I think you contribute... (You made the shop library)
As for me, I think I probably won't be picked, because:
I'm a noob (even though Aborhosen said, "The length of time as a member doesn't count", I'm still a noob...)
I don't contribute to the forums as much as other members... (I try to... doesn't work out
I'm too young... (SNN is the youngest, and hes 14!)
I don't know WHO would be picked... I'm not asking right now, but, it would be weird if I got picked -_-
Someone who is on the list, like I said before, is Antikrozz. A great member, and, very active. I don't think AEX will be chosen, because ex-stratagists can't be chosen, I beleive. Miles isn't on as active, or, if he is, I don't see him.