Palkia G LV.X from Platinum (#125) [6/17]


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Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?

Posts MUST be several sentences long with proper grammar and spelling or they will be deleted - this forum is to discuss specific cards so other people can learn about their potential in the current metagame.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
palkia G Lv X is a beast. It has gotten a lot of trouble in the form of it's weakness (Luxray says hi!), but otherwise the card is pretty solid! It has a good sniping attack which can abuse DCE, and it's power can be both beneficial for you as well as disruptive for your opponent.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
Palkia Lock, Palkia G/Dialga G, PG-13, rogues(?)

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
Mesprit LA, Azelf LA, Uxie LA, Giratina (Let Loose), any kind of ''useless afterwards'' one time only poké-power pokémon. It also works well in general, but requires some specific deck-requirements (ie, either it's power or attack should assist the goal of the deck, it's no card to randomly splash into anything). Just watch out with it's power in the future when Lost World comes out!!

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
6.5/10, mainly because Luxray is so ''big'' right now, otherwise I'd have no problem at all to rate it 8/10 at least.

5. How's the artwork?
I find it rather beautiful and like it a lot! But of course, that's just me.

EDIT: w00t, first!!
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?

On it's own it seems like a fun way to limit your opponent or catch them off guard. It'll really work well if you're up against Charizard or Jumpluff.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?

Palkia Lock anyone?

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

I think it'll work well with the supporter Hunter when it comes out and any attack that returns your opponents pokemon to their hand. (Or a double hunter with Jirachi that allows you to use the same supporter a second time).

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).

I'd give it a 7/10 as the retreat cost can be a pain when wanting to retreat it to the bench. Everything else is great.

5. How's the artwork?

It's decent, I've seen better. I prefer the newer HGSS and Unleashed artwork.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
Great card, great at disrupting your opponent, although it has its weaknesses against Luxray, I see it as a great card against Jumpluff
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
Palkia Lock, PG-13, Legos
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
Dialga G, Mesprt, Uxie, Luxray, Garchomp, Disrupt your opponent by locking their powers, taking away benched pokemon, and using Palkia to put pokemon like your mesprits and Uxies in the lost zone.
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
4/5 It's not perfect, but it's a great card
5. How's the artwork?
3/5, it's ok
1. Palkia is very powerful. Lost Cyclone is great, and Hydro Shot is a decent snipe. very good, IMO.

2. Palkia Lock, PG 13, maybe a rogue deck or two.

3. Mesprit LA is a big one. Any other 1 time tech card works well with Palkia. Dialga G is another one.

4. 4/5. Palkia's a great card, and very powerful.

5. 4/5. Very fearsome, I like it. Put you don't see a lot of Palkia...
Here is a card that was nearly at the top of the game, but quickly fell into disfavor around the time rotation was being discussed. When the sets being rotated out were finally announced, Palkia Lock wasn't even brought up even though it had lost almost nothing as a result of rotation.

Palkia G lv X, and the Palkia G you play with it, are good cards. They have an attack that can return it to the bench (turn 1 with Energy Gain), an attack that does 50 for 3 and spreads at the same time, and the lv X has an attack that does a nice 80 to anything on your opponent's side, which is enough to kill a lot of the more famous cards used to draw. Palkia G lv X can even be used as a main attacker, if one weren't going out of their way to preserve it for the useful PokePower that sends pokemon on the bench, yours and your opponent's, to the Lost Zone.

In fact, Lost Cyclone has had a deck built around it. The idea is to use Lost Cyclone to pare down pokemon on your opponent's bench, while only losing pokemon that have a coming-into-play PokePower that do nothing more for you once in play (Uxie and Azelf are good examples), while playing both Power Spray and Mesprit to prevent your opponent from using PokePowers, and Hydro Shot anything that's left that can threaten you. It's ability to control much of your opponent's side of the field while preventing them from playing what they want means that Palkia Lock was, and still can be, an extremely dangerous deck.

