Official Video Games Discussion Thread (Read First Post)

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RE: E3!

Leafy101 said:
When did they talk about that?(Professor Layton)
Also, if they had Kid icarus they might have Ice Climbers... ;) Can't wait for LBP 2.

They showed it with the 3rd Party 3DS developers. They also had Saints Row, and some other ones. I saw on their site right now Street Fighter IV and Ninja Gaiden also planning for the 3DS.

And I'm looking forward to Nintendogs and Cats as well. That one just escaped my mind lol.


And Animal Crossing 3DS as well. No huge surprise there.

And Mario Kart, Pilotwings, and Starfox for the 3DS as well. Holy crud. Looooooots of games coming out for it.

dmaster out.
RE: E3!

PAPER MARIOOOOOO!!! Starfox also sounds pretty cool. I want Nintendogs+Cats. I hope they have cross-breeds.
RE: E3!

I wasn't able to play Zelda for too long, but I have to say, Miyamoto did not fail. The controls were like butter. Easily the best Wii game I have ever played. I did get a 3DS and played it for a bit, but my time ran out really fast so sad face.

Now I'm just screwing around, waiting for Sony's press conference. About 3 hours into the flight to LA, I woke my dad up and told him I forgot my camera and laptop. x_X I'm using my dad's instead, so we have no camera, my phone is dead, and I'm sitting here for the next half hour booth hopping. Fail. I'll post a full recap of my adventures when E3 is over.

This time tomorrow, I'll be at the Mass Effect 3 booth, loving life. (screw Halo, which has a booth opening at the same time)
RE: E3!

Gale said:
I wasn't able to play Zelda for too long, but I have to say, Miyamoto did not fail. The controls were like butter. Easily the best Wii game I have ever played. I did get a 3DS and played it for a bit, but my time ran out really fast so sad face.

Now I'm just screwing around, waiting for Sony's press conference. About 3 hours into the flight to LA, I woke my dad up and told him I forgot my camera and laptop. x_X I'm using my dad's instead, so we have no camera, my phone is dead, and I'm sitting here for the next half hour booth hopping. Fail. I'll post a full recap of my adventures when E3 is over.

This time tomorrow, I'll be at the Mass Effect 3 booth, loving life. (screw Halo, which has a booth opening at the same time)

How was the 3DS? Was the 3D actually good, or..?
RE: E3!

Gale said:
I wasn't able to play Zelda for too long, but I have to say, Miyamoto did not fail. The controls were like butter. Easily the best Wii game I have ever played.
Very glad to hear that.
2011 seems so far :(

And I'd like to know more about how the 3DS looked as well.
RE: E3!

It was good. It took a while to get used to the analog stick. It wasn't a horribly long demo, but the graphics were great. Compared to what we have now in the DS, they're just so awesome. I'll be able to play it more later today at the Nintendo booth.

They're showing off Paper Mario 4 at a booth. I missed the first little bit of the Sony press conference but I'm there now, updating from my iPad.
RE: E3!

Most of the games come out in 2011 or this holiday season. But I watched the Nintendo Conference it was good, especially the games.
RE: E3!

There's going to be a new Starfox too? That sounds interesting.
RE: E3!

I think it's listed as a Star Fox 64 remake. Which is still awesome, but not as awesome as a new entry in the series.
RE: E3!

Just left the Sony press conference. I don't care about the Move and I didn't want to see their ads for the PSP. Missing the God of War-whatever but that's cool. Gears of War 3 in a few hours. =)
RE: E3!

dmaster said:
Wow, what an amazing E3 presentation by Nintendo, putting games, experiences, and fun first OVER motion control and 3D. Kid Icarus, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Goldeneye, Golden Sun (yes omg), Mario Sports, Legend of Zelda, Professor Layton, MGS 3DS, Resident Evil 3DS, Epic Mickey, Wii Party, etc. All amazing games and I can't wait to try out the 3DS and the Zelda game for myself (considering it was a tad unresponsive on stage).

dmaster out.

dmaster said:
Wow, what an amazing E3 presentation by Nintendo, putting games, experiences, and fun first OVER motion control and 3D. Kid Icarus, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Goldeneye, Golden Sun (yes omg), Mario Sports, Legend of Zelda, Professor Layton, MGS 3DS, Resident Evil 3DS, Epic Mickey, Wii Party, etc. All amazing games and I can't wait to try out the 3DS and the Zelda game for myself (considering it was a tad unresponsive on stage).

dmaster out.

dmaster said:
Wow, what an amazing E3 presentation by Nintendo, putting games, experiences, and fun first OVER motion control and 3D. Kid Icarus, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Goldeneye, Golden Sun (yes omg), Mario Sports, Legend of Zelda, Professor Layton, MGS 3DS, Resident Evil 3DS, Epic Mickey, Wii Party, etc. All amazing games and I can't wait to try out the 3DS and the Zelda game for myself (considering it was a tad unresponsive on stage).

dmaster out.

