Piplupx33's Workshop<Almost Everything You Can Think Of> Status: Open!

RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

I see it is probaly because it is not set to your time zone on your account.
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

piplupx33 said:
for some reason pokebech time isn't my time like right know it's 7:23 am
So...is that your REAL time, because if it is you are one hour ahead of me. That means that when you made that post I quoted above, it was 6:23 AM for me. Also, your Kirbymon was good but just remember what Charizard88 said. Zoom out before you save it. Anyways, I am going to try that fusion with the Glacion and Leafion, for no reason but to get some more practice.
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

yeah i have been experimenting with different things

party pokemon
maybe fake cards
i'm going to try picture frames
trainer cards
maybe eggs

so keep checking the front page for when i update it!
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

for instance right now it is 3:42PM (i just got home from school) today's date- 1-11-08
but the pokebeach time is 6:53 Am i'm guessing the date is 1-12-08
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

No, it's not. Pokebeach doesn't have a "time." It just shows what the time of whatever time zone you told it that you live in, which you must have set wrong. The date is 1-11-08.
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

Piplupx33 if you need any tutorials let me know!
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

piplupx33 said:
for instance right now it is 3:42PM (i just got home from school) today's date- 1-11-08
but the pokebeach time is 6:53 Am i'm guessing the date is 1-12-08
Ok. Here is what you do. You scroll up to User CP. Click on User CP. Scroll down until you are about in the middle of the page. Look to your far left. In the strip on the left there should be an option that says Update Options. Click on Update Options. Scroll down until you find where it says Date & Time control center, or something like that. Then, you click the box that says Time Zones, and change the time zone to whatever time zone that has your REAL time in the parentheses. The End.
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

ok so vgx did you like what i did for you?
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

Thanks a lot i havent connect in few days thats why i didn't thank you about that
I like it a lot
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

What are you talking about?
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

i made him a trainer card and he is thanking me
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

well i usually give out items to workers at the end of the month as an reward! and you guys are the first nobody else gets them until you guys do! i hope you like them!!
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

Can I work here?
I can make fusions, recolors, userbars, banners, trainer cards and much more. I can also make other requests that aren't catergorized as anything. It's hard to explain what I mean.
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

sure you can! but can you give me a cuple of example of what you can do so i can put them on the front page? anyway thanks for joining!
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

Hey vasogaurd! How ya doin'? Were you suprised I was not at school on Friday? Whoops...sorry...off topic. Anyways, I LOVE the presents. They are really cool! Thanks!
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

Hereis my example sheet. It is not very...good at showing what I can do, because I most of them I made a while ago and some I saved a jpeg so...

My personal faves are the trophies.
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

Hmm...cool! I REALLY like the Suicune banner.
RE: ::New Shop::<Almost Everything You Can Think Of>

Darn, I did it again. I saved it as a jpeg, just a second I'll re-upload it.