pearl delights the fanfic

the shinx lord

lightning trainer
this is the newest pokemon adventure in sinnoh
and i need people in it

what i need
-7 gym leaders
-kyara (pokemon:tailow pidgey and starly) (badge:feather badge)
-4 elite four's
-champion-jason (champion pokemon(empoleon,infernape,torterra,ditto,raichuand dragonite))
-evil boss eric (his pokemon in the beginning:gible ryhorn murkrow electrike)
-1 evil commanders
-daniel (his pokemon in his first battle:glameow,ekans and aipom)
-ilia (her pokemon in her first battle:skorupi and chimecho)
-main charachter-dawn (pokemon:piplup)
-rival-leroy (pokemon:bulbasaur)
------audra(pokemon until now aren't the end pokemon:prinplup ralts eevee and eevee)
-friend-chris (pokemon:cindaquil)
-proffesor-linde (pokemon:salamence torterra eevee)
Oh boy ! Me main character !

Name: Dawn
Starter: Piplup
Characteristics: Entergetic, and refuses to lose
Looks: Just look at Dawn from the anime, that's me (haha)
i'll be the friend!

name: chris
starter: cyndaquil
characteristics: slacks off, but loves to battle
looks: cool, calm, collected, kinda handsome.
I'll be Champion:

Pokemon(no starter since Champion):Infernape,Empoleon,Torterra,
Ditto,Raichu,and charmendar,lol
Characteristics:Excepts every challenges,always waiting for challengers like
Looks: Doesn't really matter.

So can I?
name: seth
ocupation: acompanys dawn
starter: piplup
all pokemon: (look at my TC)
looks: (look at my TC)
-jason dragonite's confermidded

-pokemonfreak maybe you can be someone of the elite four that has a big part maybe!!! just give me your bio

-augustinj that place is already reserved

-also i'm making up 2 other character's because it's going so slow