PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest! - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

Shining Raikou

Your friendly neighborhood Raikou fan!
Elite Member
Advanced Member

Welcome to the PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

This is a contest where you use your imagination and come up with a design of the starter evolutions for either Chespin, Fennekin, or Froakie! You may choose to come up with the design of either the final evolution or the entire evolutionary line for that starter Pokemon.

How will this be judged?

Members or Non-Judges may like designs in the submission post, which should be made in this thread to count. Each like from a member will be worth 5 points. These will be promptly counted at Midnight EST on September 5th.

Participants in this contest are allowed to vote for other entries or gain additional points by advertising their submission post (made in this thread) in their signatures on PB or elsewhere online (Facebook, Twitter, etc). Utilize this to your advantage and refer people to the forum to vote for you!

Judges: PB's Art Staff and the Forum Administrator will grade each design for additional bonus points after the submission deadline has passed (paying close attention to the "like" count). Each "Like" from a sitting Art Staff member or Forum Admin (the Judges for this contest) will be worth 10 additional points.

The best part about this contest is that there will 4 chances to win! The first winners (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place) will be announced for best overall design concepts. Later, there will be a special award for the design that came closest to the official artworks (whenever the official art for the starter evolutions have been revealed.)


The judges will award bonus points based on:

  • Appearance – (Visual Attraction: colors, lines, proportions, shading)
  • Concept (Continuity/Themes: basic form, species, types. The overall plausibility of the character design.)
  • Dex/Description (How well the overall idea visually connects to the "story" or dex entry)
  • Originality (Idea/Innovation: Showing something new or bold through graphic portrayal of the final designs, artistic methods, or the overall design)

Pay attention to these to grab your share of the bonus points!


The best overall design concepts and the closest design to the official artworks will be featured on PB's Facebook Page and a forum thread congratulating the winners. In addition, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners, and the designer of the entry decided to be closest to the official designs, will all receive a special honor (to be revealed) if they have a PB forums account.

1. Do NOT plagiarize. You are to come up with the entire design by using your imagination. Any instances of plagiarism will result in an immediate disqualification and ban. We will reverse image search and double check all entries for plagiarism.
2. Please post all entries in this thread. Your submission post will include everything in the below form.
3. If you decide to post it, you may not edit your post after the entries have stopped being accepted. Excessive editing of your post may lead to disqualification. Keep it to a bare minimum (1-2 times) if you have to do it at all.
4. You are to come up with the design entirely by yourself (that means no one else can help with the designing/rendering).
5. Any methods of artwork will be acceptable (Digital, hand drawn, painted, other mediums/methods)
6. Only the submissions that show clear effort put into their designs will be accepted. Those who rush and submit very sloppy drawings may be disqualified. Do not submit a 10 minute drawing in Microsoft Paint or a very rough drawing to this contest. Your artwork should show that care was taken and that you put thought into creating these new Pokemon.
7. If by chance the official Pokemon designs are announced during the duration of this contest, it will immediately end after it becomes public. Submissions will then be judged. Additional entries may be accepted after the reveal under this possible situation, but would not be eligible to win.

Important Dates

Final Submissions are due by Monday, September 2nd at Midnight EST! You may not submit any entries after this date or make any kind of additional submission/edit to a post. The names of your file/image will be taken at the end of the contest, so don't attempt to pull a fast one! We will know.

Judging will begin immediately after the contest concludes and winners will be announced within a week.

How to Enter

Now it's time to put your best foot forward and come up with the most awesome designs you can!

To enter, make a post in this thread with the following things contained in it:

  • 1-3 images (preferably one image) in .jpg or .png format. for your entry. Ideally, also include the base starter's artwork if you are doing a complete evolution chain. Giant images will be resized. Please do not exceed 500x500 px. per image. Only one Pokemon/evolution chain should be represented as your entry in your official submission post in this thread, but we don't mind if you display other artworks of potential starter evolutions you may have come up with. However, they will not count when the judges award bonus points.
  • Names and dex entries for your new Pokemon designs.
  • Optional: Introduction as the artist/designer, comments about your entry and design process. Anything you would like voters to know about you or your entry.

Any posts that are incomplete without dex entries or artwork will not be counted!

Thanks for reading, and good luck to all participants! :)
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

My entry for the PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!


Stage 1: Chespin

Usually found in thick forests. Chespin make their homes in holes of trees, while using their sharp pins to keep off predators.

Stage 2: Hedgenut

Hedgenut are Pokémon that are usually found in packs. They search for food and shelter together, and are almost always looking for new places to discover

Stage 3: Quillhog

Quillhog like to curl up in the forest to sleep. Known to be very lazy, they do have excellent capabilities when motivated.

