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Off-topic, but, maybe even Flame Claw might become a mod. Hes not active as of the moment, but, he DOES contribute to the forums greatly...
This member needs to be very active remember? Im on every day (almost). I wont be picked because Im weird for one (Im not that weird). Secondly, I dont contribute to these forums as much as people like AEX or Miles have. Thirdly, I dont really have a third.
I think you contribute... (You made the shop library)

As for me, I think I probably won't be picked, because:

I'm a noob (even though Aborhosen said, "The length of time as a member doesn't count", I'm still a noob...)
I don't contribute to the forums as much as other members... (I try to... doesn't work out :D)
I'm too young... (SNN is the youngest, and hes 14!)

I don't know WHO would be picked... I'm not asking right now, but, it would be weird if I got picked -_-

Someone who is on the list, like I said before, is Antikrozz. A great member, and, very active. I don't think AEX will be chosen, because ex-stratagists can't be chosen, I beleive. Miles isn't on as active, or, if he is, I don't see him.
If I get modified, Ill be the new youngest at 13 :/ But I dont think thats going to happen :[ lol

According to my time-zone, Miles comes on in the morning. I dont know what time it is in Miles' place when he comes on though.

Ex-strategists cant be chosen? o_O

Time doesnt matter. As long as you do contribute to these forums and are very active and does good stuff for this place, you qualify but still has a good chance of not being picked.

About AK, I dont see him post much here anymore. He used to post frequently in The Official Sinnoh League. He still posts in it along with Team Eclipse. Who wouldnt lol.

I also made the Combo Library and the Breeding Guide...the first two parts of it. Arzamo made the Advanced part of that guide.
I suppose you're right :D.

AK is seen on Team Eclipse ONLY nowadays...

Arzamo? Do you think he'll be chosen? I don't know... while he DOES contribute to the forums, and is active everyday, I'm not so sure...
Um... ok, if that's what you think, Noob Sandwich...

Miles is usually on in the evening for me, and he is a VERY good condadite.

As for PPM, I don't think he'll be chosen, as hes only active in the Deck Garage.

Jiggly is a good choice, but, I only see him in the Deck Garage as well.
Jiggly has been on in the D/P Discussion which is now Gaming Discussion/D/P rate my Team.

Maybe a member who is active in both categories.
Someone who is active in ALL forums might be a nice change. But, good luck finding someone who does THAT... (Wait, I know someone who does that... *adds to list*)

I haven't seen Jiggly in the D/P discussion, but, that doesn't mean anything.
You are new and Jiggly was on it before you came IIRW. A new list. I havent got the slightest clue still unless WPM posts the next clue and I can somehow guess it. Itll be a miracle.
Do you mean, the next clue to who gets it? What's IIRW mean?

Jiggly would be very good. But, there is someone ELSE. Butlerforhire. His posts are several paragraphs, and VERY meaningful. However, not very active. Only 4 times a week...
Very true. I have seen him in several deck threads helping other people. It could be him but who knows? IIRW means If I Remember Well. Thats what I meant about who gets the modification. Ill try to give an accurate speculation depending on WPM's next clue (if there is a next clue).
Well, there are SO MANY good members, its hard to choose! My votes are on Lt.h, Jiggly, and MAYBE butlerforhire.
Well, EVs arent everything either. Im active and I dont have the majority of EVs IIRW. Active in both categories would be a big bonus.
Well, I'm out :D. I would say you, ssb, but, (not to be rude), your grammer/spelling is a little- oh, how to put this? Atrocious... (Sorry... :()
Actually ash, your EVs are full. Mine are only just past half way. Except I have another 700 to get :/

My absolutely wildest guess would have to be Miles and it could be him. Who knows? WPM of course.
I don't know how one loses evs...

Miles is a wild guess... but, nevertheless, a very "approachful" one. I think its safe to say hes in the running.
what?? how is it atrocious??? (i know you said no offense) but i believe i have good spelling.... :F
Well, you're grammer is more atrocious than your spelling... (NO OFFENSE, really...)
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