pearl delights the fanfic

first galactic meet no greet

after chasing the mesprit

dawn and chris finaly found professor linde but also leroy who ran away they we're busy studying when prof. linde said "ah dawn chris finaly i thought i said leroy
to wait for u "
"yeah i did but they didn't show up" leroy replied
" what we we're there you let dawn read a note and then you just left and let us there" chris yelled
"is this true leroy" the prof.asked
"eum" leroy said" okay

-srry ineed to go sleep but i'll do the rest tommorow
going further from the previous chapter

"so it's true"the prof. said
"yes it's true i left my mom to comehe're you said to wait untill yhey would show up soi wrote a note to fool them because i wanna be your best student like my bulbasaur is stonger than his cindaquil and her piplup toghether "leroy replied
"that actually should be punished so to test your theorie leroy"the prof. said " soyou are going to battle chris and dawn as your punishment"
"WHAT!!!!!" the three shouted
"you heard him let's battle" chris said
"yeah leroy let's battle" dawn said
"uem okay"leroy replied nervously
chris yelled "go cindaquil"
dawn shouted "go piplup"
and in the same time leroy yelled "go bulbasaur"

all the pokemon we're standing infront of each other
dawn yelled " pipup bubble"
and chris yelled " ember cindaquil"
bulbasaur couldn't avoid the attacks and was knokked out in one hit
leroy put bulbasaur in his pokeball and almost started crying but didn't
the prof said "see leroy you couldn't beat them but now to the point he're you have a couple a pokeballs for a journey you three are going to make for me and he're is your pokedexes "

but when they got there dexes a triplet of weird looking guys came shouting "we're team galactic and we will rule the world and kidnapped the prof.

the three ran after them to jubilife city
hope there are more details and next city is a contest but there's a little chapter inbetween
okay chapter#6 is short
seeing it pink

when dawn chris and leroy we're running after team galactic sudently a gang of pachirisu ran in front of the trio the leader of the pachirisu was a pink one dawn said "oh a shiny pachirisu that's mine "
she shouted "GO PIPLUP" piplup apeared from the pokeball and said *pipp lupp*
dawn asked piplup to use peck on pachirisu but the pachirisu dodged it and used spark wich hurted piplup but when pachirisu was destacted dawn used a pokeball who caught the pachirisu the trio was happy but quickly ran to jubilife
an old spin win

the trio was still running when they arrived in jubilife city they we're running so hard they bumbed against a couple clowns the clowns we're starreled and ran they lost a couple a pokewatches the trio ran after them and the clowns said they could keep them
when they suddently heared the prof. they ran to the sound and saw him the team galactic grunts we're already gone
the prof. was happy and told them he'd be safe

when dawn ran to the t.v. station she saw there was a pokemon contest and she wanted to enter so she entered

*in the contest*
"welkom to the jubilife contest we're beginning coordinators battle for a ribbon"the mc said "here's our 1ste contestent audra with her prinplup
"prinplup use bubble and overhead it with water pulse"

"that was fantastic"the mc yelled "

a little later
"are last contestent from twin leaf town he're is dawn with her piplup
*pipp lupp*
"piplup use bubble and then peck them open " dawn said
the bubbels bursted like firework and the judges we're very impressed

"oh"the mc said "there seems to be a mistake there is another contestent LEROY with his bulbasaur
"bulbasaur use rozar leaf in a cirkel and hit them with spinning vine whips"leroy shouted
the leaves we're spinning like fire crackers that we're tottaly awesome

"ladies and gentleman the 4 contestents for the next round are know"the mc said " the next contestents are .... dawn audra leroy and alexa

next chapter tommorow
a winning beginning

"bulbasaur use vinewhip" leroy yelled
2 vines leaped at a goldeen as if it we're branches that we're sweeping along a tree they hitted the goldeen and knocked it out
"leroy wins" the mc said"

"ow if i win from audra i'm gonna win for sure leroy's a wimp" danw thought but at the same moment a white glow apeared in the room it was bulbasaur he was evolving the white glow was gone and a ivysaur apeared dawn was tense she thought that she was gonna lose her first competition but then the second match was on the edge of beginning and she made herself more tense every minute the match begon audra shouted "GO RALTS"
in the meanwhile dawn yelled" GO PILUP " but suddently there was a white glow also was piplup evolving
yes he was the glow dissapeared and a prinplup was seen as if it was the king himself with proud flowing out of a bucket
"okay prinplup we're going for gold"dawn said bravely
"prinplup use brine " dawn yelled "
"ralts avoid it with protect" audra shouted
a green screen broke the attack and ralts wassent harmed but then dawn said " now he's destacted us metal claw "
the claw hit hard and ingured the ralts very bad so bad that audra gave in
" i'm not gonna let u hurt ralts any more " audra said and ran away to the backstage prinplup and dawn danced because of the victory
chris yelled "go dawn go prinplup you can do it "


my school starts tommorow so would anyone mind keeping this page on fan creation 1 or2 thx