Taken from my DeviantArt page here: http://blair3232.deviantart.com/art/Pokemon-6th-Generation-Chespin-Evolution-348017712
hopefully I'm not missing anything....
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

My entry for the PokéBeach Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions contest!


Type: Grass
Classification: Spiny Nut Pokémon
Height: 0,4 m
Weight: 9,0 kg

Entry: Chespin has a tough shell covering its head and back. Despite having a curious nature that tends to get it in trouble, Chespin keeps an optimistic outlook and doesn't worry about small details.

*Original Sugimori art, just added to compare it in size with my own made evolutions

Tallonut (Tallon and Nut)
Type: Grass
Classification: Clawed Nut Pokémon
Height: 0,95 m
Weight: 20 kg

Entry: Tallonut's claws are used to quickly dig a hole when trying to escape a predator, but are also used to defend itself. Usually very docile and travel in packs.

Tallonut is based on chestnuts, hedgehogs and chipmunks like it's pre-evolution but also has some features seen in the giant armadillo.

Chesadillo (Chestnut + Armadillo)
Type: Grass/Dark
Classification: Giant Armadillo Sloth Pokémon
Height: 1,65 m
Weight: 95 kg

Entry: Chesadillo is a solitairy Pokémon who is usually very docile, but extremely dangerous when angered. Despite being quite slow, it's armor is strong enough to withstand dynamite blasts.

Chesadillo is based on chestnuts, giant armadillo's, giant ground sloths, Glyptodonts and Ankylosaurs.

I hope they qualify for the contest
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

Here's my entry, a final evolution stage of Fennekin:

(Stella/stealth + lycaon)
Constellation Pokemon
Dex: It is said that long ago, Stellcaon grouped the stars into constellations. Its flames have hypnotic properties.

I designed this evolution primarily after an African wild dog, a species of canine that lives in roughly the same part of the world as fennecs. The stockier build is to help it fit more with previous starters, as they have all been bulky and/or physically-oriented as opposed to graceful and lythe.

Overall, I went for a very cosmic origin for its design. Its spots are reminiscent of constellations (enough so to give it its species name), and the flames on its back and legs are based on solar flares. These connections with outer space are what give it its Psychic abilities, as seen in other Pokemon such as Lunatone and Jirachi. The color scheme is also meant to evoke the image of space and the night sky, as a stark contrast to Fennekin's cheery bright yellow. The middle stage would be something in-between, a darker orange perhaps, with dark patches, as if symbolizing the transition from day to night.

Edit: I showed this to my boyfriend without context and he says the body reminds him of a French bulldog. So sure, I'll go with that. Kalos? France? Yeah. :v
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

EDIT 24/08: I missreaded the rules and though one could choose to do evos for all starters, anyways, i finnaly choosed only fennekin, if you want to see the other two evolution click in NUTHIEF and BANCHTOAD. Also, if you liked either of this two fakes evos and not the fennekin one, tell the moderators or remove your like (i dont know if theres the possibility of do that by the user itself =P) to make things right.



The fox pokemon

type: Fire

Height: 0,4 m

Weight: 9,4 kg

This Pokémon loves to snack on twigs. Fennekin can be temperamental, but it tries to do its best for its Trainer.



The fancy fox pokemon

Type. Fire /psychic

Height: 0,75 m

Weight: 27,6 kg

When is not the center of attention, uses its psychic powers to make its flame explode in the air causing the effect of a firework. Its hair is always silky, and loves to have it that way, so it takes care of it, even in battle. Although, its very powerful and respects its trainer orders.

See full size here​


The mindgames pokemon

type: Fire/ psychic

Height: 1, 3 m

Weight: 81 kg

It's said that FUCHSPELL can read minds and understand the most intimate tastes and desires. Having this to its advantage, uses its power to project images into its opponent brain to get them completely lost in a world of happy feelings, only to know the next moment that they are surrounded by flames.

Full size comparision.
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!


My Contest Entry is an evolutionary line for Fennekin.

Kalos Pokedex Entry #5 Kitsuflame
Type: Fire

A very mischievous Pokemon, It often snatches food away from unsuspecting trainers. It's 2 tails are very strong, and can be used to balance on its hind legs.

Kalos Pokedex Entry #6 Flairy
Type: Fire/Fairy

Upon maturity this Pokemon has shed its former wicked ways, gentle and graceful it strives to bring joy to its trainer and all others alike. Its wings are constantly aflame.

Entry was edited to check the "include my signature" box.
RE: PokéBeach Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

Hey, can you do sprites? I stink at drawing, but I'm good with sprites, so are they allowed?
RE: PokéBeach Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

Reggie McGigas said:
Hey, can you do sprites? I stink at drawing, but I'm good with sprites, so are they allowed?

