Piplup's Banner Contest!! Scores are in for the 3rd round!!4th round began!!

What do you think of my contest so far??

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RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! Scores are in(for 1st round)!! 2nd round begins!!

PIPLUP said:
New ending time: Friday April 17th at 10:00p.m. EST time.

I'm giveing you 1 more week to finish your banner so most of you can submit it :) :)
To the 2 peple* that sudmited there banner thank you!!

*The Little Grunt Piplup*

RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! Scores are in(for 1st round)!! 2nd round begins!!

i'm geting mine done now


hope you like it
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! Scores are in(for 1st round)!! 2nd round begins!!


*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! Scores are in(for 1st round)!! 2nd round begins!!

mixedxlife said:
I'm geting mine done now


hope you like it

umm did you mean to spell scyther wrong?
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 2nd round begins!!

Pretty crappy but ehh :p

RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 2nd round begins!!

*slaps in his head*

damm no i didn't mean to speel it wrong i'l try to fix it

RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 2nd round begins!!

I will be going away tomorow but I will come back the 18th so the sores will be in on time :) :)

*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 2nd round begins!!

Here is my banner. (You didn't say we couldn't use animation.)
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 2nd round begins!!

dragonexpert: No I did not and I do love animation :) :)

Soul Seeker: Great!!

*The Little Grunt Piplup*
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 2nd round begins!!

Finished mine, sorry 'bout the wait. Here it is:

RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 2nd round begins!!

anyone still here xD when do the score come in
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 2nd round begins!!

Can we extend the deadline? I had no internet acess when this was due.
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 2nd round begins!!

Oh crapp I forgot to make one and I don't have my computer with photoshop :/ Sry gotta drop....
RE: Piplup's Banner Contest!! 2nd round begins!!

Use one you already made =P *caughthemewoneondeviantartcaugh*