Originality disappeared?


Fully Against Non-Canon Pokemon Names.
At Cities, I battled 4 identical Flygon lv. X decks out of six rounds. Coincidence, or is everyone spending too much time looking at other peoples' deck builds on PokeBeach or PokeGym?

Anyone else annoyed with the fact that there's no variety in decks anymore? Garchomp/Luxray, Flygon/Mewtwo, Jumpluff, Dialga G. Everyone's using the same combinations of cards over and over again, convinced that such are the only ways to be competitive. I predict that eventually there will be a rotation that leaves very few cards to be used, and there will be only one deck combination that will be used by the competitive players.

Also, cards that people are addicted to that have become staples. Roseanne's, Bebe's, Claydol, Crobat G. What'll people do when they're rotated out? Stop and start playing unlimited forever?

Also, why the butchering of pokemon names? Luxdril? Blastcatty? C'mon, people. Stop it.
It probably won't be so bad once the format shifts into Platinum-On which is what I'm really seeing as the next Modified format after Worlds 2010, I just don't see how it would be fun If they keep the format to just HGSS-On.

HGSS-On wouldn't work cause the next English set (Reviving Legends) is set for release in August and our first HGSS or LEGENDS set came out just recently. A Modified format with only 2 sets would be unheard of as Platinum-On would consist of 6 sets to build decks off of.
I would be very happy if Platinum would be removed. Sure, all my decks would become unlimited (was gonna happen anyway, cause I hate taking my decks apart), but so many annoying cards would finally go away.

Plus if they left Platinum in, there's a good chance decks would still be platinum-based, because of the fast-paced SPs. The slower HGSS cards, sadly, just don't stand a good chance.
If all the Platinum sets aren't Modified legal in the next format I'll quit the game. I still don't think it's fair to rotate Platinum: Arceus out of the format when it hasn't been around as long as the other Platinum sets have.

I sorta understand your concern about the SP's and such If the format is Platinum-On after Worlds 2010, but it's one of those things you gotta learn to adapt and take in as you go. Not everyone's metagame is the same. Anyway we're getting off-topic, this is about originality in the game.

Unless you're desperate to get your deck fixed to where it plays consistently, think before you post. Though there are still going to be alot of netdeckers out there including myself yes I admit it like a man but it sorta helps you understand how to play better without going through the trouble of going rogue, trial and error, and playtesting/tweaking your deck through each game you play until you get it right.

If you go rogue that's great, that makes you a great player but you're only good If you don't.
if its not platinum on i will quit...
and i dont find good cards to be annoying. sure alot of the decks have the same cards here and there. but its because those staples are the best. i like playing mirror matches, when the victor is decided by being able to out play their opponent rather than having a type advantage or something of the sort. i like that decks are being made as efficient as possible. why would anyone want to play a deck that is not as good as it could be. its like why race go karts competitively when one has the ability to race ferraris competitivley? with the latter the competion gets better( more stiff) resulting in the players getting better. i enjoy being good at the things i do, and its why i (personally) have fun playing. its not like there is only one deck one must play to win. we have an extremely open format right now.
and about the HGSS cards not bein able to compete with sps in a platinum on format i would not be so sure... sps will suffer tremendously without their uxies(claydols + chatot mds as well) and without calls, there is alot of bad news for sps.
my point is this: just because there are alot of people playing relatively the same decks, does not mean the game has lost its orginality. the people who are successful will still be more creative in tech choices, more advanced in metagaming and knowing when to play the right decks, and will continue to outplay their opponents with clever manuevering of their cards, and creatively being able to gain board control over the other competitors.
sooooo, dont be hatin'.
Me and my playgroup play exclusively rogue or outdated formats in Pokemon to keep us sharp for playing other games. I run Burmy right now and I'm planning on running it at States. I ran the old FGD list, Mammoswine, and Nidoking/Nidoqueen in the city tournaments because I personally don't like SP decks, nor do I really have the money to drop on them.

I don't think originality is dead, I think it just gets looked over because people don't want to put forth the effort and lose a lot. Playing Rogue is hard on your morale and will to continue playing because until you work the Rogue out, it's gonna be hard.

Always remember that Gyarados and Beedrill both started out as Rogue decks and went on to become players on the World Stage, all because people took a risk and played something that seemingly couldn't work.

That said, never overestimate the benefits of playing the Metagame. This allows you to find the holes in the decks and exploit them with Rogues. There's plenty of SP counters out there. My favorite right now is a specially tailored version of Arceus that uses their habit of leveling the playing field with Lucario GL against them. Again, have the design down, but not the money. Also, it is a great way to avoid the "Crazy" label that I've seemed to have picked up....