Any type of artwork is accepted.
RE: PokéBeach Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

Shining Raikou said:
Reggie McGigas said:
Hey, can you do sprites? I stink at drawing, but I'm good with sprites, so are they allowed?

Any type of artwork is accepted.

Thanks for answering my question.

Also, I'd lol so hard if someone made a fire/fighting for Fennekin.
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

stage 1: froakie water
bubble frog pokemon
Stage 2:Froackus water/fighting
bubble frog pokemon
Stage 3:Froaking water/fighting

the royal frog pokemon

Froaking are skilled in many forms of martial arts and are known for their incredible jumping ability. In their natural habitat they are known to rule over a small group of pokemon and establish a royal hierachy. The king Froaking must beat challenging Froaking to maintain its dominance. The size of Froaking's beard usually correlates with its strength.

stats are
344 hp
348 atk
284 def
324 spakt
273 spdef
333 speed
base total of 534
art from :http://roblee96.deviantart.com/art/Froaking-froakie-s-final-evolution-391557059
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

stage 1: froakie water
bubble frog pokemon
Stage 2:Froackus water/fighting
bubble frog pokemon
Stage 3:Froaking water/fighting

the royal frog pokemon

Froaking are skilled in many forms of martial arts and are known for their incredible jumping ability. In their natural habitat they are known to rule over a small group of pokemon and establish a royal hierachy. The king Froaking must beat challenging Froaking to maintain its dominance. The size of Froaking's beard usually correlates with its strength.

stats are
344 hp
348 atk
284 def
324 spakt
273 spdef
333 speed
base total of 534
art from :http://roblee96.deviantart.com/art/Froaking-froakie-s-final-evolution-391557059


  • froakie evo 5.png
    froakie evo 5.png
    203.5 KB · Views: 2
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

Fennekinetic is my chosen entry, but I want to show off my other starter designs as well.


Chesloth (chestnut + sloth or Chespin + sloth)
[based on Megatherium americanum, a giant prehistoric species of ground sloth]
Giant Sloth Pokémon
1.82m / 5’09”
95 kg / 209lbs

Chesloth can curl itself up and extend its spines as a means of defense. It can also shoot its spines at opponents.

Chesloth rarely loses a battle of brute strength, due to its monstrous physical power.

If Chesloth is losing, it will resort to unfair fighting without hesitation in order to gain an advantage over its opponent.​


Fennekinetic (fennec fox + telekinetic or Fennekin + telekinetic)
Mystical Fox Pokémon
1.4m / 4’06”
68.2 kg / 150lbs

It’s difficult to distinguish Fennekinetic’s flames from its fur, making it dangerous to touch.

What Fennekinetic lacks in physical strength, it makes up for with its searing flames and impressive psychic powers.

One of Fennekinetic's specialities is using its astounding psychic abilities to control, extinguish, and even teleport fire to where it wants it to be, among other mysterious techniques. It can use some of these powers on most other things as well, including living beings, but its influence of fire comes naturally, and can be mastered with the smallest bit of training.​


Kungfrog (kung fu + frog)
Ninja Frog Pokémon
1.76m / 5’07”
75.4kg / 166lbs

Kungfrog uses martial arts and its speed to swiftly take out its opponents. If Kungfrog senses danger, it utilizes its stealth to avoid being discovered.

Kungfrog seems to be cultured in the ways of a ninja, even incorporating its stealth and agility into its attacks in battle.

The bubbles on Kungfrog’s body can be used to cushion falls and jumps, and also to soften blows from attacks if necessary.

Kungfrog's legs are so swift that its opponents are often left dazed and confused after receiving multiple powerful kicks from it in the blink of an eye.[/align]
RE: PokéBeach Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

Fennekinetic has too many characters, as 10 is the limit for Pokémon. IMO, Fennectic is better.
RE: PokéBeach Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

Blob55 said:
Fennekinetic has too many characters, as 10 is the limit for Pokémon. IMO, Fennectic is better.

It was discovered that there is probably a new character limit in X and Y and it's at least 12.

Evidence: Pancham's French name is "Pandespiègle," which is 12 characters long.

Fennekinetic is 12 letters long.
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

My entry is for Froaking and froackus, but i wanted to display my other evolutions.

