Originality disappeared?

Kash-->I play simply because I adore the design of the game. Even with the current format's SP mechanic, I still think it's a pretty dang well balanced game, and always has been. I love playing in POP stuff because that's a great way to study it's overall meta and see how they've influenced that.

Winning is not everything. You make friends in this game, and that in the end is worth more than winning ever will be.
X_empoleon_X said:
ok yes you see alot of the same decks but alot of them aren't completely the same alot of decks incorparate a different trainer line or use a few different techs and you need to remember that pretty much every card game has the same thing - the few big decks that everyone uses.

Different trainers/techs for the same strategy don't make it a different deck. Sure there are a variety of decks to be copied, BUT THEY'RE STILL BEING COPIED.

What I can say, though, is I'm not pointing any of my irritability about this fact at the players who accidentally use already-built decks. "Great minds think alike" is an absolutely true concept, and there's nothing wrong with such an accident. But when you know full-well that you didn't come up with the deck, you're just playing it because you know the strategy wins, I feel like there's something to be ashamed of. Especially when there are players who don't research these things, don't spend time looking at the community and seeing what's hot, only going off of what cards they have and what strategies they can come up with. It's really unfair.
graberjr said:
If winning is everything, then you're not playing for a good reason.

I stopped playing Magic because Pokemon just generally looked less competitive and like it had nicer players. I don't see what everyone else does when it comes to only caring about winning.

I mean. It's not like you're going to be important if you win. You're still playing a card game.

Winning isn't EVERYTHING, but it's most player's general goal
No deck is perfect. So no one can say that I will copy this deck because it wins. If a deck idea is good, why not use it but put your own spin on it? I see no problem, your not netdecking and you are trying to adapt the idea to your playing style. Like I said if we weren't allowed to copy decks, we would be playing really bad decks. Meaning whoever got the good decks first will always win. Id rather people 'copied' decks than have a metagame where many decks autoloss.
Originality is GONE. I completely agree with graberjr (Espeon > Umbreon) in the prospect that everything about the game has gone down the tubes. Everyone has the desire for Luxray GL LV.X and Flygon LV.X, supporting that it is gone. Sure. You have "variants" and such, but come on. The variants are still unoriginal. BlazeRay, LuxApe, FlyChamp, etc. etc. Where's that random Torterra deck running a 2-2 Blissey PT line to keep your HP high? Where'd that Heatran LV.X SF go with Magmortar? All of those fun decks have gone to waste ever since DGX came out, and to broaden the subject, SPs. Cyrus's Conspiracy runs much like the Holon Engine, but I don't have a problem with the Holon Engine. Why? It's built of Supporters that can be used once a turn, unlike the Cyrus's that are abused more than once. PokeTurn, Crobat G, PokeTurn, Crobat G, POKETURN, CROBAT G! AGH! It got annoying.

I remember two years ago when Plox was big that a kid ran Infercatty at States. No one saw it coming. I mean, Infercatty isn't original, but the use of it in a time when Gardy/Gallade was booming surprised the competition. If someone were to run Speed Empoleon now, I don't know what would happen. Oh, wait. Luxray GL LV.X. Originality squished. It's OK, Eeveelutions will save the day! Oh, wait. Dialga G LV.X. Originality ruined.

I think we get the idea.

And no, winning isn't everything. If PWNing nine-year olds makes you feel good, you've got issues.
I'm actually refusing to go to states (unless I get to judge). Just for the fact that I know that with the recent HGSS release, every round I play will be Jumpluff or Donphan/Machamp.
Of course you'll see a lot HG/SS with the set being new. One must question whether or not the decks such as Jumpluff and Donkphan (not a typo :p ) are being used for their dominance or for their novelty. The only real way to stop the imitators is to beat them. But then you just get imitated yourself don't you?

The real issue is that we need a new set before August, especially with the three-month turn around we've been used to lately. New sets mean new concepts, as well as a chance for cards that didn't get printed with English HG/SS to be printed in the next set (I was upset when Crobat and Ursaring PRIME weren't released in English)
I get sick of Flygon, GeChamp, Machamp, FlyChamp, Gengar, SPs. That's why I stay away from anything popular and run variants that people don't use or rogues. I agree with anyone who says originality is going to Hades. Rogue players unite!:p
I myself run a rogue deck that uses Leafeon, both forms of Cherrim and Magmortar to heal through anything. It dies to Gengar but still, I've healed Magmortar for 80 damage in one turn before. Some people at the League I manage can't understand the fun in a rouge deck. It's actually kinda funny that Arceus, the flagship card from the last expansion, isn't seeing a great deal of play because of the heavy concentration of poor match-ups. Shouldn't the creator of the univers have a bit more staying power than that?

