Official Video Games Discussion Thread (Read First Post)

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To me, Kirby is eating a bunch of dudes and using their powers. Not playing with a bunch of string. :[

At least Donkey Kong Country is staying true to its predecessors. It isn't pulling these new controls out of nowhere. The reason why the Gamecube version of Twilight Princess sold more than the Wii version was because no one wanted to use the lame Wiimote controls, and to be honest, I can't see why you'd want to for Skyward Sword.

And don't worry, I'm the same way. I'm extremely stubborn when it comes to video games. xD
Whoa, I missed it in your other post, but you said SS doesn't look like a Zelda game. Tell me, what's a Zelda game supposed to look like? There's absolutely no set style; every game, minus MM and ST and MC have been different from others before them. I bet you woulda said it looks like Zelda if they made it real-looking, eh? :eek:

And how can you say it doesn't feel like a Zelda game? I know you played the demo (for like a minute or less, I might add), but the 'Zelda feel' present in the other console games is something very special that you can't possibly get from hearing things about it or playing half a minute of it. I don't see any good way to back that claim up.

Now. Skyward Sword's control is different than Wii's TP, you should know that better than all of us, seeing as you played the demo. TP was just ported at pretty much the last minute, so its Wii control was nothing special, it was just waggle. As you know, SS is different, taking full advantage of the Wii and Nunchuck scheme for unique and intuitive gameplay.

And maybe you were only referring to Wii's TP control, but I personally love the Wii control scheme. I don't say this out of desperate fanboy devotion either. The Wiimote+Nunchuck control scheme is very unique, but not only that, it's incredibly accesable, useful (just as much as any other controller), comfortable, and, I think, fun. But I suppose I'll allow for differing opinions on this ;o

And since when is new ways to control something, provided they work well, bad?
It doesn't really matter, but I played the demo for 10 minutes, and the controls were relatively easy, but still annoying. I couldn't get into the feel of the game and it didn't feel like I was playing a Zelda game.

Now when I say THAT, what I mean is, a Zelda game, to me, is supposed to represent puzzle solving with some good old hack n' slash combat. I feel that Skyward Sword is going to be more of a slow-paced game due to the controls scheme. A lot of the puzzles will involve using the controls correctly more than the items themselves, I have a feeling. Just from looking at the game, I think they're trying to get away from original Zelda concepts, which isn't a bad thing, don't get me wrong, but they could have at least kept the controls. I want an option whether or not to use the Wiimote, and I don't want to use it.

When I say it doesn't LOOK like a Zelda game, this game is like Wind Waker + Twilight Princess. The graphics aren't a big deal, they're just new.

I also don't want to stand there swinging a white rectangle around pretending it's a sword. Whatever happened to mashing B?

The thing about TP, is that while you did use your Wiimote for your sword and everything else, you still had the option to use the Gamecube version (I know they didn't really release the Gamecube version to give you choice, but still). In this game, I'm forced to use motion controls which feel clunky to me. They always have. Especially in a Zelda game where in some cases you have to think fast in order to stay alive. It's easier to that on a regular controller (at least for me it is) than with motion controls.

Gaming is taking a turn for the worse. I just want to sit down with a controller in my hands that has two joysticks, four or five buttons, a D-Pad, and play it that way. I don't want to have to move my hands around like an idiot pretending to "be the controller", as Microsoft so idiotically says. It's more personal preference that I don't like motion controls, and I never have. Which is why I am not buying Skyward Sword. Not on launch day or anytime soon after, anyway.
EDIT - NOT DONE, accidentally posted, wait a sec for edit.

Gah, stop making me reply, I want to go to sleep :<

And it would appear we are delving more and more into the land of opinion now... When arguing becomes pretty much pointless. Ah well.

There's no way you're telling me they're trying to 'get away from the original concepts.' New control means getting away? Would you call OoT getting away from original concepts of the series when it first came out? No, only a different and new representation of the same concepts.

And SS doesn't even take it that far. Just from looking at the game, I think it's blatantly obvious that they're not leaving original concepts. I mean really, did we see one new enemy? No, instead we saw Keese and Moblins and Stalfos and Deku Baba. And these were in the generic forest area too! There's Slingshot, Arrows, Bombs, etc., no different.

