One Red Wurmple

Mudkip said:
Trade for a Jumpluff or Gyarados SF if you can.

Thanks for the advice! Since Jumpluff are going for quite a bit now, I think Gyarados(SF) is a great goal for the next trade. Thanks for the advice man.
I remember back in the day, trading piles of energy (like 30 Grass Energy and some Dark, Rainbow) for the then-rare Shiny Steelix and Shiny Noctowl. Good times.
Anyway, I feel kinda bad about this for the persons you would trade with, especially the gap between a RH and a LVX is pretty big and I would personally consider it very unfair. You could of course go with something fairly useless like Glaceon X, but then it will take longer to get to the better Xes, because people usually are very protective about them.
well glaceons worth quite a bit, but maybe a garchomp C lv X would be a good next step, because thats a VERY played card
What I see wrong with this is that it's not as much of an accomplishment to get from a Wurmple to a Luxray X if people are volunteering to rip themselves off and give you a Lv.X for a rare because they know your plan. I guess it's still a good way to get cheap cards though, just not as fun.
you should just not tell anyone, and just tell them that you HAVE to get rid of it.. or else. lol. But a jumpluff for a not so rare lvx like one thats been in a tin is fair IMO
Meaty said:
What I see wrong with this is that it's not as much of an accomplishment to get from a Wurmple to a Luxray X if people are volunteering to rip themselves off and give you a Lv.X for a rare because they know your plan. I guess it's still a good way to get cheap cards though, just not as fun.

Yeah, I agree. I feel like it would be a much greater accomplishment to do it without anyone knowing your plan, then posting the chronology of the trades.
I tried this on Poke Gym. I started off with a Horsea, HGSS. I got offers: Horsea -> Bidoof -> RH Vulpix, HGSS -> Typhlosion, HGSS

But then this happened:

Well that's enough of this. Keep joke trades off this forum.

And my trade thread was pwnd with a little lock. Pokemon is serious business on the Gym.
BaIn said:
I tried this on Poke Gym.
And my trade thread was pwnd with a little lock. Pokemon is serious business on the Gym.
I saw that. Some other guy called you a troll. This is why I don't go onto Pokegym that often.

But let's not turn this into a Pokegym flaming thread.
BaIn said:
I tried this on Poke Gym. I started off with a Horsea, HGSS. I got offers: Horsea -> Bidoof -> RH Vulpix, HGSS -> Typhlosion, HGSS

But then this happened:

And my trade thread was pwnd with a little lock. Pokemon is serious business on the Gym.
Meh, on english pokèmon sites, I think you guys are really in to rules. :p Some of my first days here on the beach, I got 30% warning level in a few days. :D
For your first Lv. X's try for a tinned Garchomp or Mewtwo, they aren't worth that much, and they are very playable cards.
I'll help you out dude! I will be the regular sized kid with brown hair and I'll be wearing either a darkrai hat or a blue and red hat (snow cap). I am carrying a green backpack. what do you look like?
I tried doing this with a legends awakend Taillow,but then my friend ripped it to pieces.:(
haha did that piplup guy rip you off xD. This was supposed to be fun and someone took advantage :O Props to you for getting that far. I always wondered how did my pokemon collection grow so much. I remember I had 2 starter decks and a LA box at the time and that made me a full functional Dialga/Palkia SP deck back in the day :D
Yea I started out with a lot of commons and a messed up empoleon X promo. Its amazing how a collection can grow. I can't wait to see how big this wurmple can get.
I don't think making a trade thread for it makes it as legitimate. People will try to help you by trading for cards, perhaps they wouldn't without knowing the cause. Trading with people who don't know about it keeps it 100% real.