my last year in seniors this year and 2 kids first year, all the kids do is copy decks, win, brag, be rude during the game and say stuff like (can you hurry it up please). they have won at every tournament which im fine with but they brag about it and they are extremely rude probally cuase of all the power (they think is) on there side. well i said this at leugue last week.

i will always and repeat ALWAYS use decks i made and that are 100% percent me. i would rather lose with a deck i made then to win with a copied one and thats a fact.

for you people who copy decks just to win and are rude about it and pre-judge the outcome GET A MIND AND MAKE YOUR OWN DECKS YOU HAVE CARDS USE THEM! DON'T BE A CHEAP @$$HOLE.

my friend always said: "yeah it could be considered your deck alright, if theres like a 15 card difference"-Ambi

but hey some people might never change and be extremely narrow minded awell touph luck;)

this post is funny...granted the 2 seniors you refer to do lack good sportsmanship, and the ability to come up with their own deck ideas that have merit...however, I will honestly say...after judging them playing, and playing you myself...they are better players than you....as they make way less play mistakes, and even in a lot of ways, make less deckbuilding mistakes as well (at least in terms of tweaking the decks they choose to use) than you do...

anyone want to take a trip to Wisconsin to get some cheese to go with all this "whine"

first off...there is nothing wrong with the originality of the game, now when you're talking about players, that's a different story...there are tons players out there that choose to "net-deck" due to lack of deckbuilding skill or just plain out laziness...that however, as I've said a million times over already, isn't the fault of the game, that is the fault of the players that choose to do that

in terms of deckbuilding, many people often think of the same concepts, especially when the concepts are so easily seen...then, there are those that just hunt forums looking for concepts...in either case, there are tons of known concepts that people can use...choosing to avoid those because there are a number of players already looking to make decks with them, can really be more a choice of choosing to lose, instead of choosing originality...the current format has a large number of decks and a even bigger amount of a card base to be able to create even more decks with...limiting that to what you think it should be would just be dumb...you want to talk about lack of originality...the less cards to choose from means the less originality to be had...so by your reasoning, you want to limit the originality by limiting the sets...instead of just dealing with the format, finding a deck that fits your playstyle, and tweaking it for maximum efficiency...I'm all for rogue decks, I'm not called my team's Rogue Squad Leader for nothing, but I do know there are certain staple cards that should be in my decks to maximize efficiency, no matter how highly used they are...and when those cards rotate out, I will find other cards to replace them

considering (based off of posts you have in other threads) you have a problem with cards that will help to tweak your deck, you will run into a problem getting maximum efficiency because you have such disdain for some of the highly used cards...you ask what people will do when staple cards are rotated out, they will do as they always have...they will find other cards to make staples out of

really, I don't know how much experience you have with TCGs, but that's how TCG's with rotating card libraries work...are you saying that once other cards become staples you're gonna stop using them as well???

and lastly...serously, deck names???...I mean really???? who cares about the names that are being used for decks, now you just seem as though you're just looking for something to complain about...to be honest, choosing not to play because of the flood of net decks in your particular metagame is nothing more than just accepting that those decks and the players that play them are better than you and your decks, and you're conceding to that...so long as I have the means to play, I will continue to play, even if everybody else in the world becomes a "net-decker", I will still continue to play in modified and build decks the way I build decks, not cower because I see a bunch of people playing tough decks they've copied from someone on the net
I love using rogues. I am just starting so I made up a deck idea. I am running Nidoking mixed with Gengar and spiritomb. I hope it actually works. I agree with a lot that is being said. So yeah...like Pokeplayer44 said...ROGUE PLAYERS UNITE!!! hahahahaha
graberjr said:
If winning is everything, then you're not playing for a good reason.

I stopped playing Magic because Pokemon just generally looked less competitive and like it had nicer players. I don't see what everyone else does when it comes to only caring about winning.

I mean. It's not like you're going to be important if you win. You're still playing a card game.

Quote for the freakin' truth.

It's rather unfortunate that people think that winning is the major point of the game. I personally run stuff that like...died because it was unplayable at a time. I tweek it up (see: add Weavile and other fun cards) to fit how I like to play. I do remember my consistency, but so long as I have actual conversation and laughs with my opponent, I think I had a good day.

Winning's just a perk. There's no joy for me in beating 'terribad' decks or decks with no set up. What does it prove if you do feel that way? Uh, nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Will saying 'oh, I won against this complete nobody at league/insert a tournament here because he was a noob lololol'. You guys won't win any friends that way.

And future bosses probably won't like that attitude, either. Bit of a stretch, but winning doesn't matter in the real world.

Stop being so serious guys. :/ And just play what works for you.