And so what if the puzzles involve using controls correctly more (which we don't know for sure)? That's exactly what using items boils down to anyway, with aiming, timing, positioning, blah blah. And you said puzzle solving; either way you go about it, it's still puzzle solving.

About control, mashing buttons and pretending you're actually doing something is just as silly as swinging a remote. Two ways to simulate it, at least one is actually convincing.

And - "it's like Wind Waker + Twilight Princess." Yet it doesn't look like a Zelda game ;D

My computer can be super slow, so I get frustrated, and I didn't mean to click on the post button that early. Sorry 'bout that.
It's Zelda no matter what way you look at it, but it's so different in such a way that I don't see appealing, and I can't imagine a lot of hardcore gamers seeing appealing. The concept of Skyward Sword (from what we know) isn't drastically different from older Zelda games like you said. My problem with it is the controls. I want to option to play this game with a regular controller, and I don't want to be forced to use motion controls for everything. That's my main gripe. We could go on about this forever, but it boils down to motion controls simply not being as good as using a regular controller for a good majority of people who use the Wii. I can see a lot of people buying this game because it's new and different. Will they like it? The concept is probably good, the graphics are okay, and the story is most likely superb. If Skyward Sword had the ability to be played with a regular controller, it WOULD be a step in the right direction for Zelda. More people bought the Gamecube version of TP, like I said, because they didn't want to use motion controls. Why couldn't they release a version of this game that comes with, I don't know, a SNES-styled controller?
Gale said:
It's Zelda no matter what way you look at it, but it's so different in such a way that I don't see appealing, and I can't imagine a lot of hardcore gamers seeing appealing. The concept of Skyward Sword (from what we know) isn't drastically different from older Zelda games like you said. My problem with it is the controls. I want to option to play this game with a regular controller, and I don't want to be forced to use motion controls for everything. That's my main gripe. We could go on about this forever, but it boils down to motion controls simply not being as good as using a regular controller for a good majority of people who use the Wii. I can see a lot of people buying this game because it's new and different. Will they like it? The concept is probably good, the graphics are okay, and the story is most likely superb. If Skyward Sword had the ability to be played with a regular controller, it WOULD be a step in the right direction for Zelda. More people bought the Gamecube version of TP, like I said, because they didn't want to use motion controls. Why couldn't they release a version of this game that comes with, I don't know, a SNES-styled controller?

So what your saying is.... that Skyward Sword is not going to be a groundbreaking game?
It's a Zelda game, so of course it will be, but I, and this is my opinion, don't think the game is going to be good because of the controls. It's going to be remembered as that "motion control" game that either did very well or very badly. Time will tell, but I don't see myself getting it for a while.
Yup, like I said, we've now hit the point where it's boiled down to personal opinions. I hate those things D:<

But please, don't use the words 'hardcore gamer,' I positively detest the term. Hopefully now that Microsoft and Sony have moved on to motion controls, the 'hardcore' idiocy will die down.

And yup, I guess it ends here with our opinions. I'm just glad that with every new Zelda, they innovate, and SS is no different. I for one am looking forward to all the new ideas and ways to do things that the Wii Motion Plus will undoubtedly bring to Zelda. I don't think Zelda has even 'taken a step back,' mainly for this reason. The innovations are never merely gimmick, and as such, as long as they work well there's definitely no step back, IMO.

Oh yes, and a quick note about the graphics you mentioned. Miyamoto made it very clear that the graphics that we saw were still to be improved upon a bunch. So by the time they finish all the polish, I know they will look far better than simply 'okay' ;D

Actually, he said that the game would already be done had they gone the realism route. So a big part of these final months will be graphical improvement.
I think it's a new idea, so it isn't a step back. I just hope this isn't a repeating trend for future Zelda games. I have always hated motion controls and always will.

But you're right, it comes down to opinions at this point. Motion controls are horrible and for a while they always will be.

As for the term "hardcore gamer", what I mean is people who take video games very seriously. Like, scary seriously. ...Like me. Sony is screwed, there's no getting around that. Microsoft still has a lot of good games, and I don't think Kinect is going to take away from good old console games like Mass Effect, Call of Duty, Fallout, etc.