As far as "Staple" cards go, it happens in every game, especially games without a resource element required to use the support cards. Magic has staples for each Archtype, Battle Spirits has a core set for each color, Yu-Gi-Oh still requires that most decks run Heavy Storm or Harpie's Feather Duster when it's rotated in, ect. It's a side effect of any game, period. (Could you imagine Monopoly without Boardwalk and Park Place?)

To the rotation: My looking around has dropped enough evidence that an RR, AR or GS on rotation is in the cards for August, based on a number of things. Rather than repost it, you can check my evidence in the following post located here
um... i disagree gyarados has never really been a rouge deck as far as I remember (it made quite run for everyone's money back when I played in regional's) but as a majority of player's may play the same type of deck, the style of deck vary's from player to player, unless they all have the same deck setup the lmao, but even if I was to go back to play league and go do world's (which I probably should consider for next year) I would never use these popular deck builds (I'm just to unorthodox from my own good). cya

P.S. we will all deal with it when the time come's it'll be no big deal and we will adapt like we always have, or go unlimited.
TCPi targets a younger age group. They have stated this many times, and many more times they will state it so people will stop thinking otherwise. Most kids, ages 11-14, can not work and only source of income is what their parents give them. If I spent $200.00-$300.00 on a card game just to have my child tell me 9 months later that he can not use any of those cards, then I probably wouldn't buy anymore cards.

Nothing is rogue. I don't know why people believe this concept. Name one deck that is Rogue... that wins... none, otherwise, they aren't rogue, they just haven't seen enough play to become popular first.
graberjr said:
Also, why the butchering of pokemon names? Luxdril? Blastcatty? C'mon, people. Stop it.

I totally agree with you graberjr - everyone literally uses the same decks - especially the masters. It's actually more fun playing at leagues with younger kids who have a variety of decks.

I also hate that whenever you have "one" of those cards that people use in those cookie cutter decks, that they are like "oh, you are using a _____ deck". And they find out that I'm not. It's extremely annoying. All these people do is copy decks.

Also, the deck names are soo butchered.
my last year in seniors this year and 2 kids first year, all the kids do is copy decks, win, brag, be rude during the game and say stuff like (can you hurry it up please). they have won at every tournament which im fine with but they brag about it and they are extremely rude probally cuase of all the power (they think is) on there side. well i said this at leugue last week.

i will always and repeat ALWAYS use decks i made and that are 100% percent me. i would rather lose with a deck i made then to win with a copied one and thats a fact.

for you people who copy decks just to win and are rude about it and pre-judge the outcome GET A MIND AND MAKE YOUR OWN DECKS YOU HAVE CARDS USE THEM! DON'T BE A CHEAP @$$HOLE.

my friend always said: "yeah it could be considered your deck alright, if theres like a 15 card difference"-Ambi

but hey some people might never change and be extremely narrow minded awell touph luck;)
Silverwarrior said:
Nothing is rogue. I don't know why people believe this concept. Name one deck that is Rogue... that wins... none, otherwise, they aren't rogue, they just haven't seen enough play to become popular first.

Nothing is rogue? There are definitely rogue decks. One of three things happen when you run a rogue decks.

A. You do terribly, and the people you play against assume you're just some newb who doesn't understand the metagame.

B. You get in to the Top Cut, or maybe even win. People don't pay it much attention, and you're regarded as that guy who played the weird rogue deck, and maybe a couple of other people run the deck in another tournament.

C. You win, and everyone starts copying your deck, and before long it's an archetype. This is what happened with Gyarados.

A rogue deck is something that isn't played by many or any people. After a while, it may not be a rogue deck anymore, but it was at one point. A rogue deck player will play a deck that no-one's thought of, and when it picks up popularity, they might either switch to a different unheard of deck, or keep using their deck, because they aren't copying anyone, which is one of the main reasons rogue deck players don't use Archetypes. A lack of originality.
my last year in seniors this year and 2 kids first year, all the kids do is copy decks, win, brag, be rude during the game and say stuff like (can you hurry it up please). they have won at every tournament which im fine with but they brag about it and they are extremely rude probally cuase of all the power (they think is) on there side. well i said this at leugue last week.

i will always and repeat ALWAYS use decks i made and that are 100% percent me. i would rather lose with a deck i made then to win with a copied one and thats a fact.

