Piplupx33's Workshop<Almost Everything You Can Think Of> Status: Open!

Can you do me a trainer card too? Thanx!:)

Could it have on it Lucario, Darkrai, Cresselia, Rotom, Shaymin and Giratina. The trainer could be the 8th Gym Leader (dp), I'd like all of the Sinno (the land of diamond and pearl) badges and a moonlight looking like backround. Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOO much! :D
dark ahrim said:
bubba.. how do u type that message above your name? just wondering...
Umm...first you go to your CP. Then you click on the side the link that says something like Change Profile. Then, at the top right hand corner there should be the thing where you change it. If you have further questions, PM me...:)
the picture is off of arkeis.com and all i added was a background off of gimp :/ i did it because i was bored and i wanted to test gimp out, i was only going to make it for one person (not telling who it is, so no hard feelings) but i didn't think that was fair, so i made it for all of you!:D

and dark ahrim also give credit to me for the pokeball not just helping you make stuff please:D

dark ace i'll try the trainer card,

:/ does anybody have the background he wants??:rolleyes:
Yeah, I'd like the yellow background you have on your example trainer card, Piplupx33.
piplup, do you mind if I did the trainer card? I haven't done much work here in a while.
sure thing!

(he wants the same background as the one on my example sheet)

the way i did took alot of work!
Oh, you wanted a yellow background on your TC? I thought you said something about a moon. :/ Sorry, but here was the TC that I finished, but I'll go make you another with a yellow background, ok? Sorry again. =[

If you use that one, please give credit! Thanks!
hey c_g what shop did you go to to get that banner in your sig (it is pretty cool) i know it says credit to bellomence but bellomence works at a couple of places :/
well i go on this thing called ToonTown....It is pretty cool!
to be my freind on it here is my info!(so you know who/where i am)

Name: Miss Mousey
Color: Lime Green
Hangouts: Donalds Dreamland (for the higher/ more powerful toons)
Laff Points: 64

anybody let me know!
Um, c-g? I think you forgot to tell me the code to my trainer card. Could you tell me it sometime soon? Thanx!:D
Dark Ace:
Sorry about that. =/

piplup: I think it's called Space and Time.
Well, you could go look for some tutorials, like in other shops. Or, you could google for guides. Basically, you take 2 or more Pokemon, and somehow manage to combine them.
Can I get a UserBar?
If Yes...
Script:Strong and Fluffy
Color: Blue to White

Script:Speedy and Powerful
Color: Red to Blue

3: Altaria
and Garchomp

Script:Together they dominate!

Color:Red, white, and blue​
Rai-Guy_15, I can work on it, but it will have to wait until tomorrow or so, ok? Otherwise, I'm sure piplup or someone else can take care of it. =]