I didn't even hear that part about the graphics. Maybe I did. That's good news though.
Can we please drop this childish argument. This is getting rather silly.

I for one like motion controls provided they do it right. I have to bring The Conduit in as an example. The way they did the motion controls was absolutely flawless. The gestures to melee and toss a grenade never failed me. I adjusted the sensitivity to turning so that I wouldn't have my perspective flying everywhere in the heat of battle. They did it right, and I wish more Wii games were like that. Red Steel 2 was supposed to be like that, I don't know how well that worked out. And I am most certainly hoping that Skyward Sword is the same way. Plus, how can you hate how they brought back Sword Beam? :p
Gale said:
I think it's a new idea, so it isn't a step back. I just hope this isn't a repeating trend for future Zelda games. I have always hated motion controls and always will.

But you're right, it comes down to opinions at this point. Motion controls are horrible and for a while they always will be.

As for the term "hardcore gamer", what I mean is people who take video games very seriously. Like, scary seriously. ...Like me. Sony is screwed, there's no getting around that. Microsoft still has a lot of good games, and I don't think Kinect is going to take away from good old console games like Mass Effect, Call of Duty, Fallout, etc.

I didn't even hear that part about the graphics. Maybe I did. That's good news though.

No you didn't! Someone tell me he didn't say Sony is screwed.

Not only do they have a pretty good line-up (Killzone 3, LBP 2, GT5 and others I am currently forgetting), they also have Move. And before I'll let you say or think anything else, read this:
Move is not only compatible with most of the future games, it will also be compatible with some already revealed games through patches and such. Besides that, it will be featured in the good, 'hardcore' (tried to avoid this term, couldn't come up with another) games such as the Killzone I mentioned earlier. And every game it is featured in, besides the games made for Move, will have the possibility to switch it on and anytime you want it, which I think is a must for the motion-games. And even if you still want to move a little while you are relaxing on your couch, you're still able to use Move.

I'm not the motion/Move fanboy, nor the Sony fanboy, but I want to stop you before you jump to conclusions.

I think each console has an equal chance next year.
Woot, discussion.

I've been annoyed with Control-stick aiming even before I even knew of an alternative, the Wii pointer controls of (amongst others) the Wii version of TP were a blessing to me. The few FPS's I've played on the Wii might actually get me into the genre, since the controls are actually appealing for once (although I doubt I'll get the Conduit 2, the first one seems so very generic, I doubt the second one will be any better. Probably won't be getting Goldeneye either.).

The only reason I might prefer the NGC version of TP would be the fact that swinging was poorly translated into sword movements, and shaking for wolf attacks is just silly. If the SS controls are at least on-par with, say, Wii sports resort swordplay, I'd definitely be pleased. Seriously, Control stick + buttons limit the amount of possible movements with a sword (apart from pre-determined sequences, which might look cool but offer little in terms of enhancing gameplay), motion controls help a lot here. Motion-based combat also feels more direct and natural to me, based on the previous Wii Hack-and-slash games I've played.
I'm also not the kind of person who'd want to stand up to play, but anything which gives a game more versatility without getting needlessly complicated is always welcome, and so far motion-controls have not failed me in this respect

And I doubt they'll reduce LoZ to a series of motion-control gimmicks, and even if they do, I'm sure the LoZ team would be able to actually make it good. I mean, PH wasn't filled with motion-gimmicks per se, right? Every item was changed to fit the controls, but in terms of puzzles and the likes it was still very Zelda-ey (whatever that is).

I can understand someone personally not liking motion controls, but to say they suck and all games which involve them do as well, that's probably taking it too far.

As for games I'll be getting. Not a lot, probably, I'm trying not to spend too much money. I'll certainly be getting LoZ and Kirby, but that's about it. I'll probably wait and see for any of the other games.

@The Fallen One
Red Steel 2 controls were alright, sword and gun controls were nice independently, but they didn't really mix well IMO (it is manageable, though). And doing powerful slashes (which are needed quite a lot) tends to get annoying. The game itself is a bit iffy (and maybe a little too easy providing you get enough upgrades, especially some special moves make everything a breeze), but definitely not bad, although the controls are probably the only praise-worthy element.


