PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest! - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

Spend over a week slaving over designs for two high quality Ken Sugimori art style pieces that took actual effort.

Spend five minutes in Photoshop copypasting spikes on a premade Garchomp image as a joke.

Actual Mega Garchomp comes out two days later in CoroCoro and looks closer to the joke image than the effort pieces do.

RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

We'll be waiting for the final starter evolutions to give out an award for the person who got closest to the official design.

Judges are having a final meeting and the decision is coming tonight! Stay tuned!
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest!

The winners have been decided! :)

1st Place: Zielo - Judges comments: It was quite clear that Zielo spent a great amount of time working on this submission. The "evolution" of colors was one thing that stood out (clear transition to darker shades). The way the design changes from each stage, while holding on to a few characteristics from the previous evolution was very creative and was something that we were all closely paying attention to while judging. Each character followed a clear "stylistic language" and stayed true to it. A high level of skill was also shown in Zielo's pieces. We could see these being real Pokemon easily with the thought and care put into them!

2nd Place: Shiny scyther - Judges comments: Shiny scyther went the extra mile, doing every bit of the entry from scratch. Even doing Fennekin art, when it was not required. The style used was very creative and fit perfectly with the overall design. Graphic choices on the overall pieces, and convincing dex entries also played a factor, giving it a great presentation quality and a feeling of "realness". This concept was very well packaged and presented!

3rd Place: ZeNoodles - Judges comments: ZeNoodle's entry had a solid color scheme, design, and overall concept. It is very polished and ZeNoodles paid close attention to details too, which makes it appear as if it were a real Pokemon. Furthermore, the dex description matches with the design. It's pose looks like it could take a hit and move extremely fast. This piece really impressed us.

Congratulations to our three winners! Excellent job on your entries! You will be contacted soon about your prize, which will be visible for all members to see! :)

I would also like to thank everyone who participated in this contest, there were some really creative entries! We urge you to keep exploring, imagining, and drawing what could be next in the Pokemon universe. We hope you will lend your creative minds to our next contest! Keep doing what you are doing, designers! :D

First: Zielo
Second: Shiny scyther
Third: ZeNoodles

The following 6 users like Blair32's post: 6 x 5 + 10 judge points = 40 points
zappy800, blossombranch, 桜Knight, Ice, SheNinja, ArcanineArco

The following 2 users like Garfieltwo's post:
zappy800, 桜Knight

The following 5 users like Frezgle's post: 5 x 5 = 25 + 20 judge points = 45 Points
blossombranch, Blueinvader, Luckyfire, unsheathed, 桜Knight

The following 30 users like Shiny scyther's post: 30 x 5 = 150 + 40 judge points = 190 Points
Ritz, AlexanderTheAwesome, Barimon, Blui, dmaster, Serperior, Eze Ruidíaz, AyameNH, SynchroSky, Blake, Brave Vesperia, zappy800, The Fire Wyrm, Shiny Collector, Keeper of Night, DrEspeon, Muarul, Virizion13, Ice, ArcanineArco, safariblade, Elite Stride, Luckyfire, Fraxureking, Eagle4, unsheathed, 桜Knight, Pineapple X, Hegafire0, Flys Gone 2071

The following 1 user Likes Jackie's post:

The following 9 users like AtmosphericThunder's post: 9 x 5 = 45 + 10 judge points = 55 Points
AlexanderTheAwesome, Trip, Zielo, Shiny Collector, steffenka, SuperDuper, Elite Stride, Tatertot, Flys Gone 2071

The following 9 users like roblee96's post:
Catfish, AlexanderTheAwesome, dmaster, Brave Vesperia, ECHOxLegend, zappy800, Luckyfire, ArcanineArco, AtmosphericThunder