1st evo:Froackus 2nd evo:Froaking -the royal frog pokemon water/fighting

Froaking are skilled in many forms of martial arts and are known for their incredible jumping ability. In their natural habitat they are known to rule over a small group of pokemon and establish a royal hierachy. The king Froaking must beat challenging Froaking to maintain its dominance. The size of Froaking's beard usually correlates with its strength.

stats are
344 hp
348 atk
284 def
324 spatk
273 spdef
333 speed
base total of 534


Kanetikin the pyrokinetic pokemon fire/ psychic

Kanetikin use their strong psychic abilities to control their flames more accurately. They can even create illusions to trick opponents with their flames.
354 hp
284 atk
251 def
372 spatk
317 spdef
325 speed
base total of 530

Thorncupin the thorn-spike pokemon grass/dark

Thorncupin are most active at night when they camouflage perfectly with the night forest. As the bond Thorncupin has with its trainer grows, so does the toughness of Thorncupin's spiky shell.

hp 364
atk 355
def 331
spatk 251
spdef 273
speed 328
base total of 530
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

My entry is for Froaking and froackus, but i wanted to display my other evolutions.
1st evo:Froackus(frog+croak+ruckus) 2nd evo:Froaking(Frog+Croaking+king) -the royal frog pokemon water/fighting

Froaking are skilled in many forms of martial arts and are known for their incredible jumping ability and swift,precise movements. In their natural habitat they are known to rule over a small group of pokemon and establish a royal hierachy. The king Froaking must beat challenging Froaking to maintain its dominance. The size of Froaking's beard usually correlates with its strength.

stats are
344 hp
348 atk
284 def
324 spatk
273 spdef
333 speed
base total of 534

Kanetikin(canine+kinetic+kindle) the pyrokinetic pokemon fire/ psychic

Kanetikin use their strong psychic abilities to control their flames more accurately. They can even create illusions to trick opponents with their flames.
354 hp
284 atk
251 def
372 spatk
317 spdef
325 speed
base total of 530
Thorncupin(thorn+porcupine+pin) the thorn-spike pokemon grass/dark

Thorncupin are most active at night when they camouflage perfectly with the night forest. As the bond Thorncupin has with its trainer grows, so does the toughness of Thorncupin's spiky shell.

hp 364
atk 355
def 331
spatk 251
spdef 273
speed 328
base total of 530
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

My entry is for Froaking and froackus, but i wanted to display my other evolutions.
1st evo:Froackus(frog+croak+ruckus) 2nd evo:Froaking(Frog+Croaking+king) -the royal frog pokemon water/fighting

Froaking are skilled in many forms of martial arts and are known for their incredible jumping ability and swift,precise movements. In their natural habitat they are known to rule over a small group of pokemon and establish a royal hierachy. The king Froaking must beat challenging Froaking to maintain its dominance. The size of Froaking's beard usually correlates with its strength.

stats are
344 hp
348 atk
284 def
324 spatk
273 spdef
333 speed
base total of 534

Kanetikin(canine+kinetic+kindle) the pyrokinetic pokemon fire/ psychic

Kanetikin use their strong psychic abilities to control their flames more accurately. They can even create illusions to trick opponents with their flames.
354 hp
284 atk
251 def
372 spatk
317 spdef
325 speed
base total of 530
Thorncupin(thorn+porcupine+pin) the thorn-spike pokemon grass/dark

Thorncupin are most active at night when they camouflage perfectly with the night forest. As the bond Thorncupin has with its trainer grows, so does the toughness of Thorncupin's spiky shell.

hp 364
atk 355
def 331
spatk 251
spdef 273
speed 328
base total of 530

[private]PMing.... ~IA[/private]
RE: PokéBeach Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

AtmosphericThunder said:
Blob55 said:
Fennekinetic has too many characters, as 10 is the limit for Pokémon. IMO, Fennectic is better.

It was discovered that there is probably a new character limit in X and Y and it's at least 12.

Evidence: Pancham's French name is "Pandespiègle," which is 12 characters long.

Fennekinetic is 12 letters long.

I noticed yesterday that Talonflame has 6 Japanese characters in its name and in gens 1-5, 5 characters was the limit.
RE: PokéBeach Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

Blob55 said:
AtmosphericThunder said:
It was discovered that there is probably a new character limit in X and Y and it's at least 12.

Evidence: Pancham's French name is "Pandespiègle," which is 12 characters long.

Fennekinetic is 12 letters long.

I noticed yesterday that Talonflame has 6 Japanese characters in its name and in gens 1-5, 5 characters was the limit.

Yep! It all points to character limit increases.
RE: PokéBeach Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

Zielo said:
I feel like this is a dumb question, but does doing the artwork in Ken Sugimori style count as plagiarism? I just want to be double sure.

So long as you are doing the drawings yourself, it is not plagiarism. Plagiarism would be if you took Sugimori's actual artwork and said you drew it instead of him.