Thank you my hero, I love you so so much <3

Also, Gale, I was reading someone's report on the E3 Skyward Sword demo, and it addressed your concerns -

gamespot said:
Of course, I had my reservations going into the demo as well, but most were caused by the idea that this new control setup, which features Wii MotionPlus support, would fundamentally make Zelda not Zelda anymore. More specifically, there's something oddly rhythmic, precise, and satisfying about the combat found in the full 3D outings in the Legend of Zelda universe, including the Wii version of Twilight Princess (since a single quick motion essentially replaced a single button press). Would this new control setup throw that away and force me to flail my arms like a man on fire to strike even the lowliest of creatures?

The answer (at least one gleaned from the demo) is no, and as it turns out, much of that has to do with the way enemies are designed around the controls. Most of these enemies seem capable of defending themselves in a way that lends itself to a more methodic combat strategy and one that's arguably far more satisfying than in any previous Zelda. Of course, it remains to be seen if this holds up throughout the entire game, but if the demo is any indication, it hopefully will.
I know you tried the demo yourself, but hopefully this helps you feel a bit better about it :>
I saw that article too. If he really does make a new franchise, it's going to be an amazing year in 2011 for Nintendo.

dmaster out.
I'm looking forward to the following:
Metroid: Other M
Zelda: Skyward Sword
Final Fantasy XIV
There are a lot of good games coming out soon. I can't wait to see the new franchise that might be coming out in 2011.
RE: E3!

Ho-Oh_Master said:
I just found out that Kingdom Hearts Re:coded will be out for the Nintendo DS. Another game to wait for in E3. :D

And I know the person who recorded the trailer from E3. (well not really, they're just my mod. >:D)
lol. And yea, when I heard about that, i went crazy. I know i went up to the store and told the dude who works there (who I'm close with, cause i've shopped at that store all my life) and i told them "Did you know re-coded is on pre-order?"
"Yup and I pre-ordered it for you."
I melted. ^^
And I know i'm getting a 3DS Because of KH 3D. It'll be interesting to see what 3D stands for. (it's actually an abbrievation of the subtitle, which is pretty intresting given the system is on ^^) despite, being a big KH fan, I really have no idea. Nomura is crazy. ;~;

I'm looking forward to the following:
Zelda: Skyward Sword
Me too. it's the upsides of getting a wii. Zelda, and other classic games. (well SS isn't classic yet, but it's zelda!) I know the trailer for E3 was really really really amazing. <3
Final Fantasy XIV
Yea, I want a ps3. So bad. ;~; My computer won't even run the benchmark for the comp version. (Despite my laptop is brand new.) So my only option will be the PS3.
We can just discuss video games here amirite? If that's the case...

I got Tournament of Legends Tuesday (the day it came out :p). It's like SoulCalibur, but for the Wii and with a different camera style. It's...okay. Not much variety and the attacking styles are a bit bland. But the characters can be fun at times, especially Marcus because he's so full of himself. I had a giggle or two playing through the story mode with him. I give it a 3-3.5/5, only play this with the Classic Controller.
Yeah. I kind of wanted to limit the discussion of all video games to one thread, but you can still use the forum to discuss upcoming releases/ask questions or whatever.

I didn't even read any of your responses, Tom and Claus. Sorry. I'll edit this post or something later on when I have a chance to. Also, I've never played SoulCalibur, and I kind of feel bad.
So what is everyone's opinion on the new Mortal Kombat game being released next year? It looks cool but to me it doesn't feel like a MK game it feels like I'm playing DC vs. Mortal Kombat with added violence and gore in 2 and a half D. Where's the Toasty Man? Where's the Animalities, Babalities, and Friendship moves?

Another problem I see is the character designs, they should've been more traditional to the first three games that were released by Midway back in the 90's but since the company filed for bankruptcy during the late 2000's Recession and that Ed Boon and John Tobias no longer work on the games themselves it's a flop.

This new MK game looks like War Gods on N64 but with updated graphics, now don't get me wrong War Gods was an awesome fighting game back in the day especially Primal Rage which never got an actual sequel released but what I really love about the character animations and designs of the early MK games and Primal Rage was how realistic it actually was instead of looking like a total gimmick.
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