One Star

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NO, I don't think that is true, If someone doesn't care much, they won't be suitable as they won't take the wwork seriously enough.
Fire_Pokemon_Master said:
NO, I don't think that is true, If someone doesn't care much, they won't be suitable as they won't take the wwork seriously enough.

I think what he meant was a member that does normal stuff, and doesn't really care much. If he's a Mod, he's in normal status, and if he's not, he's in normal status. Lol.
Yeh, jiggly would be good, but the thign is, I think WPM will go for someone really unexpected, it suits him to suprise us -_-...

Anyway, if I was admin, the next mod would be MIles.
Fire_Pokemon_Master said:
Um, Kg is already a mod -_-

We need a mod for the English timeline. Possibly either jiggly13 or me... no wait not me. I don't think I will be picked as WPM doesn't like fire pokemon. No, thats not why I won't be picked. I won't be picked because there are lots of better member out there in PokéBeach Forums. although I think I would take the role well, Its not for me to judge weather I'm good enough. Its encouraging that Blazing Monkey sai i would be good.
Bacon and c-m are both European mods. Abhorsen and NN are Australasian mods, and the rest are American.

Señor Noobnerd said:
Lieutenant Houndoom said:
Fire_Pokemon_Master said:
um.. I use grammer and spelling.. I'm just not a good speller...

No, I don't deserve to be a mod. But at elast WPM now openly admits that it is about the mod thingy.

I think the Final mod will be probably either Miles or Lt houndoom. I would say LV but she got banned I think.

WEll, I don't know if he would want me to say this... but Noobnerd got banned for... well, being nooby.

But honestly, I don't think she is going to be a mod because she hasn't made a post over five lines without quoting.
Darn you. Where did I get banned? :F

No idea. Sorry.
ArmaldoEX said:
Fire_Pokemon_Master said:
NO, I don't think that is true, If someone doesn't care much, they won't be suitable as they won't take the wwork seriously enough.

I think what he meant was a member that does normal stuff, and doesn't really care much. If he's a Mod, he's in normal status, and if he's not, he's in normal status. Lol.

That's basically what I meant. Until I see someone become a mod, then I'll care and congratulate them.
Until then, people can speculate who will be the next mod all they want, but that doesn't mean they will be right or make WPM make his decision and faster.
But those are just my opinions.
When will the mod be chosen? At first, I thought you were talking about another Holy Star, like another hacker 0_o.
Well, Noobnerd, C-m, K-g, and Bacon were both mostly in the Lower Forums, or, I should say, focused on the Gaming. I hope to see someone who is in the Fan Creations, or Some one who hangs out a lot in the Card Combos/Deck Garage.
Perhaps SZ?
Subzero? No, I don't think hes active enough...

What about Master of the Six Kings?
I'm not going to be here for a while now, so I fI get moded while I'm away I'll be happy :)

Anyways, Subzero could be a mod, but its more likely to be either miles or Lt.H.
Lt. H does have a seriously good chance of becoming a mod. But, I think that it will be someone un-expected... but, they're still not a n00b. Magicmew's only really active in the D/P discussion...
No, it wouldn't be MM. I just don't think it will. There is a very good chance also of A mod becoming a super mod, and then there will only be one more mod just incase we need another one, if a mod gets super modded, it will be, Kg. Just a great mod.
I think that it will be MOT6K or Lt.H, we need a mod that's more active in the upper forums.(no offense to the mods) Good luck to everyone though!:) Congratulations in advance to whoever gets the job:)
Fire_Pokemon_Master said:
I'm not going to be here for a while now, so I fI get moded while I'm away I'll be happy :)
If you spelling-check any of your posts, you'll find out that you won't become one. I'm sorry, but you DO NOT use spelling and grammar, if you think you do, you honestly don't know what those words mean... I'm sorry if I sound mean, but you keep on neglecting spelling...

As for the new mods, well, guys, if you posted here and WPM was online and checked this page and you didn't become a mod, then that's bye-bye dreams. As we learned from the previous thread, this post is the scroll.

I have my speculations, but I'm not sharing those :F
Have the mods been chosen yet? Probably not...

I think that , even Antikrozz might be a good candidate.
Fire_Pokemon_Master said:
Also, Blazing monkey, you said ash ketchup, me and KBP would be good for the fan creations, but ASh and KBP are too new to be mods, and I just don't think I will be one. However, I do want to be one, but so does everyone.

Anyways, also PPM, you would be a good cadidate.

I think above everyone, It would be Miles.

Was KG on long before he got modified? I didnt think so. It took him about 2-3 months. Someone stated that this mod needed very good spelling and grammar. My new list consists of good members, me not included :p
What about Doc_Robot_K-176? He wasn't on very long, if not a week before he became a mod. Porygon also wasn't on very long.
I actually dont know about Pory but I remember someone saying in a different thread that DRK-176 was on for about a week and a half until modification and then about half a week after that, he got super-modified.
Yes, Doc is a VERY good member. Charizard, and Alchamist_Almightey, have't been active AT ALL hardly...

I have complied a list of people who I think will be mods... it only consists of 4 people :D.
Actually, I have seen A_A quite a bit in my 5 months here. Im not going to ask for that list because those are your personal opinions. Im not a secret revealing person. Anyway, A_A has a life like every other member here. Charizard and A_A had to have been very active at one time because they became mods. Now, they are not because they have gained lives. They had lives before but thats not my point.

Point is, A_A, you, me and Charizard are probably all in different time zones so we dont see each other much. Except for you and me ash.
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