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PkB's trade thread! Playmats Sleves SR's Lv.X's Primes Binders! COME AND LOOK!

Toxicroak G

Hi Pokekid Brandon!

Any interest in

Toxicroak G

SF Cherrim
RR Walrein

Please PM me if you want to discuss further... (at least PM me to let me know you’ve responded in your thread… I have a hard time remembering to go back and look…)

The trade is seems too far on my side -- we could throw in extras from my side perhaps...

Thank you.

- Hypno68
RE: want 1 Toxicroak G From PT 2 Honchkrow G and 1-2 Mewtwo Lv.X!

I've got Toxicroak PT and 2x Honckrow G. Want Infernape E4 Lv.X. CML/LMK.

dmaster out.
RE: want 1 Toxicroak G From PT 2 Honchkrow G and 1-2 Mewtwo Lv.X!

Oh Ape is gone. I no longer need to croak and it would not be worth the postage for 2 commons.
RE: want 1 Toxicroak G From PT 2 Honchkrow G and 1-2 Mewtwo Lv.X!

I've got many Bebe's, Crobat Gs and Relicanth SV (I think) as well...

dmaster out.
RE: Need Absol G!

Hypno68 said:
Hi Pokekid Brandon!

Any interest in

Toxicroak G

SF Cherrim
RR Walrein

Please PM me if you want to discuss further... (at least PM me to let me know you’ve responded in your thread… I have a hard time remembering to go back and look…)

The trade is seems too far on my side -- we could throw in extras from my side perhaps...

Thank you.

- Hypno68

Oh sorry that I skiped you. I did not see your post. I no longer need the Toxicroak so thatnks for your time.
RE: Need Absol G!

I have:
Honchkrow G (2 I THINK maybe 1)
Skuntank G x1
Toxicroak G RH x1

I like: (*****'s mean I want them more)
MD Cresselia (Normal Holo) **
MD Leafeon ***
Glaceon Lv. X ******
Porygon Z Lv. X **
SF Cherrim **********
SF Bronzong x2 (RH) *******
PT Weavile G *****
RR Volkner's x2 ***
RE: Need Absol G!

So I post again!

I have:
Honchkrow G (2 I THINK maybe 1)
Skuntank G x1
Toxicroak G RH x1

I like: (*****'s mean I want them more)
MD Cresselia (Normal Holo) **
MD Leafeon ***
Glaceon Lv. X ******
Porygon Z Lv. X **
SF Cherrim **********
SF Bronzong x2 (RH) *******
PT Weavile G *****
RR Volkner's x2 ***
RE: Need Absol G!

Ehh I no longer need the Toxicroak and dont really fell like paying the postage for just ehother stuff that you have.
RE: Need Absol G!

Paying the postage? You don't send in letters with stamps, lol? Are you interested in Shiftry EX or Skymin Lv. X Pack
RE: Need Absol G!

I use stamps but I can very wasily pick those up from someone at league. And no I am not intreasted in those.
RE: [H] Uxie, Vire FBX [W] palkia G and Pixies.

I have 2 Palkia G.I'm interested in your Frost Rotom and Moltres Reprint.
RE: [H] Uxie, Vire FBX [W] palkia G and Pixies.

Which Nidoqueen do you want?I have some holo HP energy.I have to check later;I'm right now at my college library.