All right, all right, fine, I'll write
Agatha had just gotten done shopping for phantom baby stealer repellent when she saw her something lying in the middle of the sidewalk that set her old, wrinkled heart aflutter.
"Ash!" she croaked in her old-lady voice, a voice that made anyone in earshot cringe.
"so... hungry..." Ash barely managed to say. Agatha then went on to rattle her entire day to Ash, but he was too hungry and too busy cringing to pay any attention.
"Are you hungry, dear? Here, have a bidoof burger."
"OMG YES" Ash said as he snatched the burger from Agatha's hand and wolfed it down before he knew what was happening. Little did he realize, he had eaten the phantom baby stealer repellent by mistake.
"I AM REBORN!" Ash exclaimed, standing tall, glowing, his cape billowing in the wind, still unaware that he had eaten a can of babystealericide.
Meanwhile, not too far away, the phantom baby stealer was looking from around the corner, plotting and planning.
He wanted that burger.
He licked his baby-stealing lips and slobbered all over himself and the ground below. It was like a waterfall. Gross.
All of a sudden, Ash felt very ill. "what in the name of my three sons is wrong with me??!!?" he moaned, clutching his gut as he realized that Agatha was still holding the bidoof burger. Ash let out one final scream as he crumpled to the ground in a heap, dead.
Agatha held he bidoof burger high and mumbled an incantation in a long-lost language. the burger glowed a rainbow of colors as the hungry phantom baby stealer made a dive for the burger. he snatched it from Agatha's sweaty grasp and took a big bite. A stream of excess ketchup flew from the burger and landed on Ash.
"I AM REBORN!" Ash exclaimed, standing tall, glowing, his cape billowing in the wind, almost aware that he had eaten a can of babystealericide.
the phantom baby stealer was busy gobbling down the rainbow bidoof burger, not caring or realizing that eating it was like eating a dry rag covered in sand and ketchup. he finished, and let out a large burp that blew away the city. soon, it was ash, who was plagued with a vicious stomach ache that, he will soon realize, makes him vomit uncontrollably a substance so foul that it incapacitates anyone who smells it; Agatha, who, armed with her wooden cane, is prepared to fight; and the phantom baby stealer, who was last seen gargling and foaming at the mouth. What will happen?
stay tuned