or feel like Zelda, I don't know anything about the new Donkey Kong, and the new Kirby IS NOT KIRBY. >:[
RE: E3!

Oh, your one of THOSE people, then. But I'll dip down into your vernacular for argument's sake :\

How can you say SS is the ultimate 'casual' Zelda game? I mean lol, we know less about SS than we do about Donkey Kong (debatably), the one you say you don't know enough about! One gameplay trailer and a demo, and it's automatically 'casual?' What about it makes it casual? You'd best not say because of the Wiimote sword control :eek:

Say what you will about Kirby, go ahead and disappoint yourself ;o Kirby is, in fact, Kirby, and if you can't accept some change, it's your loss (or gain of money, if you wanna look at it that way).

See, this is one of the reasons I hate arguing. I'm too stubborn and hate it when people don't agree (or at least criticize the other's views), and I get all worked up D:
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