The following 2 users like steffenka's post:
Keeper of Night, Luckyfire

The following 2 users like PokedeX-Rosario's post:
Luckyfire, evilpacman

The following 19 users like ZeNoodles's post: 19 x 5 = 95 + 50 judge points = 145 Points
AlexanderTheAwesome, evilpacman, Hegafire0, Momaster12, LostSalamence, flilix, Shiny Collector, cookymonster760, Zielo, Virizion13, PsychedelicBreakfast, Keeper of Night, Elbow, Blui, TwistedTurtwig, zappy800, The Fire Wyrm, Eagle4, steffenka

The following 32 users like Zielo's post: 32 x 5 = 160 + 50 judge points = 210 points
Catfish, unsheathed, choji147, evilpacman, Hegafire0, omahanime, dmaster, ArcanineArco, Fraxureking, flilix, Elite Stride, Shiny Collector, Virizion13, ShadowVixen, PsychedelicBreakfast, Keeper of Night, GlaceonFanatic, Elbow, ECHOxLegend, Artemis, Eric Trahan エリック, Razeki, Lisa Nicole Murff, TwistedTurtwig, Jemuzu, CMP, Luckyfire, steffenka, zappy800, ZeNoodles, Blui, Teal

1 DQ: Trip - rushed entry


Judges voting:

Each vote is worth 10 points each.

Judge 1
1 vote for Zielo
1 vote for Blair 32
1 vote for Frezgle

Judge 2
1 vote for ZeNoodles
1 vote for Zielo
1 vote for Shiny scyther

Judge 3
1 vote for ZeNoodles
1 vote for Shiny scyther
1 vote for AtmosphericThunder

Judge 4
1 vote for Shiny scyther
1 vote for Zielo
1 vote for ZeNoodles

Judge 5
1 vote for Frezgle
1 vote for ZeNoodles
1 vote for Zielo

Judge 6
1 vote for ZeNoodles
1 vote for Shiny Scyther
1 vote for Zielo
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest! - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

Congrats Zielo, shiny scyther, and ZeNoodles on winning.
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest! - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

Congratz Zielo, Shiny Scyther, and ZeNoodles on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place!! :D
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest! - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

Oh wow the one night I don't check this thing.

WHOOOOOOOO! :D I'd make more of an excited happy fuss but I already did that to a bunch of my friends just now so I don't feel a need.
Congrats to Shiny Scyther and ZeNoodles as well! Your designs were awesome!
And thanks to the great judges and comments on our work. :D

Shining Raikou said:
Congratulations to our three winners! Excellent job on your entries! You will be contacted soon about your prize, which will be visible for all members to see! :)

I had no knowledge of a prize. o_o I assumed the "honor" thing was referring to the Facebook post, or I'm not sure, I didn't really think much into it... It sounds like maybe a special icon badge of some sorts? :eek:
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest! - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

Congratulations Zielo! Your work was amazing! When are you applying to join Pokémon's Art Team? :D

The other contestants also posted amazing work! Good job everyone!
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest! - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

Drohn said:
Congratulations Zielo! Your work was amazing! When are you applying to join Pokémon's Art Team? :D

The other contestants also posted amazing work! Good job everyone!

....As soon as I infiltrate their headquarters and figure out how! Lol. No really, I wish. T_T

Thank you! :D
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest! - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

Raichu! Go Zielo! Go Silver Scyther! Go ZeNoodles! Eevee! Go Zielo! Go Silver Scyther! Go Zenoodles! RUWORAOROR (Kyurem call)
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest! - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

Congratulations, Zielo, Shiny Scyther, and ZeNoodles!

You all did fantastically!
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest! - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

Grats to all the winners! :)
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest! - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

Cool contest, congrats everyone! I enjoyed following this.
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest! - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

I wonder who prize 4, for guessing the final evolution closest will go to, now that the starter final forms have finally been officially revealed.
RE: PB Dream It & Design It: X & Y Starter Evolutions Contest! - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

We're currently in the process of reviewing all the submissions. We'll announce the winners for those who got closest to the evolutions soon! :)