DPPt/HGSS Phazons's Trade Facility

RE: ssb4ever's Trade Facility

um... i won't have internet again 'till next week tuesday, but yeah, we can trade then.
(so do you have the ability to nickname them?)
RE: ssb4ever's Trade Facility

ok, so i have my wi-fi now. so...if its 6:45 my time, (8:45 your time) when i post this...then will you be able to trade at 9:30-10:00 your time?
RE: ssb4ever's Trade Facility

i wasn't online when you posted that -_-... we need to set up a time that both of us are on...
RE: ssb4ever's Trade Facility

ok, sorry about the wait, I have been testing for states and such and haven't been around the internet much...I will be on and off the rest of tonight (6 P.M-11 P.M my time which would be 8 P.M and later your time) and
i will be on all of tomorrow morning (my time) which would be 8 A.M-1 P.M my time, and 10 A.M-3 P.M your time.
is that ok? or do we have to trade tonight?
RE: ssb4ever's Trade Facility

I will be on and off this evening and saturday evening and sunday morning-afternoon.
Would any of these times work for you?
RE: ssb4ever's Trade Facility

that would be good, i can't trade gallade now, i can though trade... was ityanmega you also wanted for one of the shinies i wanted.
RE: ssb4ever's Trade Facility

thats ok.
But would you want to change the trade to yanmega and dusknoir instead of gallade? for...leafeon and piplup? (did i get that right?)
RE: ssb4ever's Trade Facility

ok, i'll be on wifi in a moment

i am just wondering if Piplup is legit
don't forget to give me a rep.