Osama Bin Laden is dead.

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No, you and Gary18000 are telling me why people would be celebrating. I know why, its not my facebook status, I just read it somewhere.
Card Slinger J said:
I still think the U.S. Government needs to put out photographic evidence of Osama bin Laden's death via a corpse. Showing us the place where he was killed isn't enough. I still believe that he's dead I just wouldn't mind further proof of it you know to "seal the deal".

Read this:
CNN said:
A senior administration official said later that the woman who died was not bin Laden's wife and may not have been used as a human shield, as originally reported. Nor did bin Laden have a gun, as earlier reports had indicated, the senior official said.

A DNA match confirmed with virtual certainty that bin Laden was killed in the operation, a senior administration official told CNN. Officials compared DNA of the person killed with bin Laden "family DNA," a senior administration official said, and a senior U.S. defense official said one of bin Laden's wives identified the body to U.S. forces.

There are also photographs of the body with a gunshot wound to the side of the head that shows an individual who is recognizable as bin Laden, a U.S. government official said. No decision has yet been made on whether to release the photographs and if so, when and how.
A senior administration official said later that the woman who died was not bin Laden's wife and may not have been used as a human shield

Wow...that's just...immoral...if it was done intentionally.

And here's a chatlog;

<Cloudless>: Do you not want them to celebrate?
<Dv>: Not that, I just find it, how do i explain it
<Dv>: Not rude
<Dv>: But like
<Dv>: I cant explain an emotion for it. I just find it (Insert word i cannot find), that they can "celebrate" death. Who gives a crud if it's Osama? It's celebrating the DEATH of a person. He has a family too ya know, they're sad about this, they hate America, because we took away the life of their son/brother/grandson. If you've ever had to experience death, you'd
<Dv>: feel the way i feel


<Cloudless>: In opinions of others, but their family will never agree
<Platinum26>: Well...
<Platinum26>: Some of his family hated him
<Cloudless>: True'
<HL>: He would get death penalty anyway, even if we didn't shoot him in the head
<Cloudless>: But his followers loved him
<Cloudless>: And wanted the best for him
<Cloudless>: He was their hero

<Cloudless>: How would you feel if your hero was killed
<Dark>: Exactly. There is always one person who loves said person. And Osama had many of those
<Cloudless>: By some foreing country?
<Cloudless>: Dark, im on your side with this
<Platinum26>: Well, If my hero was a psychopathic maniac, then no.
<Cloudless>: To them he wasnt a maniac
<Cloudless>: He was a bible hero
<Dv> To them, he wasn't a maniac, he was their Savior, Sovereign, Mossiah, whatever you want to call him, and they loved him.
"There's no one who can replace him," says CNN security expert Peter Bergen. "When you join al Qaeda you pledge a personal oath of allegiance (to him.)"

Everyone in al Qaeda loved him. While we're celebrating, they're plotting their revenge.
I'm not saying he shouldn't be dead (He is!), but I'm saying, that Death, is not a fun celebratory subject.
Look DarkVoid, had Osama bin Laden never choose the path of terrorism, violence, and bloodshed he never would of been in the situation that eventually led to his death. Had he lived most of his life in peace, prosperity, happiness, and as a pacifist especially with his family he would have been a much better person and still had been alive today.

It's very hard to forgive someone whose committed mass murder without a second thought just to "fuel" their idealogies that are flawed in a way in which violence is preffered over peace when really and ultimately it's the other way around, that's human nature. Peace and just is human nature and the better way of living. Why do people kill eachother over religious beliefs when we can work together to build for a better tomorrow?
I thought Osama died a while ago. I think in a way he did. I'm not sure, but I think ever since the US has been after him it seems like he hasn't really done much, just been hiding in caves.
I agree that we shouldn't be celebrating his death, it's disturbing and sad.
I don't know if this will do much, considering Osama wasn't the only one in Al Queda and someone will just take charge. I hope they're not really pissed at us and attack again. That thought is terrifying.
I just hope this means we can get out of the middle east, why are we even there again?
I don't like Obama very much, he said he wanted our troops out, and then when he got elected he bombed Pakistan.
Ahhgfd War is really bad..

He killed people I knew!

Nowhere in my previus posts have I said he shouldn't be dead.