My favorite card to pair with Palkia G lv X is Lumineon from Stormfront. If your opponent is holding onto pokemon in their hand, use Lumineon's Fin Luster PokePower to force them to play it, and make it active. Then Lost Cyclone. Retreat and attack anything that's left on the bench with Hydro Shot that you can knock out. Your opponent will be left with two pokemon on their bench that they have to scramble to come up with a plan for, while they have an active basic they weren't ready to play. Ideally, they'll have the issue of you preventing them from playing PokePowers with either Mesprit or Power Spray.

Palkia may even find itself a place in a Blast-Gater deck. It may not be as useful there, but to wipe something out with Blastoise after using a Lost Cyclone can be devastating. It also bears mention that Palkia G can mess with Jumpluff's day.

The minus side to Lost Cyclone is that it gives the choice to the opponent with what happens to their benched pokemon. They can get rid of pokemon that are ready to bite it to deny you some easy prize cards. You're opponent may even refuse to play more than three benched pokemon, so you may not Lost Cyclone them away. But even then, Palkia is doing it's job of backing the opponent into a corner.

If you want to kill this card, there are a couple good ways to do it. This is a good card to send back to your opponent's deck with Gengar lv X. Everyone is already thinking Luxray GL lv X, and I don't need to explain how that works. Aside from that, it's just about playing to it's weakness when it's active, if you can, and not filling up your bench if you're worried about losing anything important. Don't take it easy on a Palkia Lock deck, it's attacks may be expensive, but it can force you into a defensive position in a hurry.

Palkia G lv X gets a score of 4 out of 5.

It's still a good card, but it's attacks are a little hard to pay for, even with DCE and Energy Gain. Nevertheless, I believe that if this card were played again, it could mess up a good deal of the competitive game. Too bad you're not allowed to be weak to electric these days.
James said:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
palkia G Lv X is a beast. It has gotten a lot of trouble in the form of it's weakness (Luxray says hi!), but otherwise the card is pretty solid! It has a good sniping attack which can abuse DCE, and it's power can be both beneficial for you as well as disruptive for your opponent.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
Palkia Lock, Palkia G/Dialga G, PG-13, rogues(?)

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
Mesprit LA, Azelf LA, Uxie LA, Giratina (Let Loose), any kind of ''useless afterwards'' one time only poké-power pokémon. It also works well in general, but requires some specific deck-requirements (ie, either it's power or attack should assist the goal of the deck, it's no card to randomly splash into anything). Just watch out with it's power in the future when Lost World comes out!!

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
6.5/10, mainly because Luxray is so ''big'' right now, otherwise I'd have no problem at all to rate it 8/10 at least.

5. How's the artwork?
I find it rather beautiful and like it a lot! But of course, that's just me.

EDIT: w00t, first!!

You have to rate the card out of five, not ten.

@ James, you must rate the card out of five stars, not ten.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or has potential? Is it worth playing?

Palkia G Lv.X is good on its own. Lost Cyclone is a pretty nice helpful Poke-power that uses the power of bench control to limit the opponent's bench, where if a player has 4 or more bench Pokemon, they have to put some bench Pokemon to the Lost Zone until they have only 3 bench Pokemon out. The attack is good too, since like Garchomp C, it can snipe for 80. Thus, you can see that Palkia G is one disruptive card that's for sure. Overall, I think that Palkia G can be a good card that has potential, and is somewhat worth playing (not fully because of Luxray GL's dominance).

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?

Right now, the most notable deck that uses Palkia G is Palkia Lock. The deck's basic strategy is to use cards like Mesprit to lock the opponent from using Poke-powers, causing them to slow down. At the same time, the player is setting up a Palkia G in order to get ready for it to attack. After some more power lock and set up, Palkia G is eventually pulled out and levels up to its level X. Then, it uses Lost Cyclone to put Pokemon into the Lost Zone on the bench. Then, it goes and snipes.

