Official Video Games Discussion Thread (Read First Post)

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RE: E3!

Gale said:
I'm not hating on OoT, I'm hating on Nintendo fanboys. I'm kinda hating on the 3DS just because I think it's kind of funny how Nintendo wants to "raise the bar" for gaming, but they're bringing back titles from decades ago. I dunno. :/
They had a pretty high bar back then, I guess...
Although I do think the remakes are extras, Kid Icarus, MGS, RE, etc. will probably attract a big enough crowd anyway.

I for one am glad more people will be introduced to OoT.
RE: E3!

Yes there will be, the question is, will it be shown online. Copy/Paste into the url bar. That's where news is at officially from Nintendo.
RE: E3!

Kid Icarus is actually rather well known thanks to Brawl, and what do you know the maker of Kid Icarus Uprising is also the creator of Brawl.
RE: E3!

Meaty said:
Kid Icarus is actually rather well known thanks to Brawl, and what do you know the maker of Kid Icarus Uprising is also the creator of Brawl.
I still find it odd how Sakurai left HAL (and Kirby) to start with new games, new idea, etc. and all he's done since then is release more sequels of older games. I'm not complaining, he's a great game designer and I'd rather have him work on something big and famous, but still...
RE: E3!

Could someone please tell me if they said anything about a new F-zero game at E3 thank you.
RE: E3!

It's been announced on the Nintendo E3 site, that the new Zelda game comes out in 2011 :(
RE: E3!

Afro-G said:
Could someone please tell me if they said anything about a new F-zero game at E3 thank you.
That's one of the few famous franchises which didn't get mentioned, I'm afraid.
RE: E3!

You're just mad that Nintendo had the better year, Gale. XD And honestly what do you expect? After last year, are you really expecting them to do the same thing and get blasted? Not at all, they came out fighting and deserve to be the top game company.

dmaster out.
RE: E3!

Sony did not win, one of their biggest games, Metal Gear Solid, is coming out for the 3DS
RE: E3!

Nintendo's game products leave something to be desired this year. Kirby and Zelda, as I said, were the only two games worth mentioning. Everything else is a remake coming to the 3DS, or we don't know enough about to really call it a "reveal". Microsoft and Sony had Call of Duty, Halo Reach, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Crysis 2, Dead Space 2, Twisted Metal, Killzone 3, Little Big Planet 2, and so many others. Kinect and Sony Move suck, so that's why Nintendo won. In comparison to the other companies, Nintendo is better. The 3DS is cool and all, but it was the only new "console" (even though it's an upgraded version of an already existing one) to premiere at E3.

I'm not ready to lose the battle. I am forever a Microsoft/Sony fanboy. I own a Wii and DSi too but shut up.
RE: E3!

Gale said:
even though it's an upgraded version of an already existing one

But it's NOT. xD

I understand you have your own opinion, we have ours. But that comment bugs me so much, I've already told 10 or more people, It's NOT an upgrade, it's a new console.
RE: E3!

Yeah and the new Xbox is totally a new console. >____>

Nintendo had more better games than that too. Every game they listed was a 100% hit. You're really short-changing Nintendo...

dmaster out.
RE: E3!

I agree, Nintendo won this year, nobody even cared about project Natal anymore, Sony... just fail, but we can all agree that Nintendo has done a great job
RE: E3!

SotS said:
But it's NOT. xD

I understand you have your own opinion, we have ours. But that comment bugs me so much, I've already told 10 or more people, It's NOT an upgrade, it's a new console.

They stuck a 3 in front of the name "DS". Just like Sony sticks a number at the end of the Playstation title each time they come out with a new one. It's an upgraded version of an already existing console. A new console to me, and what should be to everyone, is a whole new name with new things completely different from things out there. The 3D is new and different, but pretty much everything else about the 3DS is the same as the DS. It's not really an opinion, because I don't "think" the 3DS isn't a new console.

dmaster said:
Yeah and the new Xbox is totally a new console. >____>

Nintendo had more better games than that too. Every game they listed was a 100% hit. You're really short-changing Nintendo...

dmaster out.

Wait, what?

Oh? Every game? I'm going to be rushing out to the stores to buy Epic Mickey, believe me. Kirby's Epic Yarn and Zelda Wii. That's what stole the show. What else did Nintendo really show anyway? Scratch my last statement, Kirby and Zelda didn't steal the show, because the 3DS beat the crap out of them and stole it back. The "3" in "E3" might as well stand for "E3DS" because this year the 3DS was the main attraction.

That's fine and all, but I just don't think it's the biggest thing in gaming ever, and everyone thinks it is. Nintendo had some good stuff, but it wasn't the "best E3 ever", as people are saying.
RE: E3!

There's no true 'winning' at E3 anyway. Companies come and show their games, and of course fans of those games will like those games more than others revealed, because, well, they're fans of said game.

Gale, you're defending your games and favorite company because you were already a fan of them, which is fine and valid. I'm defending Nintendo's strength because I was already a fan of their games before. Of course we're going to like what we already like, so let's just not argue about who won and all anymore, it makes this unfun :<

However having said that, I must say that you forgot a bunch of things; again, Zelda and Kirby are not the only new, big things. Donkey Kong is not a remake, and is in fact something fans have been dying for. Golden Sun is big, not a remake. Kid Icarus is not a remake (resurrection, rather, and a big one; same characters doesn't mean remake). And not First Party, Mickey was a big whether it seems good to you or not. Kingdom Hearts (3DS one) was bigish. Okamiden was bigish.

And I see where you're coming from with the not-much-known = not-really-revealed thing. Though, technically they were revealed, and as such you have a bunch of goodies for the 3DS - Animal Crossing, Professor Layton (two of them actually, one for normal DS), Paper Mario (not a remake), etc.

And then you have the remakes, which are OoT, StarFox, Metal Gear. I think that's all that was announced, correct me if I'm wrong (aside from the silly NES/SNES collection things, I'm talking full-fledged game).

Also, the 3DS is not just an upgraded version of the DSi. Well, it's just as much 'upgraded' to DS as DS is to GBA, or 360 is to normal XBox. Just because it looks similar means nothing; it's capabilities far exceed that of the DS in every way.

...Oh look at me, getting all arguementative again :<

EDIT - oh I was beat to the punch with the 3DS thing. Ah well, new, exclusive games (that are not DS/Wii Ware style mini-game things) means new console to me. But not everyone has to love the 3DS I suppose ;o
RE: E3!

It came pretty close to the best E3 for Nintendo. Of course more people will remember Twilight Princess more than anything, but this was a pretty good year for them for sure.

And hey, don't knock Epic Mickey. It's a version exclusive (which is a plus) that's really innovative. And you can't go wrong with Warren Spector.

I didn't see that that MGS game was a remake. Can I see where you saw that, Claus?

dmaster out.
RE: E3!

Definitely not the best E3 ever. The Wii was on of the best. But the 3DS comes second.

I see what you mean, it basically is the same thing. But what it brings to Gaming makes it completely different. No other system (yet) has been able to do what they did. Of course some other companies might have something like it that they're keeping "secret" but that's a different story. =P

Kirby and Zelda didn't steal the show because everyone was expecting them, (well, Kirby not so much) while the 3DS was completely different from what everyone expected. Most people were expecting something much worse. (Like I was. xD)

Eh, I will stop rambling now.

P.S. The GIF in your signature has made me laugh everytime. xD

Added: I like Claus' explanation about the jump from GBA to DS. Xbox to 360. I will now use that statement. lol
RE: E3!

Yeah, no matter what your definition of a new console is, it is. It's like a GBA trying to play DS games, it doesn't work.

dmaster out.
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