BW/BW2 Opinion: The Isshu Region & New York City

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But Super Effective Nonetheless
I know there's huge potential for backlash here, but here goes...

On any given speculation thread about Isshu's real-world counterpart, on any given forum under any given site, the arguments always seem to become incredibly one-sided. That is, everyone immediately takes the side that doesn't compare Isshu to New York City.

More or less, the minute the NYC points are brought up, every person online, accompanied by any or all family members near the computer, pets, or neighbors walking by who happened to see the computer through the window, will simultaneously cup their ears and start shouting "SHANGHAI SHANGHAI SHANGHAI!!!"

In general, New York City, for whatever reason, barely ever scraps the top three candidates. Lately it seems to be Shanghai on top, followed by another Japan-based region, and then either Hong Kong or Korea.

Why should NYC be any less credible than the other areas?

Here's some counter-arguments to stances that often come-up.

"You can't say it's New York just because it has skyscrapers and a bridge!"

---Very true, it could be any given city. But then why was this one city the first advertising point? Was it because this one city was supposed to represent something more? I think we all know what Hiun City called to mind when we first saw it, but so few admit to it.

"Hoenn was also described as 'far away', you can't define Isshu by that."

---At one point it prbly was described like that, but the Advance Generation in general was a major "step in a new direction." To me, it seems like this was retconned in HGSS, where the PokeGear Radio calls Hoenn "The Warm land to the south" or something like that, in a very similar context to Sinnoh.(being the cold northern land.) If anything, Hoenn and Sinnoh are now cast as opposites to each other, not far away locations.

"It has to be an Asian location with themes that match"

---No not really, it's a Japanese game first and foremost. No matter what mythology it draws from, it will always be a Japanese game that reflects Japanese culture. It could be set in a place based off of Egypt, but it would still feel like a Pokemon game bc of those themes.

"The Yin/Yang principles seal the deal for China/Shanghai."

---The concept of light vs dark, of nature vs industrialization, of peace vs corruption, could easily fit New York City.

All of this is backed up by FlyScorpion's findings. (Namely the ??? River part of his labeled pictures.)

Just saying, I don't think that the NYC Theory should be swept under the rug so easily....

July 20th: I feel the need to add some stuff I've forgotten.

- We have Mamepato, a pigeon Pokemon. Of all the available small birds with interesting feature still unused, a pigeon was selected. Think about that for a second.

- I'm aware of how much of an obvious argument this is, but we have Wargle. The Valor Pokemon should've been a major argument for the NY side...but it wasn't. Perhaps as a testament to my point about this debate, instead of accepting the fact that we were given a red,white, and blue eagle Pokemon, most internet folks seemed to immediately, and desperately, pull up Chinese eagle drawings, and things like "Well according to this one article an eagle was once featured in a Shanghai parade!" etc etc. C'mon folks...are we serious?

-Take a look at the Movie 14 teaser, if you can find it. For a split second, we can see a huge, familiar, peninsula literally covered in skyscrapers While I'm aware that this is a movie location, we've never seen that much urban stuff in a random location shot before.
What I meant was the Yin/Yang thing, being about good and evil being in balance, can be applied to places other than China. I think it all comes down to interpretation.
And yes, I think there is a location thread, but this was more about giving this theory more credibility in general.
Well the reason I never believed that it was NY is because What do people usualy think of when talking about newyork. No it's not Time square that comes to mind, its the Statue of Liberty which by means is not present in the map shown. So NY is out of the question (no dessert at all in NY either) :S
godzilla41 said:
Well the reason I never believed that it was NY is because What do people usualy think of when talking about newyork. No it's not Time square that comes to mind, its the Statue of Liberty which by means is not present in the map shown. So NY is out of the question (no dessert at all in NY either) :S

There is something that could be used as a desert like place though.

On one of the many "Where is Isshu in real life" thread, I remember reading a post saying something along the lines of "Ground Zero could be the desert."

Plus, on the Statue of Liberty part, the full maphasn't been released. There could be a statue on a part of Isshu that resembles the Statue of Liberty.

I guess we'll see when the full map is revealed.
so i'm just going to advise, Go watch the new Smurfs Movie Teaser trailer. when it zooms in on Manhattan i could have sworn i was looking at huin city.
Corycorcor said:
so i'm just going to advise, Go watch the new Smurfs Movie Teaser trailer. when it zooms in on Manhattan i could have sworn i was looking at huin city.

yeah this almost proves that hiun city is Manhattan
Isshu should be based on Canada, eh? That would totally rule.