On the last note, I've seen a crazy rogue deck the other day. My friend was running what he 'named' 'Duck Duck Duck Queen'. The thing was constantly dishing out 120 damage each turn. It was insaaaaane. It easily took out LuxChomp, and it was a really close match on my weirdo deck. There are still a bunch of people around my region that play lots of rogue/experimental decks. And honestly, I'm very glad I don't have to see Flygon or Luxray or Gs every single time I play a match.

Plus, I'll miss playing Leafeon and Weavile once it gets rotated out. I won't cry too hard, though. G'll be gone, though, and so will a lot of other 'staples'. I think we'll manage. You're all just being a bunch of dramaqueens about it. I like the idea of HGSS because MAYBE it'll force some of those 'hurry it up' people to SLOW DOWN. Personally I'd love to play stall again. I'm sick of speed. :/



Haymaaaaaaaaker, Rain Dance, Barrier Swap, Final Destination.

That is all.
Crystal Hikara said:
It's rather unfortunate that people think that winning is the major point of the game. I personally run stuff that like...died because it was unplayable at a time. I tweek it up (see: add Weavile and other fun cards) to fit how I like to play. I do remember my consistency, but so long as I have actual conversation and laughs with my opponent, I think I had a good day.

I agree, while I do like to win, it's not the only reason I play the game...I also play because the game is a good game, and has a very unique strategic element to it...and as long as I do enjoy playing against my opponents (win or lose), that's all that really matters

Winning's just a perk. There's no joy for me in beating 'terribad' decks or decks with no set up. What does it prove if you do feel that way? Uh, nothing. Absolutely nothing.

blame our lovely society that places the "Winning is everything" motto to so much...I've had quite a few matches where I did more talking than playing, lol

Will saying 'oh, I won against this complete nobody at league/insert a tournament here because he was a noob lololol'. You guys won't win any friends that way.

And future bosses probably won't like that attitude, either. Bit of a stretch, but winning doesn't matter in the real world.

you'd be surprised how many higher ups in corporate america would not only condone such behavior, but reward such behavior...and to be honest, most people that act that way, already have friends that act that way...if you notice, those kinds of people don't travel alone

Stop being so serious guys. :/ And just play what works for you.

On the last note, I've seen a crazy rogue deck the other day. My friend was running what he 'named' 'Duck Duck Duck Queen'. The thing was constantly dishing out 120 damage each turn. It was insaaaaane. It easily took out LuxChomp, and it was a really close match on my weirdo deck. There are still a bunch of people around my region that play lots of rogue/experimental decks. And honestly, I'm very glad I don't have to see Flygon or Luxray or Gs every single time I play a match.

Plus, I'll miss playing Leafeon and Weavile once it gets rotated out. I won't cry too hard, though. G'll be gone, though, and so will a lot of other 'staples'. I think we'll manage. You're all just being a bunch of dramaqueens about it. I like the idea of HGSS because MAYBE it'll force some of those 'hurry it up' people to SLOW DOWN. Personally I'd love to play stall again. I'm sick of speed. :/

I agree, people need to lighten up...especially those that are complaining about the metagame, but saying that it's only a game and not important to win...if you play for a reason, continue to play for that reason...but don't let other people's demeanors cause you not to play competitively, that doesn't do anything but show those people that you lack the testicular or ovarian fortitude to stand up to them, win or lose...
the metagame is the worst thing that has ever happened ever (except it is pokemon) I run flygon but it is rough cause I run it with salamence. I wish that they would just round up a the flychamps and burn them.
There will always be better cards than others, no matter what card game you ever play. So you can't really escape that this the simple truth. Despite not seeing a lot of originality, there's a ton. And deck names don't matter one bit. It's just how players want to play their decks.

dmaster out.
I think that a great way to come up with good deck ideas is to run an archetype for a while, and then slowly change it to deal better with some of it's bad match-ups. Eventually, you'll be playing crazy techs (I was once playing a Machamp/Weavile deck because I was tired of losing to gengar, lol), and after a while you'll have a completely random -but good- deck. And even if that never happens, it's a good idea to view the metagame, because you won't get anywhere if you don't know what you're up against.

And yeah, it's nice to win. I'd rather go 6-0 then 0-6, but you can't just ignore all the other aspects of the game, just to go undefeated. It's not worth it that way. I'd rather build my own deck, or even build a deck based on an already cemented idea and go 5-1, then netdeck some deck and go 6-0.

But hey, what do I know, my best record is 4-2 :p
WailmerMan said:
Everyone doesn't use the same deck! are you joking! Do you realize how many different decks won cities?


Did you even play in 2008?

It was Gardy of Magmortar. That's it.

This is one of the most diverse formats since 2006, and you complain about loss of originality

That's... eleven. Not that much when you consider they're 60 card decks and there are hundreds of cards in the format. Anyway, all of my decks have been rogue, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Actually, that's a lie, cuz I'mma switch to Charizard, but only cuz Charizard is PWN.