In the deck, it's not only the Palkia G, Mesprits, Crobats, and Uxies that you find in this deck. Palkia Locks have been known to run Luxray GL or Garchomp C as secondary attackers. They also use Azelf MT to counter SP decks or Shuppet. Thus, you can know understand that this deck is really pure disruption.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

Obviously I would run Palkia G in a fashion like Palkia Lock. I would use Uxies for draw power, and I would use Mesprits to lock. After you use the Uxies and Mesprits, they stay on the bench, and they won't do much once they remain on the bench, so in turn, it would make Lost Cyclone much easier to use. I would also run Azelf MT so that I can stand up for SPs, and then I would use Garchomp C to heal my Palkia G from time to time. Of course, Crobat Gs would be there in a way like Pluspower. Yeah, you can perfectly tell I'd be using my Palkia G as if it was in the deck Palkia Lock.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you would give it that rating.

I would give Palkia G Lv.X a 3/5. Palkia G is definitely pretty decent. It has the ability to cause bench control like Dusknoir DP, but unlike Dusknoir, it forces some benched Pokemon to go to the Lost Zone, where they can never be recovered. Palkia G also has some nice sniping potential too since it can do 80 to anything, yet Garchomp C is a better sniper compared to Palkia. The main problem with Palkia though is its weakness to lightning, and this can be a huge problem since Luxray GL is very popular right now, and Luxray can literally one shot a Palkia. Thus, this is literally the main reason why Palkia isn't that good compared to how it used to be.

5. How's the artwork?

This is certainly an epic artwork for a Palkia. I like the Pearl pattern in the background, and I also like how Palkia is literally popping out of the card for its artwork. This is definitely a great artwork for a Palkia.
1. On its own, the card is not bad. If you're looking to hit fast, this is good because of DCE, Energy Gain, and Flint's Willpower.
2. Some SP decks use it to snipe. Others like the Sablock use its counterpart, Dialga G Lv.X, to stop Mewtwo X.
3. Pokemon Contest Hall (for opponent's bench), and SF Staraptor. Use Strong Breeze to wipe out a High-Stage, then make sure it can't again be played.
4. 4/5. Good for a Lv. X, but not as good as Dialga G Lv. X, its counterpart.
5. 4.5/5. Cool Pearl Crystals in the background!
1. Palkia G lv. X is a card meant for playing. It is great because limiting the number of benched pokemon your opponent can play is great especially in low-pokemon decks. Overall, Palkia G Lv. X is definetely worth playing.

2. Used in some Sp decks to snipe, but it is also used in some decks as the main card,

3. It combos well with any card that can retrieve energy from the discard, as well as the Stormfront Staraptor because Strong Breeze can get rid of benched pokemon which your opponent won't want to play down again.

4. I give it a 3.75/5 because the pokepower is really good, but the attack isn't great, and there aren't too many combos out there.

5. 4.5/5 because of the epic shot of Palkia and the awesome backround.
I think Palkia G Lv.X has potential when your opponent has a lot of powerful Pokemon on the bench. Lost Cyclone is obvious for that, and you can use Hydro shot to snipe the other remainders.
Pair it with Beedrill R-R. Use Lost Cyclone with Palkia on the bench, and then use Needle shock. You're getting rid of the enemy and preventing damage. Artwork looks to much like Palkia Lv. X
Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?

1. Alone, this thing has a tank potential. The ability to freakin REMOVE pokemon from your opponent's side is sooo crazy, especially if you're opponent has no more basics in hand. Then bench snipe 80, and kill the others for a win
2. Mespirit Lock, and just for plain annoynace
3. Mespirit as said, where you play mespirits and cyclone them away to free up bench space. Also used in conjunction with Mew Prime (Lost Link) and if you need to free up benched Uxies and stuff
4. Hmm.....3.5/5, attacking potential a bit on the slow side (Dialga G is better), but crazy combo ability is at hand
5. HOLY CRUD...this puts the BUTT in butt-ugly...1.5/5
1. On its own, it's pretty good. Everything works better with support though, except for Houndoom LA.