for you people who copy decks just to win and are rude about it and pre-judge the outcome GET A MIND AND MAKE YOUR OWN DECKS YOU HAVE CARDS USE THEM! DON'T BE A CHEAP @$$HOLE.

my friend always said: "yeah it could be considered your deck alright, if theres like a 15 card difference"-Ambi

but hey some people might never change and be extremely narrow minded awell touph luck;)

I think yours has been my favorite response. Thank you.
Don't ever dis on unoriginality or people using similar decklists. Me, and many other people playing this game are in it to win it. Sometimes there is only one way to win: conform. I plan on trying to win states, thats why I'm using either using Luxchomp or Flygon. The simple truth is people play to win.
Everyone doesn't use the same deck! are you joking! Do you realize how many different decks won cities?


Did you even play in 2008?

It was Gardy of Magmortar. That's it.

This is one of the most diverse formats since 2006, and you complain about loss of originality
its not cheap its a higher callibur of playing than you are used to... so your "unique" deck couldnt hang because you chose bad cards, boooo hoooo. you can play your original decks and talk smack about how cheap my crobats are with all your friends at the bottom tables. while we in the top cuts will, be playing the best cards made available to us against the highest level of competition getting better at a game we enjoy excelling at. and i dont coppy my deck, i take a list that works and manipulate it to fit my playstyle. if thats so terribad then why dont you guys use your superior original dek building skillz to counter us cheap players and sweep everything? because the truth is your not better than everyone else. why you gotta hate us cuz we win? if league is more fun than going to tourneys by all means dont come to tourneys, we dont like negative nancys anyway.

@ SPIRE_FAN why choose to be bad (by playing bad deks) when there are so many benefits to being good (this applys to everything)?
seriously the least you could do is live by your motto's. your self rightousness is appalling.
IMO originality is pretty high ATM. There has been an assortment of decks being played this CC. This is a very diverse format because it is massive. Also I don't quite understand what you want from us. If we were not allowed to copy the idea of someones deck, then I would be running Walrein... I think I'm safe to say that walrein sucks lol. So everyone copys an idea of a deck, but we make it fit our playstyle. Any good player does that. If you net deck then I'm am 100% sure you won't do very well.
graberjr said:
At Cities, I battled 4 identical Flygon lv. X decks out of six rounds. Coincidence, or is everyone spending too much time looking at other peoples' deck builds on PokeBeach or PokeGym?

Anyone else annoyed with the fact that there's no variety in decks anymore? Garchomp/Luxray, Flygon/Mewtwo, Jumpluff, Dialga G. Everyone's using the same combinations of cards over and over again, convinced that such are the only ways to be competitive. I predict that eventually there will be a rotation that leaves very few cards to be used, and there will be only one deck combination that will be used by the competitive players.

Also, cards that people are addicted to that have become staples. Roseanne's, Bebe's, Claydol, Crobat G. What'll people do when they're rotated out? Stop and start playing unlimited forever?

Also, why the butchering of pokemon names? Luxdril? Blastcatty? C'mon, people. Stop it.

Lets all go back to the year 2008 where GG and Magmortar was all the range and pretty much nothing else (thank goodness i wasn't playing competitively back then).

But now, have you seen how many decks have top cutted or won CCs? i can tell you it has been alot, especially compared to previous years. Maybe you see alot of the same decks because maybe i dunno, they're good? if everybody were to play completely different decks because no one wants to play the same deck then it would still be the case that the better decks would still win and most people don't really want to go 0-X at tourneys just because they want to be original (though there are some decks that have been original that have done well) ok yes you see alot of the same decks but alot of them aren't completely the same alot of decks incorparate a different trainer line or use a few different techs and you need to remember that pretty much every card game has the same thing - the few big decks that everyone uses.

Also when the rotation happens i doubt a huge majority of players will go "oh noez Claydol has been rotated guess i'll switch to Unlimited forevah!" of course not, people will adapt like they always have and new trainers will be used and new decks will enter the game, this is how its always been
^ It is not a children's card game. Many older people play it. Also IMO what is the point of playing something if you don't aim to excel in it. Obviously have fun but winning your first CC/BR etc is the best feeling ever. So I am pretty sure that many will say winning is everything to the game.

EDIT: This is not my opinion. I like winning. Im just telling you the hard truth of many players.
If winning is everything, then you're not playing for a good reason.

I stopped playing Magic because Pokemon just generally looked less competitive and like it had nicer players. I don't see what everyone else does when it comes to only caring about winning.

I mean. It's not like you're going to be important if you win. You're still playing a card game.