But, we shouldn't be partying.
Peace and Just is human nature? SINCE WHEN? We've been shooting each other and blowing each other up since the middle ages. Before that, we just slashed each other with swords and shot arrows and catapults at each other. Peace and just is most definitely not human nature.

It is hard to forgive Card Slinger J, but it's the right thing to do. If we go around celebrating that Bin Laden is dead, and waltz around town with his head on a pointy stick going "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee USA USA USA", we're no better off than they are. They were happy when we died in terrorist attacks. Us celebrating because of the fact that we shot them is no better. Forgive and forget. Now I doubt we can actually FORGET anything that happened, but forgiveness is an option, and it's what we should be doing.
Fully agreeing with Darkvoid. I'm glad Osama is dead. He definatly did some wrong things. I'm glad such a person that represent such evil is gone. But I'm not going to go around celebrating like a barbarian that someone died.

I mean, when we celebrate that, we are just as good as them in the end. Besides, there's really no point in celebrating since it's still gonna happen anyway...

Im quoting that post, because you sir made an excellent point.

Alright, now we just need to make sure that Bin Laden didn't make any horcruxes...

On a serious note, we have put a dent in terrorist attacks. I can see both sides of the argument here on whether or not we should be celebrating. I honestly don't think we should exactly be celebrating, but it is good that we have him out of the way. He deserved to die, thats what I think.
Hatman said:
On a serious note, we have put a dent in terrorist attacks. I can see both sides of the argument here on whether or not we should be celebrating.

So... Yeah.
Here's the problem with this statement - Osama really didn't have very much influence on Al-Queda operations at all for the past two or three years. Honestly, the entire organization of Al-Queda has been so decentralized, unorganized and overall very ineffective due to internal conflict.
While killing Osama is an extremely symbolic happening, I highly doubt it will have any long lasting effect on worldwide terrorism.
If anything would happen, the US-Pakistani relations will be strained which may have international implications... But only time will tell.
I saw this happen live. It was roughly 8PM PST when ABC broke with a Special Report and then they described how it happen and then President Barack Obama did an exclusive explanation on how they executed him. He gave the order and been following his currier and that is how they tracked him into this mansion only 1,000 feet from the Pakastany Military which is shocked that he had been living there for 5 or 6 years and he was undetected for so long. They had a lead on him since August of last year and they were going to blow him up a few months ago but the president backed off because he thought that it would destroy evidence and furthermore he sent the CIA troops in after him and the Packastany Military had no idea that they 2 helicopters were coming to take him out. He is now burred in the North Arabian Sea. They were going to show the body but decided not to and they also did a DNA match with his sisters or brothers brain. Can't remember which one. This is a huge relief for everyone but does not bring back the lives lost almost 10 years ago and this is not the end of the terrorism nor the end of Alchida . This is a huge step but is not the end. Watch your back at all times because you never know when evil will strike again. Everyone was safe. The only thing they lost was one of the mission helicopters but everyone survived and this mission was super risky. Who knows what would have happened if they had been seen. The good news for everyone is that he is gone and everyone can rest knowing that one more evil soul id no longer walking this earth. We say these things in the name of Jesus Chist Amen. Thank god we can breathe a little bit better.:)
I bet 99 or more percent of us have no family or close friends affected by his acts. Even that one % shouldn't be celebrating, but I can understand why their emotions should have done more.

Take any "Horrible" person from world history. Stalin Hitler Bush anyone. They did horrible horrible things, but their death is a death. A loss of life. A fellow human being who had feelings and thoughts and loved ones. A death should never be celebrated, as it shows ignorance, rudeness, and lack of self-thinking. One of the worst things you can do in life is do whatever people tell you. Think for your self. We all have brains to do so, and everyone was created equally to do as we chose.

Not to mention the media is one of the worst to follow if you are gonna mime someone ^_^
Wow, some of the stuff I'm reading on this thread is extremely offensive. I don't understand why some people are suggesting that Islam rewards terrorism with countless women in heaven. That sickens me that said people have been corrupted by the media. I'm Muslim myself and I'm quite upset people still stereotype towards Islam.

Don't worry guys I won't blow you up even though I'm Muslim and apparently rewarded by such heinous acts.
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