2. It is its own deck.

3. Anything with a come-into-play Pokepower works nicely. Anything that snipes also works. As with everything with a horrid Luxray weakness, Exploud can work, but I'm leaning more towards Bubble Coat since limiting the amount of bench-sitters is a must for utilizing its Pokepower. If we ever get Lost World, this is a card to keep in mind due to its mass destruction. If we ever get Hunter, like someone mentioned, this can reduce the opponent's bench even further while recycling your pokemon.

4. I'll give this a 4/5. I'm not thrilled with this card, but I can tell it's powerful. Something about dumping your buddies into another dimension just doesn't sound very fun, but it can wreak the metagame (except Luxray).

5. 3/5 I never liked Palkia to begin with, and it's karate-chopping the card, but the background is mystifying...
PikachewTofu said:
You have to rate the card out of five, not ten.

@ James, you must rate the card out of five stars, not ten.

Yeah, James, some people here can't divide by two; you have to rate it out of 5.
Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?it sok. idk if its worth being played to tell the truth.
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?Platinum Decks
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?idk
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).3/5 its ok on its own.
5. How's the artwork?Cool. could be better
On its own, Palkia is a solid card that suffers from Luxray-weakness and a horrible, horrible retreat cost in this format. Notably, you can abuse your bench space by using "Lost Cyclone", essentially giving you an unlimited bench while punishing opponents who play too many benched Pokemon. In particular, this is an excellent card to show Jumpluff who's boss. The attack is also good, being able to snipe Claydol for example. Garchomp C is so much better in this role, though, so unless you're playing Palkia Lock that is always the more solid card. Palkia is good, in my opinion, but is very one-dimensional.

Palkia was played a long time ago with Dialga G Lv.X, but now people just play it by itself in Palkia Lock. In this deck, you play Mesprits and then cycle them off of your bench, allowing you to, potentially, prevent your opponent from using Poke-Powers for eight straight turns, counting in Power Sprays.

Palkia, in general, works in any deck that needs a bench refresher. Anything with multiple copies of Uxie and Mesprit can take advantage of Palkia G Lv.X. It also could be used in a spread-type deck in addition to its previous form, which can potentially put damage counters equivalent to 100 damage on the board. With cards like Gallade 4 Lv.X, for example, it might be interesting.

3/5. A decent card. Really one-dimensional, somewhat sub-par compared to other decks like Plox. Doesn't really have a place in this format, in my opinion.

The artwork is okay, in general I despise the 3D-ish effects used on the Galactic Pokemon.
MotorRotom said:
1. On its own, the card is not bad. If you're looking to hit fast, this is good because of DCE, Energy Gain, and Flint's Willpower.
2. Some SP decks use it to snipe. Others like the Sablock use its counterpart, Dialga G Lv.X, to stop Mewtwo X.
3. Pokemon Contest Hall (for opponent's bench), and SF Staraptor. Use Strong Breeze to wipe out a High-Stage, then make sure it can't again be played.
4. 4/5. Good for a Lv. X, but not as good as Dialga G Lv. X, its counterpart.
5. 4.5/5. Cool Pearl Crystals in the background!

and you could also use lumineon SF.
1.Palkia G LvX has a lot of potential by itself, it's previous form allows to put an extra damage counter in your opponent's bench wich has a real good sinergy with lost cyclone, and Hidro Shoot.

2.Palkia Lock, The Ultimate power locking deck wich performs Excellent depending on the player's skill and metagame

3.Palkia G LvX has a self explanatory combos due it's poke power "Lost Cyclone", single use poké-powers like the pixie bros are being used constantly to "lock" your opponent's poké-powers, and gain a full advantage on Uxie Set Up, another funny combo comes with Gallade 4 LvX, and Spiritomb LA to heavy spread your opponent's Pokémon.

4. Unfortunately Palkia G LvX has an horrible metagame stats 30-70%, playing versus Luxchomp wich is the strongest deck at the moment so it comes to a decent but not horrible 3.5 out of 5 at this format

5. Palkia G LvX offers a widely perspective of what it's supposed to be a Giant Deity Pokémon, Personally i love this card artwork 4.5 out of 5.