Piplup's Banner Contest!! Scores are in for the 3rd round!!4th round began!!

What do you think of my contest so far??

  • Total voters
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 1st Round begings!!! (You still have time to join!!!!)

As long as your banner isn't at the bottom 2 spots you should be safe.
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 1st Round begings!!! (You still have time to join!!!!)

I'll try to make the deadline, but I was grounded for two days. So now, I am back online. I'll work on it tonight!
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 1st Round begings!!! (You still have time to join!!!!)

Pandamore$: There is. It's april 4th.
dragonexpert: Only bottom 1.
Muddy68$: Ok.

*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 1st Round begings!!! (You still have time to join!!!!)

Come on muddy faster xD no pressure.
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 1st Round begings!!! (You still have time to join!!!!)

It isn't my best :(
Thanks for the pressure :)

RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 1st Round begings!!! (You still have time to join!!!!)

SixaxiS said:
Pandamore said:
Haha looking at all these banner entries makes mine look like I'm depressed :p

You mean you're not? :eek:


You are mean.
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 1st Round begings!!! (You still have time to join!!!!)

Muddy68$: Great!!

The scores will be in by tomorrow :) :)

*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 1st Round begings!!! (You still have time to join!!!!)

yeay scores.
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 1st Round begings!!! (You still have time to join!!!!)

Sorry for the late scores....
Thay wil be in by 1:00p.m. EST.

Sorry :( :(
*The Little trunt Piplup*
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 1st Round begings!!! (You still have time to join!!!!)

I'll be at a league :(
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 1st Round begings!!! (You still have time to join!!!!)

C'mon, you said the judging would be a few days ago! :p I can't wait to see the scores and if I advanced.
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 1st Round begings!!! (You still have time to join!!!!)

*wait's for scores*
please get them ASAP
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 1st Round begings!!! (You still have time to join!!!!)

Guys, he'll get them when he has time. Posting to get him to put them up faster won't do anything, it only acts as spam....
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 1st Round begings!!! (You still have time to join!!!!)

Pandamore$: Thank you (Just FYI I'm a girl :) :) )

Here are the scores!!

Pandamore$: 9/10. The Winer Of The 1st Round!!

mixedxlife: 5/10.

Dr4g0n: 4/10.

dragonexpert: 3/10.

Sixaxis: 4/10.

Juliacoolo: 2/10.

::DF111::: 7/10.

Flygon999: 7/10.

Prof. Shinx: 4/10.

Soul Seeker: 8/10.

Artmaestro: 8/10.

Muddy68%: 1/10. Sorry but you are out :( :(.

Bulbasaur45S 8/10.

I will tell you the 2nd round tonight or tomorrow :O :O

Sorry Muddy I hope you had fun :) :)
*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 1st Round begings!!! (You still have time to join!!!!)

PIPLUP said:
Pandamore$: Thank you (Just FYI I'm a girl :) :) )

Here are the scores!!

Pandamore$: 9/10. The Winer Of The 1st Round!!

mixedxlife: 5/10.

Dr4g0n: 4/10.

dragonexpert: 3/10.

Sixaxis: 4/10.

Juliacoolo: 2/10.

::DF111::: 7/10.

Flygon999: 7/10.

Prof. Shinx: 4/10.

Soul Seeker: 8/10.

Artmaestro: 8/10.

Muddy68%: 1/10. Sorry but you are out :( :(.

Bulbasaur45S 8/10.

I will tell you the 2nd round tonight or tomorrow :O :O

Sorry Muddy I hope you had fun :) :)
*The Little Grunt Piplup*

Oh sorry :F Yeah, I gt ticked when it happens to me, I had to put "I'm a she" in my sig for a week xD

Depressed banner FTW! lol Nice jobz everybodyzzzzzzz
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! Scores are in!!

I guess I did OK...I'm still quite new to graphic design and this is just another way to get some experience.

Hey, does this mean everyone's in except Muddy? (Sorry Muddy. Better luck next time.:()
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! Scores are in!!

Pandamore$: LOL!!

Dr4g0n: You did good, yes it dos.

*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! Scores are in!!

yeay i'm in.
now for the next challenge.
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! Scores are in!!

2nd round is: Make a banner using only Pokemon from the first generation.
Ending time is Saturday april 11th.

If you can't get it in by then please tell me as soon as possible.
I know that alot of holidays are coming up so it is ok.

Good Luck!!
*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! Scores are in(for 1st round)!! 2nd round begins!!

Nice challenge ^_^
Well, were can we see the 1st round scores ?