Piplupx33's Workshop<Almost Everything You Can Think Of> Status: Open!

RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

Bubba235: what largest shop?

Anyway, I'll have a banner (not too big)

background: anything (don't care, just choose a good one :))
picture: any pokemon reading a book
Text: Story Masters Club
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

ok i'll try it!

Note: if i don't give it to you in one week one of my other workers will do it not (not gonna happen) :D

EDIT: here you go! sorry but i couldn't find a pokemon reading a book sorry!!!!!!
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

Nice piplupx33 well now we are HOT THREAD! WHOO! Also you have some banner talent here lt me try to find a poke reding a book.
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

well since i couldn't find a pokemon reading a book i was going to have a pokemon hold it in someway. i took chimchar becase his arm was waving in the air, and he was smiling.so i was thinking of haveing chimchar hold a book and since he's smiling it looks like he is enjoying....
but then i but the book on his hand and it just didn't look right well vasoguardx i hope you like it
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

Thanks, it's really good. Atleast you were able to get a book to put in it.
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

so any request today??? if there isn't any later i'm fine by that because our shop just became a hot thread so hopefully it will get recgonized
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

Yeah. I highly doubt we will go out of business, but hopefully we get some business soon...
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

Well you never know and when do you guys go to school?
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

well i'm in school right now and my schedule is....

Monday-go to school 9:00 to 3:00 go to mom's house 4:00 to 7:30
Tuesday-go to school " " have the rest of the day off
Wednesday- go to school then to mom's
thursday-go to school then soccer practice at 6:00 to 7:45
Friday-go to mom's and sleep over here house
Saturday- every other saturday i sleep over my mom's again if not then i have the day off
Sunday-i have my soccer games!!

well that's my schedule(i don't care if i spelt schedule wrong)
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

Well, I'd like to help some more. Want me to make a sheet of my work like other people do?

Andyway, to keep this alive, and to let you practice, piplup, I would like to request a fusion of Glaceon and Leafeon. =]
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

yes please make a sheet that way your not discluded when it comes to requests,because if people don't see your work they may not want you to do it :D

and i will try to do the fusion because i'm not that well

EDIT: here it is!! (i think this one was my best because i now know how to recolor!)


RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

for my first ever kirby what do you think??

plase rate

my first ever pokeball what do you think?

please rate!!

i'd give....
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

That's excellent! I'd give an 8 to the kirby and a 9 to the pokeball.

Great fusion! I'll post the sheet later...
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

Can you do me a Trainer card like the charizard 88 did in the first post
pokemon:Electrivire, Tyranitar, Empoleon, Luxray, Magnezone, Lucario, Roserade
trainer name:Luxneji
Trainer: The eigth leder of shinou
In the background: if you can a combination of yellow and black if not only black
In the top corner can put a tiny mewtwo
Thanks a lot
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

ger said:
Can you do me a Trainer card like the charizard 88 did in the first post
pokemon:Electrivire, Tyranitar, Empoleon, Luxray, Magnezone, Lucario, Roserade
trainer name:Luxneji
Trainer: The eigth leder of shinou
In the background: if you can a combination of yellow and black if not only black
In the top corner can put a tiny mewtwo
Thanks a lot

That's usually for people to use so that you know that they made it. Like, if I made a banner, I would put a small Glaceon in the corner to show that it was made by me. Just letting you know.
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

well charizard88 you can do that because i don't have ANY experience

but i can try if you would like

EDIT: here it is i hope you like it!!!!!


like chill_glacia said people usually put that image to show that it is their work but if you wanted it here. if you use it give credit to me please.

RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

Good piplupx33 but can I please do those I am not super with other things but you know. Also the kirbymon don't forget to zoom out before saving so it is not all pixely.
well piplup I went back and saw your scedule. It is packed but I was wondering the times of school because you guys are always posting when I am at school I check like 2minutes before school at this shop when I come back it is packe with posts.
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

for some reason pokebech time isn't my time like right know it's 7:23 am