I think Isshu is more Japanese, instead of American. As far as I know, there aren't any deserts behind NYC, so that's one strike.

sturtle said:
Isshu should be based on Canada, eh? That would totally rule.

I think Isshu is more Japanese, instead of American. As far as I know, there aren't any deserts behind NYC, so that's one strike.


1st of all there aren't any desserts in Canada so u just got backfired :D

2nd If the design looks like it thats all that matters just look at all the regions and then look at the real map and the only thing thats the same is the shape not the terrain.

3rd how does Isshu look like any part in Canada? if u find resemblance than u have Isshu's lol jk
rockinpikachu said:
1st of all there aren't any desserts in Canada so u just got backfired :D

2nd If the design looks like it thats all that matters just look at all the regions and then look at the real map and the only thing thats the same is the shape not the terrain.

3rd how does Isshu look like any part in Canada? if u find resemblance than u have Isshu's lol jk

Haha good one i probably said this before but i'm hoping that it won't be based of a different place like america even though i would love to visit new york.
i don't know if i'm the first to say this but if you think about most people say its based on NY but they say that because of hiun so no isshu is not based of of NY
i dont see why everyone thinks its based on one place
for all we know they could have taken parts of japan and america and interpreted it into the isshu map
the desert could be form some part of the world
and the mountains could be based on somewhere else

the general shape may have been based on nyc
but the cities and town on the map could all be based on places in japan?

if that makes sense....
It is possible that it could be based off both Shanghai AND New York City.

Also, there's a fallacy involved in claiming "there's no desert on Manhattan Island, thus it's not NYC": none of the previous maps are exact duplicates of the real place they resemble. Using that same logic, the Pokemon Kanto region CAN'T be the same as the Real Kanto region because--if I recall correctly--there is no active volcano in the real Kanto region, at least to where Cinnibar Island is located. Of course, if there IS an active volcano there, then surely there isn't a real bicycle route similar to that which connects Celadon City and Fuchsia City. And of course, if there IS a real bicycle route in real life like that, then... well, surely there isn't a torrential desert in the real life basis for Hoenn like the one that exists on Route 111.

The point of the matter is that Game Freak takes a LOT of artistic liberties with the lands they (re)create. It's easy for all of us--as Americans or, at the very least, Westerners--to say "That's not NYC because NYC doesn't have a desert!" because we're all familiar with NYC. However, few of us are keenly familiar with the landscape of Japan, so we ignore those very same discrepencies... and there are a LOT of differences between reality and the Pokémon world.

So until the finalized game map is release, all we can do is sit and wait... trying to disect whether this is NYC, Shanghai or any other city is nothing more than a "Star Wars vs. Star Trek" argument, and about as productive as one.
pokemonmaster101 said:
i don't know if i'm the first to say this but if you think about most people say its based on NY but they say that because of hiun so no isshu is not based of of NY

we never said we think it's NY because of Hiun City. Nowhere has anyone said they think it's NY because of Hiun. hiun is based off of southern New York where Times Square, Wall street and other things are. As far as I know that is the only part of Isshu that is based off of the real world terrain.

I have 1 question. Is it ever going to be confirmed that Isshu is based off NY? because I dont remember GF coming and saying that for the other regions. So the "NY or not NY" debate maybe going for years. oh no. *runs off the face of the earth and lands on Mars where there is no debate* and for the record while im on mars i asked the aliens and they said Isshu is based off NY so i take my advise from martians
Oh also, remember that ALL regions are BASED on a real life location... but "based on" != "is". Otherwise, Sinnoh would be "Hokkaido". (I think? Is that right?) Well, you get the point.

Therefore, Isshu may be BASED on New York City, but the thing is, it ISN'T New York City, it's Isshu. And Isshu has a desert where more city would be in New York City.
nick15 said:
Oh also, remember that ALL regions are BASED on a real life location... but "based on" != "is". Otherwise, Sinnoh would be "Hokkaido". (I think? Is that right?) Well, you get the point.

Therefore, Isshu may be BASED on New York City, but the thing is, it ISN'T New York City, it's Isshu. And Isshu has a desert where more city would be in New York City.

Thats exactly what I said but yes your right
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