Oh My God. Cannot Wait. One Of My Favourite N64 Games. Yes. Yes. Yes.

If this gets screwed up though, many innocent lives will be lost...
RE: E3!

Gale said:
It was good. It took a while to get used to the analog stick. It wasn't a horribly long demo, but the graphics were great. Compared to what we have now in the DS, they're just so awesome. I'll be able to play it more later today at the Nintendo booth.

They're showing off Paper Mario 4 at a booth. I missed the first little bit of the Sony press conference but I'm there now, updating from my iPad.

What game was the demo for? Also, how does Paper Mario look?
RE: E3!

I didn't see Paper Mario. I just heard they had it showing.

There was no demo game. You just kind of watched a video of games coming to the 3DS on the 3DS. Mario and Bowser and Link all kinda jumped out of the screen. It was awesome. I loved the 3D slider to adjust it.

I just heard that Ocarina Of Time is going to be remade for the 3DS. Comment away.
RE: E3!

Yeah, I know bacon. It has potential to be messed up, but right now I'm so excited, I'm not going to care until later this year.

Gale said:
I didn't see Paper Mario. I just heard they had it showing.

There was no demo game. You just kind of watched a video of games coming to the 3DS on the 3DS. Mario and Bowser and Link all kinda jumped out of the screen. It was awesome. I loved the 3D slider to adjust it.

I just heard that Ocarina Of Time is going to be remade for the 3DS. Comment away.

Gale said:
I didn't see Paper Mario. I just heard they had it showing.

There was no demo game. You just kind of watched a video of games coming to the 3DS on the 3DS. Mario and Bowser and Link all kinda jumped out of the screen. It was awesome. I loved the 3D slider to adjust it.

I just heard that
Gale said:
Ocarina Of Time is going to be remade for the 3DS. Comment away.

Gale said:
I didn't see Paper Mario. I just heard they had it showing.

There was no demo game. You just kind of watched a video of games coming to the 3DS on the 3DS. Mario and Bowser and Link all kinda jumped out of the screen. It was awesome. I loved the 3D slider to adjust it.

I just heard that
Gale said:
Ocarina Of Time is going to be remade for the 3DS. Comment away.

Oh My God. Cannot Wait. One Of My Favorite N64 Games. Yes. Yes. Yes. Best game ever I might add.

If this gets screwed up though, many innocent lives will be lost...

dmaster out.
RE: E3!


It looks so beautiful :')

Also, Professor Layton and the Last Time Travel got it's awesome English name - Professor Layton and the Unwound Future! I saw the trailer, absolutely wonderful. The 5th game, Mask of Miracles, is confirmed for 3DS!

Paper Mario + 3D concept were lovers from the beginning; I cannot wait to get my hands on this game.

And OoT is being remade, yes! <--Screenshots of the opening scene; refresh the page if it doesn't work. Just lovely :> It looks even better than the N64 version. I wonder of Ocarina-ing will work, though... Mic?

Also, I'm very happy for Kirby fans. They've been dying for a new game, and they finally get one. What a quirky little thing :>

But... Where was Pikmin 3? Apparently Pikmin was a part of the 3DS demos (confirm please ;o), but I'm wondering why Pikmin 3 wasn't even mentioned. It's been in production for quite some time; I'da thought they'd have something on it. Ah, well, perhaps they'll show it sometime later, as they are with all these other games.

Nintendo sooo won E3. But then again, I don't care for any other developers, so of course I'm gonna say that ;D
RE: E3!

Claus said:
But... Where was Pikmin 3? Apparently Pikmin was a part of the 3DS demos (confirm please ;o),

Seriously?!?!?!?!?!?! Someone that went to E3- PLEEEAAASE confirm.
P.S. OoT looks awsome.
RE: E3!

The new Paper Mario will be a RPG. That's all I know.

I saw haven't seen Pikmin all day, but I'll keep booth surfing.
RE: E3!

Wow. A cell shaded Zelda? That is something to be happy about. I hated how so many people disliked the WW. I love that. The new DS looks awesome. It has a control stick too (pretty sweet it think). Im excited about Okamiden, Rune Factory 3 and the new Golden Sun. All of those look awesome. Although nintendo's conference was just amazing in general. Im looking forward to learning some more about the 3DS. I wonder exactly what its capabilities are. Are they just gonna add a 3D effect or are they enhancing graphics as well? Maybe they gave it a higher quality resolution? I think re-releasing the OoT is gonna do wonders to the 3DS's sales once it hits stores.
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